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Posts posted by maze

  1. I'd rather see him stay with us...


    However, if he is on the "famouos list", they better f***ing pay us some compensation for Owen's inj. first, and then I expect them to give us a  Big(fat) bag of money for Big Sam. We're not selling out cheap this time! He*l No way!

  2. We play winning football thats all that matters tbh.




    Who cares as long as we are winning ? First of all we have to establish and win something, then we can discuss the way we play...


    I don't think this thread is relevant tbh... sorry... can't see the man utd or arsenal supporters wasting time on such topics either...


    "Be glad for what you got as long as it's working" O0

  3. My Man Utd friends, last night, got very surprised when I told them that our owner was the guy sitting "on the bench" with blue jeans and a New.Utd shirt, and that our chairman was the guy in the suit :celb:

  4. This is totally BS :idiot2:


    Why on earth would he then show up at the games, wearing a Newcastle shirt? (Which some of you report he hasn't washed yet?) mackems.gif


    Can't see this happening, the club's foundation and backroom staffs are improving, and will continue to improve, and yes, it might take us a couple of years (I'm patient) ands we will be bigger than Tottenham, and DEF. be in the top 5 or 6. And why leave the club with the greatest and most passionate fans in england (if not the world) ???

  5. If Owen comes back from these International games injured then the fans will turn on him IMO.


    Chances are, with his kind of luck, he'll come back in a wheel chair.. :undecided:


    And Newcastle will have to pay his huge salary, not to mention the recovery expences.... which I think England should compensate the club for... if it happens again...


    Just kinda strange that Owen's always fit and motivated for the international matches, but rarely fit, sharpe and motivated for his club.....



  6. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport/football/article315349.ece  :kasper:  :kasper:  :kasper:


    If this is true... you know... get rid of him... the lad goes... wooops... limps.... around more than he does anything else (since his arrival)


    So... best thing for him now is to shut it, and get his fitness back on track... AND start playing more for newcastle and score goals... before joining with Steve on his backpacker trips around the globe... :rant:  :tickedoff:

  7. I'm quite shocked reading some of your guys' replies in here. Sam Allardyce is just what we need right now, he will do a better job than both Roeder and Souness, no doubt. I think he is re-building the squad just the way he did with Bolton - that's what he's good at, right? :coolsmiley:


    Some of you guys are so damn impatient, and it looks like you won't be satisfied until we have signed the entire football world. I guess what it all comes down to is that you see West Ham , Man City and so on, being taken over by rich guys and spending money like there's no tomorrow - jealousy or fear? .. you pick...


    Spending a lot of cash doesn't guarantee success, you know...


    I'd much rather see us building a decent long-lasting side, and at the same time focus on the clubs' debt. One could definitely argue what's most important - in the long-term, speaking purely economical... clearing the debt is essential...


    Regarding the squad, I agree that it is (very9 thin at the moment, and I'm sure EVERYBODY knows that, EVERBODY. Whining about it in here, is not making any difference. That's just my opinion...



  8. Yes, well, just what we needed... typical..... >:(


    What now? SA is no messias, and Mark A. needs to be willing to spend some cash now, otherwise I'm afraid some of us need to step in during the upcomin' season :razz:


    Who is Mark A?


    Ops.... wrong name.. hehe... but you understand what I mean :)

  9. To be honest, knowing that both Martins and Owen could be leaving in the near future, is nothing but scary. :(


    As for Martins going for £13 mp (+). I Can't describe the feeling, it is unbearable. :'( Hopefully Mark Ashley is smart enough to offer him an improved contract ASAP.


    ....Damnit, who in their right mind negotiates and ACCEPT to let a top player like Martins leave for  £13 mp??? It's like running a football club aiming to be the most stupid and unprofessional clown EVER.


    Regarding Owen, I'm still undecided... he's just back from injury and we've just recieved a decent, but not good enough, compensation. Although rumours says he'll leave, I think much of the hype is created by us (the fans - with super expectations), and FF, doing his "super smart" media moves. :uglystupid2:


    There's only one thing to do: re-negotiate the players' contracts or ship o'hoi.

  10. what about Stephane Guivarc'h, Carl Serrant, Laurent Charvet, Stephen Glass, Temuri Ketsbaia, John Karelse,Silvio Maric, Des Hamilton, Daniel Cordone, Pedro Dimas, Clarence Acuna, Wayne Quinn, Franck Dumas, Helder, Christian Bassedas ... just to name a few that's been in and out of the SJP... ;D


    Not one of those did i read and think "oh yeah, him" ... which is surely what the title is implying? BTW Ketsbaia and Acuna weren't s***. :D


    Happy now?  :-X Well, I actually came to THINK about all the crap we've had... first player that came to my mind was carl Serrant.. I have a vague memory of him

  11. what about Stephane Guivarc'h, Carl Serrant, Laurent Charvet, Stephen Glass, Temuri Ketsbaia, John Karelse,Silvio Maric, Des Hamilton, Daniel Cordone, Pedro Dimas, Clarence Acuna, Wayne Quinn, Franck Dumas, Helder, Christian Bassedas ... just to name a few that's been in and out of the SJP... ;D

  12. Allardyce to spend £30 million-ish, fail to qualify for the CL and get the sack next summer.


    Expectations are always nice, though reading everything you guys write, gives me a mixed feeling. As for the qoute above, from page 1, and together with most of your 'dreams' (not trying to be too harsh :rolleyes:), I think we need to be more realistic and down to earth. We are a medicore-side, surrounded with fans that often have quite unrealistic expectations. If we want to succeed in the long term, we need to be consistent in our decisions (that goes for both signings and appointment of managers).


    The current situation at NUFC is very influenced by the media, we are not in deep sh**, as they claim. But years and years of bad business- and sportsdecisions have left deep traces in our club. For me the appointment of Allardyce was a (truly missed) sign of ambitions from FF, and now that M.Ashley is on the verge of fully controlling our club - well, that hopefully helps the financial aspects.


    Personally, I would like Allardyce to stay for a long time (Just look at Man Utd and Arsenal, it's been awhile since they changed managers :laugh:). Now, people would most likely argue, for different reasons. My point is however that consistency is important for long term success, and honestly, consistency is something that definitively aren't synonymous with NUFC.


    Further, I support those of you saying SA should use his cautious approach in the transfer market. Again, consistency is far more important than flushing millions on 'big names' and so-called superstars. at the moment Newcastle don't need superstar and big names, we've signed Emre, Owen, Duff, luque (the list is endless) and none of them has really lived up to the expectations. (Think about this; our (the fans) expectations or the expectation related to their potensial- and/or current ability?)


    One guy in here wrote something else, that I agree with (and I think most of you also agree with this) ; At the moment we need to focus on getting a squad that works well together.


    CL and UEFA qualification, cup titles, and even the league title, is something I'll leave out for the moment. I'm just glad to see us finishing 10th or 11th, higher ? .. sure if possible... but I'd be happy with 10th or 11th as long as Sam, Mike, and the rest of the staff, focus on consistency and plans for the future, not just for the next game (or season, for that matter). That is, building up a decent infrastructure, a good side, invest in youths and so on...the rest? small steps makes big steps later on..

  13. I wish Alan Shearer the best of luck. He was the main reason I ended up supporting Newcastle United, as I, back in 1994, started out liking Big Al (Because I was lucky enough to meet him personally :D). For those of you who remember those times, he then played for Blackburn, and shortly after transfered to Newcastle.


    Personally, I would like him to join the coaching staff at Newcastle. Maybe, as some of ou say, his coaching skills aren't that great. But people certainly respect him, and as one of you said.... there's a reason why Roeder did well when Souness got the sack. Shearer would be great for the players' motivation, no doubt! O0

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