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Everything posted by Kanji

  1. Kanji

    RIP sale thread.

    Thomo has been saying from day 1 that his ITK contact was invited to the funeral.
  2. Sir Bob as chairman after his tenure with Shearer as manager, that would have been my dream ticket.
  3. Kanji

    Radio 5 Live

    *conspiracy theory* Shearer, desperate to get through to the mongs that run the club, tells his BBC mates to do a talk-in at Shearer's for national media that discreetly shows that he would still take the job, and for maybe the mongs in charge to take notice. *end theory* This is what it now comes to - stupid theories in my mind about what is going on behind the scenes, b/c we all haven't a clue. Clubs being sold to Dubai Consort, Americans, Fat Fred, but there is no progress - also, manager could be appointed today, tomorrow or Hughton in charge or Kinnear in charge. Methinks I'm going crazy. Imagine trying to tell someone the story of the club in the last 2 years in 30 seconds, its like someone's signature about Hurley explaining Lost, bloody hell im f'ng Lost.
  4. Kanji

    Radio 5 Live

    My word, they are just absolutely bashing Mike Ashley and co.
  5. Kanji

    Radio 5 Live

    Hah, Carver and that throat clear!
  6. Kanji

    Radio 5 Live

    Will someone explain to me why the BBC is taking so much interest in having a radio-talk-in special for us? Sympothy?
  7. Sad, we found a talented young CB who fought his way into the first team, we are relegated, $$$ flashes his way, and we now sell him. Sigh, times have changed. Mind you, if we didn't sign him the pri*ck would be still sitting at Metz doing f*ck all.
  8. Kanji

    RIP sale thread.

    Laura? did he really write that?
  9. Man, I loved ya Oba - all of those heart-dropping moments where you would put in goals out of no where, you were one of my fav toon players after Big Al left, have a good career! Glad you didnt go to any team in the EPL to be honest.
  10. I was hoping we'd snap Beckford up right after the season...fml
  11. Shearer, saw him on the tube pre Newcastle days, then Euro 96 was on ESPN here in America, was 100% sold, Newcastle love immediately fell in and there was no turning back for me, even as depressed and insanely negative I am, still the love doesn't falter. Mind you I should have been a Liverpool, Leicester supporter growing up as my uncle and brother tried to brainwash me. My father and his family grew up in Leicester/London so its a wonder how I was allowed to walk around with a Toon top in our humble home in Florida. Simply put though, will always be Shearer. He's the reason I fell in love with football, stayed in love with football, and will always love football.
  12. Kanji

    RIP sale thread.

    I've been told that Keith Harris is on holiday because Seymour Pierce are in the process of cutting all ties with Ashley. They're f***ed off he wont accept a realistic offer for the club and they believe it's impacting on their reputation quite badly. Why would they care, they get paid regardless. Their credibility as a mover and shaker in the world of brokering deals for high profile football clubs is on the line? Ok, David Icke, sounds plausible and I could agree with that. Ill accept that too - I'd rather hear that, seeing the company fed up with Ashley then just sitting there blowing smoke up our behinds and taking the $. Which in all honesty, I could also see them doing too. But yes this does reflect badly upon them.
  13. Kanji

    RIP sale thread.

    His name is Keith Harris, you know, Keith Harris of Seymour Pierce, the investment bank charged with finding a buyer for Newcastle United. Everytime I see them explain what Keith Harris is doing from Seymoure I cringe, we've seen it written for over a year. Man finds buyers for every other club but us, what a joke. Want to know whats even more wrong with Ashley, he's probably paying this nimwit a retainer for continuing this process and there has been nothing close to finalizing b/c Keith probably knows now that Ash is an idiot, so Keith wants to continue to get his retainer. And hey if the club sells, I'm sure he will get a nice little fee for that too. Jokes, f'ng jokes.
  14. He'd misspronounce brats as kilbasa, hot dogs as brats.... "Insomnia, Somnia, zoggy....er...nzogbia" Was still f'ng hilarious btw.
  15. Kanji

    Players in public

    beye is a geordie, no? :-/
  16. Oba v. Boro, to take the game still was his shining moment for me. All slowly came crashing down...that post hit a few matches later, ugh. Pompey changes missed, ugh. Oba v. Boro, falling over himself taking that snop shot. Brought me to tears...I thought we were saved.
  17. Sir Bob to take the mic after the match, thank everyone then say "alright enough is enough Mike, sell up or we're going to oust you ourselves, you don't want to mess with my contacts. Sell up today, appoint Alan, and get the f**k out of town."
  18. The 3rd guy in the beginning is Mike Ashley.
  19. Painful, but much respect to CH, he's a top man who hasn't run away too. He's stuck and got on with the job. Ah cheers mate, that was kind of you. I don't really see it as a job though I just love sticking by my team. I'll still be there next season, I wont run away. Did i miss something?
  20. Kanji

    RIP sale thread.

    What if the NUSC and other supporters all created a sign for each person that when held together spelled out SELL THE CLUB MIKE, YOUR TIME IS UP. YOUR TIME IS UP ASHLEY SELL UP MIKE LLAMBAS IS A C*OCK F*CK YOU MIKE Too much money...i know.
  21. Painful, but much respect to CH, he's a top man who hasn't run away too. He's stuck and got on with the job.
  22. That article makes me want to weep.
  23. He should never have been rbought back to the game, man's lost his marbles and is incredibly dillusional.
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