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Everything posted by localshop

  1. Journal says we've opened talks with Barnetta and he's keen to come here. They reckon it could be wrapped up in a few days. No quotes.
  2. Yep Journo says Barnetta is lined up to replace Barnetta although there's not much substance in there, apart from saying we had a scout in the England Switzerland game a while back.
  3. localshop

    Joey Barton

    http://equaliserblog.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/carroll-nolan2.jpg?w=500&h=251 R.I.P.
  4. It's Ranger. We turned down loan moves from Birmingham and a London club.
  5. Yeah I'm struggling to find any concrete info about him. Apparently the Carroll money paved the way for the deal. As long as he's not using us as a stepping stone to a bigger club. Right I'll stop now. Hope this doesn't happen, has a reputation for always going to ground.
  6. Is this Tarmac lad one of Graham Carr's signings? Any one seen him play (?) can't find anything on youtube or even FM.
  7. http://www.journallive.co.uk/nufc/newcastle-united-news/2011/07/08/danny-simpson-close-to-signing-five-year-deal-61634-29016123/2/
  8. Correct says Journal. Simpson close to 5 year deal and Routledge edging towards Forest for £2m.
  9. We probably will be getting Demba Ba in return and a couple of million.
  10. localshop


    His hair and everything? Guess you have you never seen a balding 24 year old in England then.
  11. A big push out the door when he goes and asks Mike and Derek for some of the Carroll money - would be more accurate.
  12. Journal reckons Smith will consider his options and may stay and fight for his place. Great!
  14. Don't get people's love of Lockwood and his fake shouty commentary.
  15. http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/6906/thepianoi.jpg
  16. No, it says his intentions remain unclear but it says we are serious about trying to keep him. Whatever that means.
  17. Turned down the chance to sign Boukary Drame from Sochaux, a left back, from todays Journal.
  18. Premlinary talks have been held between us and Enrique's advisors according to todays Journal.
  19. Journal basically saying we would be in pole position if we can persuade him not to go to Valencia. We would be offering the full payment whereas Spanish clubs tend to offer in payment in stages. Also said he is our top target over Gervinho and we wouldn't be buying both.
  20. Can someone put Smith's head infront of a hypnotic swirl animation pls.
  21. I noticed in today's Daily Mail... http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/05/10/article-0-0BFD2E1800000578-775_468x579.jpg Is that Moat driving Dec? http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/05/10/article-0-0BFD6D6300000578-145_468x355.jpg And is that Kenny Shepherd driving Ant?
  22. http://www.nufc.co.uk/page/Hospitality/Suites Cheers, sounds pretty good all round!
  23. Matchdays in the Bamburgh Suite. Anybody know if you get a seat outside or do you have to watch the game from the window? Also more importantly do you get a free buffet?
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