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Posts posted by abcdefg

  1. Surely there has to be police action over this, once you have to go to hospital for a broken jaw it's no longer a matter of "Oh, I don't want to press charges" is it?  Looks like it would be classified as GBH


    Common Assault:

    * Grazes;

    * Scratches;

    * Abrasions;

    * Minor bruising;

    * Swellings;

    * Reddening of the skin;

    * Superficial cuts;

    * A 'black eye.'


    Section 47 Assault (ABH):


    * Loss or breaking of tooth or teeth;

    * · Temporary loss of sensory functions, which may include loss of consciousness. T v Director of Public Prosecutions, [2003] Crim. L. R. 622

    * Extensive or multiple bruising;

    * displaced broken nose;

    * minor fractures;

    * minor, but not merely superficial, cuts of a sort probably requiring medical treatment (e.g. stitches);

    * psychiatric injury that is more than mere emotions such as fear, distress or panic. In any case where psychiatric injury is relied upon, as the basis for an allegation of assault occasioning actual bodily harm, and the matter is not admitted by the defence, then expert evidence must be called by the prosecution. (R v Chan-****, 99 Cr. App. R. 147, CA).


    Section 20 wounding (GBH):

    # Grievous bodily harm means serious bodily harm. (Archbold 19-206). It is for the jury to decide whether the harm is serious. However, examples of what would usually amount to serious harm include:


    * injury resulting in permanent disability or permanent loss of sensory function;

    * injury which results in more than minor permanent, visible disfigurement; broken or displaced limbs or bones, including fractured skull;

    * compound fractures, broken cheek bone, jaw, ribs, etc;

    * injuries which cause substantial loss of blood, usually necessitating a transfusion;

    * injuries resulting in lengthy treatment or incapacity;

    * psychiatric injury. As with assault occasioning actual bodily harm, appropriate expert evidence is essential to prove the injury.




    They'd still need someone to talk. If nobody will there's little they can do.


    Let's face it, Taylor probably isn't talking right now.

  2. They should just cancel the tournament imo, no way can they guarantee the safety of the players.

    Just seen video of the Togo players at the hospital, ambulance staff carrying around a body on a stretcher, could'nt see if the person was alive or not.


    Best cancel all international sport while we're about it, after all, remember Munich 1958 etc. Let's all be scared of everything.

  3. Why is this game in Qatar? Apologies if this has been covered.


    I assume some rich oil sheik is paying both teams to play there. Barcelona and Madrid have played friendlies there for big $$$$$.


    Yeah, that does make sense.

  4. Just a few months ago, I forget which game, some bloke, 40-something, he over-celebrated a goal, flying over the bloke in front of him, then over my mate behind me, knocked me to the ground, then he ended up upside down on the stairs.


    He was OK, we got him to his feet eventually, he wasn't such a small bloke. I bet that hurt in the morning. I didn't see that so much as felt it. It was funny only when he clearly hadn't completely fucked himself up.


    Oh bollocks, I bet he posts here.

  5. I hate to be a negative Nelly, but this is never going to happen. I admire the efforts, heaven knows (I'm miserable now) I'm doing bugger all, but I'm convinced of this.


    Do you not even have any constructive reasons as to why you think it is 'never going to happen'? What you've done there is an absolute piece of piss, to just say it's bollocks and not give any opinion as to why.


    OK, I think the NUST will fall apart due to in-fighting, that there won't be anything like enough money forthcoming to launch a serious bid anyway, and that in the unlikely event of a successful bid that the resulting administration will lack the direction to run a football club.


    I don't know this, it's more a gut feeling, and as I said, I'm not criticising the people involved, for me the pint's always half-empty, and it's your round.

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