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Everything posted by toon25

  1. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Really didn't like the bloke when he was diets appointed but, fair play, I think he's done really really well. Also appreciate the fight and determination he's instilled/maintained among the players. Well done Uncle Alan.
  2. What the fuck is Given even doing there celebrating?
  3. Agreed. Add to that the fact that the FA cup is now being played on the same day as Prem games. Edit: Richards dropping the f-bomb
  4. Disappointed the finale wasn't them getting pulled over for drink driving and the other 2 having to walk home in the rain.
  5. Keith, Ian and Andy can fuck right off too. Honestly, what cretin thought that was a good advertising strategy?
  6. Good shout, do you not find there's a slight though?
  7. If we do at least there is almost no chance of them being as shot as te last two. What a fucking waste of time they were. I agree. Portsmouth-Cardiff took the fucking piss.
  8. Come oon then folks, who do we want to win this?
  9. Well played Haz Jnr! The problem with a lot of 'celebs' and footballers these days is that people bend over and take shit like that rather tell them where to go.
  10. Very good indeed, but why is Hitler dressed in a blue trackie and asking for money in a cockney accent? More to the point, why is he pointing a frying pan at me with a fried egg in it?
  11. Some cracking stories here lads, reading on the iPhone and trying to suppress laughter so as not to wake the missus ain't easy!
  12. Norwich to concede a last minute goal? Yes please!
  13. Has got to be done. Post the responses and, while you're at it, tell them 'Holly' is a fucking idiot.
  14. Was listening to the match 'build up' last night. They didn't have a fucking clue. Bunch of amateurs, especially that commentator, Jim Proudfoot.
  15. Fuck me, what a bunch of bottlers we are. We're not safe yet you fuckers!! Henderson
  16. I know some people like them, but I really can't stand Blackpool and rent-a-quote Holloway.
  17. What a cunt of the highest order Owen is. Now compare him to Nolan as captain - what a contrast.
  18. Could see him ending up at a lower half prem club like West Ham (if they stay up) or QPR (when they go up) myself.
  19. He did :S I saw it? How did you see it? i presume you wasn't watching it on Sky sports then. Defo did. T'was only brief but he certainly did - and yes, I was watching Sky Sports.
  20. This'll be the first year in as many I can remember that I won't be watching the cup final. Couldn't give a shiny shite about. Stoke or Shitty, fucking anti-football merchants!
  21. toon25

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Fucking thug that De Mong, hope he gets his leg snapped in two.
  22. Hope it's uncomfortable as fuck for them. Wankers.
  23. Deserved fuck all today tbh. Couldn't string more than two passes together and no-one was showing for it up front. Piss poor. Fucking hate some of those villa players an' all. Young. Cunt. Uglybonlahor. Cunt. Oh well. Onwards and upwards.
  24. There really is nothing like this place on a match day. I find it far far better and more efficient than any other service on the internet, bar streams - both in terms of updating the score and seeing how we're generally doing on a match day. I also find Sky Sports intolerable at times. Phil fucking Thompson man. What a twunt.
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