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Posts posted by geordie_b

  1. Not sure Owen is much of a left wing forward tbh.  Riquelme wouldn't adapt to the league either.


    Not that sure anymore after seeing Deco's impressive debut for Chelski...kinda similar player to me


    we should sign you then if youre so good!

  2. One thing I hate about Arshavin, is that all the Swedish media spells his name Arsjavin, I just can't get my head around it. It quite clearly says Arshavin on the back of his shirt, yet they all continue to wright with a j.  :idiot2:


    What really gets me about the Swedes, something I really can't get my heard around, it's the way the spell write, as in to "wright." When quite clearly it's write. Yet they still all continue to use wright.



  3. This rule will never last, but I can understand why if they're charging the BBC and big news websites that they can't give the list away to others for free. It doesn't really matter anyway does it? The information is so freely available there's no need to publish it here anyway.


    What we can discuss is a bit more confusing though, surely they wouldn't have a leg to stand on trying to prosecute someone for talking about a fixture, even if they did mention the date? Seems ridiculous...


    I started this site last summer www.freethefixtures.com should explain it a bit more

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