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Mr Logic

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Posts posted by Mr Logic

  1. A long but worthwhile read as it lets you see a little more about who Ashley is and how he operates. Even if he took the club over on a whim (very doubtful) or as a hobby (also unlikely) the guy lives and breathes to be successful. We, as a club, should do alright out of it in terms of on the field results.


    And those that made a few grand selling Newcastle Utd. shares to him should probably go and buy Sports Direct shares with the money.

  2. I would expect he's probably got involved for the same reasons Lerner did - have a bit of fun, probably make a bit of money too.


    Incidentally, according to a board member today, Randy Lerner has recently had the Villa badge tattooed on his ankle, which for us has proved beyond all doubt he also suffers from a mental illness much like Ashley.


    I mean, have you seen how fucking shit our new badge looks?


    I'm on total disagreement with Sam on this one. The best full backs know how to attack as well as defend - Gary Neville for example, who has set up countless goals in his time. I don't want a full back who gets a nosebleed when he reaches halfway.


    He stated he wanted a defensive-minded LB, that doesn't mean the guy doesn't know how to get forward but rather knows better when to overlap and understands his priorities with more clarity.


    Personally I think he was saying he doesn't want Shorey or Baines because they're not good enough at the primary role of a LB, which is to defend.


    Pretty sure Sorin knows when to stay and when to go, for example.

  4. It is a tad ironical though that Shepherd was villified for taking the supporters cash and yet this guy stands to do it a lot more and we won't even have a clue how much.


    It's okay as long as he brings success with it though, which at the end of the day is what we are hopefully paying for.

  5. I think in the long-term a spokesman will be employed in the shape of... well, I don't know yet, let's just say a figurehead. Someone who will take over from Mort and be the public face of Ashley's Newcastle Utd. (It's certainly true that if he affords us the same respect as he did for the punters who bought (490m?) of Sports Direct then it could be a bleak and silent future.)

  6. One thing is for sure, himself and Big Sam don't agree on the quality of the training facilities.


    Then this snippet.. It doesn't begin to resemble what the situation was like when we first moved into St James' Park. Those who supported the club before then seem to forget the bad old days.


    Don't worry, some people remember.


    I think you'll find that Taylor would be the one left out, rightly so IMO. Sam is right, for all his promise, he's still got plenty to learn. Don't think Sol Campbell is going to leave Portsmouth either, they are in the same wages league as us at the moment.


    I agree if we had Campbell, Rozenhal and Taylor that the first two mentioned would be the choice CD pair. But where does that leave Steven Taylor, as I wouldn't think he'd learn so much from sitting on the bench?

  8. It crossed my mind that Dyer might be leaving for similar reasons, I know they were seen playing chess together in Austria but that doesn't mean much. It's when Joey reaches for his cigars you start to fidget nervously. Bowyer lamped Dyer for disappearing in a game, maybe Dyer saw the writing on the wall, no more hiding here.

  9. I see absolutely no-one is considering Bolton, apparently they're cack now they lost that geezer with the bluetooth.


    Spurs always seem to have a bad patch that prevents them making it. This might be a pattern now they find hard to break.


    I don't see City improving as much as Dr. Spectrum does, Sven will make a big difference though.


    Villa? I'm not sure O'Neil has the passion anymore, and it was that that lifted Leicester so well. One man's passion.


    Everton, never sure what they're going to do are you. One season up, one season a bit poor. Potentially a dark horse for 5th.


    Portsmouth. This is the team most likely to get 5th spot imo. And if Campbell left them and came to us I'd have high hopes 5th would be in our reach.


    If we don't get the defenders in we'll be lucky to make 6th or 7th. But I sincerely believe we are the club that has the potential to have the most startling turn about of fortunes. Results that go our way, hard fought and sometimes even pretty to watch. I keep looking at last seasons results and try to run them through with the 'Sam factor' in mind. It's a completely different picture.





    Cracking post Grommit


    +Owen and what looks so far like a v solid Roze and Geremi.


    Thanks. :)

  10. I see absolutely no-one is considering Bolton, apparently they're cack now they lost that geezer with the bluetooth.


    Spurs always seem to have a bad patch that prevents them making it. This might be a pattern now they find hard to break.


    I don't see City improving as much as Dr. Spectrum does, Sven will make a big difference though.


    Villa? I'm not sure O'Neil has the passion anymore, and it was that that lifted Leicester so well. One man's passion.


    Everton, never sure what they're going to do are you. One season up, one season a bit poor. Potentially a dark horse for 5th.


    Portsmouth. This is the team most likely to get 5th spot imo. And if Campbell left them and came to us I'd have high hopes 5th would be in our reach.


    If we don't get the defenders in we'll be lucky to make 6th or 7th. But I sincerely believe we are the club that has the potential to have the most startling turn about of fortunes. Results that go our way, hard fought and sometimes even pretty to watch. I keep looking at last seasons results and try to run them through with the 'Sam factor' in mind. It's a completely different picture.



  11. Nearly thirty years ago I worked in the Isle of Skye with a load of guys from Glasgow and for the most part they were a great bunch, once you'd worked out the subjects to steer clear of.


    Two guys in particular who worked side by side every day, best mates, but come the Old Firm game they stayed as far away from each other as possible because they knew the chances were good they'd end up panel-beating the fuck out of each other.


    Nutters, but good blokes most of them. There are bad lots everywhere, I'm sure you can find a couple in the Toon any night of the week if you go looking for them.

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