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Posts posted by Lotus

  1. Delighted for him like but Wham were all over the place. 
    Need to see him have a few good games before knowing if he’s significantly improved.

  2. Surprised WHam didn’t get tighter to him when he came deep. They were even more disorganised than we were for a while.


    Would’ve like to see Isak have more goal threat throughout the game. But if you’re not, getting an assist and scoring 2 penalties is pretty awesome tbh.

  3. 3 minutes ago, timeEd32 said:

    That's excellent news if true.


    I feel like I'm turning to the dark side in this thread though. I don't know how you can absolve Eddie of any blame with Gordon. Injured or not, serious or not - the fact we didn't place more importance on getting him some rest in the last month is a mistake and, given how the season has gone, I was really hoping we'd start to see some progress in this area. This isn't hindsight either.

    Although, given illness to Miggy and that Murphy and Barnes would still have been on return protocols it may that there just wasn’t another option. Just speculating though. Barnes and Murphy could’ve been given the all clear for all I know.

    You defo did call out Gordon as being overworked prior to all this. 

  4. EH must be absolutely shattered. For his mental health I hope there is no downward pressure on league position this year and he can concentrate on performances with a view to next year.

    Feels like he’s had to spend far too much of this season choosing between bad and worse. Must be incredibly taxing.


    I understand how it helps our profile having some form of European football regularly. Will help recruitment imo. Players will become used to seeing the club playing against continental teams. I’m sure that will help. But this year just feels like a write off. If they believe he is our SAF then have to give him a bye this season after everything.


    If they have doubts though or all the board are not aligned there’s gonna be a weird atmosphere at the club.

  5. This is not apropos of Gordon but as muscles are fatigued some of the stress and load is transferred to tendons and ligaments.

    I did my quadriceps tendon this way. Overloading. Muscle was not recovering in time between workouts. Volume was too high (for me). One movement too far and the tendon ended up taking a load it was not designed for. Tear.

    This is not controversial. 

    Re: Gordon, no idea. He’s played a lot. Too much imo given how much he sprints. I thought his hamstring would go at some point. I was wrong about that though.


    Hope he’s back asap. Crucial player.

  6. 1 hour ago, STM said:

    Still love the bloke. Achieved more in his tenure than the last 20 years of anyone else. Cup final, Cup runs, CL football, big scalps, record breaking and so on...


    No matter what happens this year, he has my back next season. There's no other option. Anyone who has delusions of Naglesman etc will be sorely disappointed when they fuck off because we can't sign half a dozen high tier players each window or more likely they show no loyalty when a so-called bigger fish ask for their service.


    I want stability. I want medium/long term thinking. Sacking Eddie would just make us another shitefest of a club like Spurs, Man United or Chelsea, with no long term plan or strategy.


    My main concern is whether the infrastructure of the club is being grown. Are we maximising commercially? Are we producing a high standard of young players? A new training ground? Stadium expansion? These are the things which will shape our future, not whether we have a rough patch in the league.


    Holding our nerve will pay dividends in the future.

     Long term thinking is the only way I think.

    Your last paragraph is bang on too.

    I just want the coach who can grow the team. It’ll be great if we already have the right person in place, obvs. I just haven’t the nous to know who’s right if I’m honest. I knew Pardew was full of shit because he and I have a lot in common like that so i could tell straight away. But I don’t know good from great. I suspect it’s a lot to do with being at the right club at the right time.
    When you’re very emotionally invested in a sporting project it’s all too easy to get caught up in the smaller picture. The most reward is winning on match day not whether a training centre upgrade is in the pipeline or some new junior wunderskout is about to join. But as you say, those very key elements will have a far bigger say than another bad 90 mins in South London.

  7. 4 hours ago, Mazzy said:


    You don't agree he's a dickhead? I mean fair enough that's your opinion but he definitely is. Like I said, on footballing ability he gets in the team no doubt. But everything else that comes with him means I'd never want him in our team being the little ratty twat that he is.

    How did you feel about Anthony Gordon when he was at Everton?

  8. I think, of our current midfielders, Bruno, Sandro and Willockinho will be the best blend.

    Should be careful paying anyone in the midfield who isn’t those 3 (or a better newcomer) top wages.

  9. I think the transformation of Anthony Gordon is a great template for any young player who wants to achieve their potential.

    The player has to want it though, want it bad, real bad….

  10. 9 hours ago, Mazzy said:


    Based purely on footballing ability he would but he's also a dickhead, so based on that he wouldn't be anywhere near it. 

     Can’t agree. He’s very competitive, great engine, tactical awareness and an incredible range of passing. 
    Him instead of Longstaff would be like having 12 players on the pitch.

  11. 20 minutes ago, Yorkie said:


    Hard agree. We're in danger of ruining (or at least minimising) probably the second best striker in the league if we don't take the pressure off Isak. The current situation is utterly unsustainable from the team's point of view as well, and I think we need another striker just to stand still. It's vital. 

    As an alternative I’m pretty sure some years go Simeone had AM playing in such a way that the 2 forwards did very little defensive work. They saved their legs and all their explosiveness for opportune moments with the ball. The other 8 really had to put a shift in.

    It’s a system that’s probably very dependent on the players you have available.

  12. 5 hours ago, The College Dropout said:

    Not really.  We should have 1 primary striker, an understudy and a versatile player. 

    Arsenal have 1 striker, an understudy and a couple versatile options at 9. 

    Spurs have a main striker who often plays on the wing. And a backup striker. 

    City have a main striker. A versatile backup striker. 

    Villa have a main striker and a backup striker. 

    Only Liverpool have a number of striker options. And their manager actually rotates and makes proactive subs. 

    Isak needs to be available for 80% of matches.  He needs an understudy be that Wilson or someone else and then Gordon as 3rd choice. If he can’t be fit 80% of the time, let’s cash in and get someone that can. I love him but he needs to be more robust. We can’t carry a £60m player who misses 50% of games. We’ll get our money back, probably a profit which will fund an excellent replacement. 

    Id rather invest in RW, CB, LB and another CM/RW before spending £30m+ on a Wilson replacement 


    I understand the point that if our main striker is not available for 75% of our games, given the fee and the likely wages it isn't an investment that's adequately paying off.

    However, I think Isak is such a rare breed of player that it's worth persevering with him and/or changing his role so he doesn't knacker himself chasing the ball as it's played between the opposite back 5.

    From an attacking perspective I think the idea of Gordon and a quality RWF popping up in No. 10 or CF positions and allowing Isak to drift around a little bit would bring out the best in him. 

  13. 33 minutes ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:

    I don’t blame him and I’d never slag him off in comments or anything. He wouldn’t be a PL player except for Mike Ashley. He tries but he’s not up to it. 




    Think that's unfair. He's shown he can play in this league. He has some limitations but his engine is excellent when he's fit and that is worth something. Is certainly is in EH's system anyway.

  14. Thought he showed a good engine in extra time. Looks like he’s getting his fitness back. His ability to run and run is his only advantage over any other journeyman so I’m hoping he gets his distance legs back. He’ll be playing for the remainder of the season so I hope he runs enough to make a difference.

  15. I know I was guilty earlier on in the thread but we have so little information that all speculation has proved pointless. I don’t even acknowledge his existence anymore, tbh. 
    He’s a non factor that as of yet, hasn’t cost anything as far as I know.


    I’ve no idea what circumstances could change that and I’m bored of guessing.

  16. Not unusual for players who’ve been out for a long while to have a storming game back and then a few sub par performances. Adrenaline gets them through the 1st one. After that the lack of match sharpness takes a while.

    He’ll look better in 2-3 weeks.

    Same with Willock.

  17. Thought he looked very good. However, Blackburn were exhausted and afforded him that extra bit of time and wouldn’t get against Prem opposition.

    Still, he very much exploited the situation presented to him and made a very real difference.

  18. I actually thought Tino looked great driving forward but was a little lapse in his defensive responsibilities at times. 
    Thought Trippier showed better positional discipline.

    Tino may have been sent out with a remit of ‘bomb forward’ though….:dontknow:

  19. I haven’t a clue how to fix this but an obvious thing for me is the midfield rarely creates for the striker or even support the striker and neither is the midfield sufficiently covering the defence.

    So, probably the most important 3rd of the modern game, the middle 3rd is not functioning properly in either direction.


    Obviously if you have lots of injuries and absentees from the midfield this will undoubtedly explain a lot.

    But, the nagging issue for me for some time now is: is our only means of midfield advantage that we outrun other teams?

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