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Everything posted by Kanji

  1. Isnt that what Fulham played against us? the 4-5-1? And it didnt work at all? If im wrong, my bad!! I dont remember what they played agaisnt us and aint bothered enough to look
  2. hell im not turning up my nose now, i would loooove it if he came here and i would cream my pants if he came here. Imagine Ronnie running rampant at St James' - fook off Man Utd and the rest. I tell you what, thats one player who can automatically help us jump into top 5 material b/c of his talent and the fact that we would sign up some other excellent talent b/c he was here. ohhh dreams.
  3. I don't see the point in whinging over how much the man makes. Why do you ask? 1. We are in a strong financial position, wages don't bother me 2. Hes our captain, hes leading like one, playing like one. and I haven't seen anyone since Shearer wear the armband and command that respect a captain deserves. See: His huddle, when he speaks, they all listen. 3. I don't lose sleep over what another man makes, don't care what job or function 4. WE HAVE $ FOR A CHANGE. Just my opinion, no digs at anyone else's comments as to be honest, i think you all make great points... whats the point of my post? donno, but its 5pm and its time for after work drink.
  4. Kanji


    exactly. thats one of the reasons why i support him so much. HE EXCITES ME. When hes on the ball, i always wonder what the hell hes going to do with it, be it 3 quick turns and a pass backwards, or yelping for the ball from Beye and not getting it and getting worked up...the man wears his heart on his sleeve and wants to score goals. Hes dangerous, hes got an eye for the goal, and HE LOVES THE TOON. Get a grip guys, hes not causing off the field drama (i dont think), hes not talking about playing for anyone else or saying "maybe one day I will move on, or assess my time after my contract comes up"...the Lad just wants to score goals and be another top player in the 9 shirt. Howay OBA!
  5. The lads will be well up for this one. KK knows this is a massive match for the team and the fans. This match will be another step forward for his revolution. He will have instilled in them that this is a must-win match, and we are not safe yet. We CAN be safe, but not until we continue to win. The lads may be full of spirit right now, but methinks they are well up for it. Howay the lads, I hope we wipe the floor with them and give the press something to write about again. GET IN BOYS. <-- Hoping to see many of those tomorrow
  6. I love that line. I always wondered what he would be like outside of the stadium...makes me like him that much more. Great post tho Boey_Jarton, Its glad to see the lads in better spirit - to be honest I wasn't shocked about Carr...I always thought he had some pace...But not so sure he has it in long distances anymore. Shame about Zog, but like an old professor once told our class "Shape up or Ship out."
  7. Kanji


    Zog looks like he never seen a camera before. kid freezes up or something.
  8. on the Souness front... One of my fav was when I was working at a hotel front desk and Graeme and his family checked in after he was sacked. We spoke of the world cup going on and who i was supporting. then asked if supported any club teams, i said yes. and asked him to guess. he said "manchester united?" i said no. he said "liverpool?" i said "No...Newcastle United." He slowly sulked his head and dropped it down, then went on for 15 minutes about waht was wrong here and how bad of a chairman Fat Fred was.
  9. Thats One of the best things to see in a team. Spot on my friend.
  10. Martins took his goal brilliantly. That little move at the end was scintilating. nobody can doubt that. Loved his celebration - the flips and the very long "exhale" of emotions when he was yelling. you just know he was proud to get that goal....Was it just me? or did he want to pull the shirt off and run around a bit? but stopped knowing hed get a yellow? - excellent footballing brain...(just kidding ) Our attacking movements were at times brilliant... I thought Viduka's quick curler that Robinson saved was an excellent strike. Owen's goal was f'ng beautiful. Martins just diggin in and attacking O'Hara, staying honest finding Viduka who has a brilliant touch, and Owen's curler was special.
  11. Kanji


    Hilarious. Thats why Oba is the man. His dress sense is as mean as his rocket shot.
  12. Kanji


    zog....what an awful shirt. (the ck o)
  13. anyone else notice faye doing his beckebauer act again? cracks me up really. i'm worried as bent is chasing down faye, who does a dummy step over and slides away calmly. faye does about 3 of those a match, scares me shitless. love it.
  14. i agree with what was said earlier. with money, we can obviously get better than nicky butt. but what i truly loved, was watching butt do what he does best. if we can get more quality next to him, you won't see him making all of the hollywood style long balls or odd passes as he has been doing. butt is an excellent reader of the game, you could just see that against spurs. his old legs are catching up to him, but nobody out there can say he wasn't one of, if not the most, influential player we had out against the spurs when you look at his goal, his tackling, his protection of the back four. If we sign a Makalele type of player, I would be over the moon, but right now, with the right mix im very happy.
  15. Kanji


    oba is the man. zog....do you only have 1 face? isnt that the same dumbfounded face he made in the team pictures on the main site.
  16. Mario Gomez bagged 2 for Jormany. Big tall lad who looks like hes got strength on him...hes also 22. Anyone know much about him? He's 2nd to Luca Toni in scoring if I recall correctly in the Bundesliga
  17. West Ham going to feild a team of ex toon players? Solano - Bowyer - Parker - Zog ---------------Dyer------------------ -------------Bellamy?--------------- Jesus me.
  18. Remember when our first choice was Carr & Babayaro?....
  19. Kanji

    Today's other games

    a bit random...but you all notice players these days put loads of tape on their socks? arsenal wear red socks...adebayor has enough tape to make it look like they are wearing white socks. I remember Roz was the same way, I saw him and thought he had trhe wrong socks on one time...
  20. I agree with alot of you here. owen looked excellent playing more withdrawn. He has much better vision than many give him credit for. Down to his brain, he was picking out geremi/martins out wide all match to keep the ball moving. I quite like him there and once he gets more comfortable there I'd be happy to see him continue in that roll, if that means he is still in the side and still getting in on the goals. he looked like a different player out there today, much happier, much more more confident and i loved seeing him track back as the last man in defense. Oh and everyone talking about his shot - he had a scorcher of one today from distance.
  21. Kanji

    What worries me

    Y Bit like a teacher who doesn't actually teach. "Life is the best lesson". Sorry, but I don't agree with you. If you were coaching under 8's I'd agree though. If you want kids to improve at the game, you coach them. Natural ability and love for the game only gets you so far. This is the whole point though, now if I were trying to develop footballers then yes they would need coached at some point I dare say, but I'm not. I don't look at these kids as a future Wayne Rooney or a potential star in the making I just see them as kids enjoying football for what it is - a game of fun. That's the problem with society today, we can't leave things alone. We see kids mucking about playing football for the sheer hell of it and think they somehow need our help when in reality they don't. In fact adult rule, especially in kids' football, is proving quite damaging to kids and our sport. Kids have a right to play football freely without any form of adult involvement or our outlook on the sport being imposed on what is essentially their play time. So what do you actually do? Nothing other than joining in or watching. Sometimes I'll fetch the goal out and a few balls if the kids themselves haven't sorted these things out for themselves and the odd time you will, as an adult, have to step in to sort a few skirmishes and to remind the elder kids that there are bairns about. The West End's very own Terry Mac Coach, you throw in the odds and bets with the bookies on the upcoming sporting events when you have a talk-about with the youngins?
  22. Kanji

    What worries me

    I think you need to lower your expectations. We'll be lucky to come away with a point. Its called hope mate. Its called being optimistic. Maybe unrealistic as well - make fun of me if you will, but if you ask me...I'm gunning for 3 points every match, no matter who it is. Its the way I've always believed sport should be played.
  23. i rushed home early from school to watch it on espn. I went nuts during those goals. Shearer's 2nd was a bone chilling feeling. Nearly brought to tears on how passionate that goal and performance was. You lot should check it out on youtube, the sea of toon fans rushing forward and jumping is brilliant. bit of an empty feeling now, will we ever get back to the CL? :-[
  24. Kanji

    What worries me

    I'm praying we go in there and batter them. 3 or 4 nil. But i'll be jumping for joy with a 1-0 victory mind you. I think a battering would do the lads a LOAD of confidence, psychologically that is the best way to get the team spirit up is a straight up, powerful convincing victory. I'm not even sure we are capable of doing so...But heres to hoping, and praying. HOWAY the lads.
  25. mackems.gif God thats hilarious. What are you on about mate? Thats such a terribly thought out comment. Milner and Tayls were there trying to pull him out. Our lads know better to get involved in a scuffle...
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