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Everything posted by PauloGeordio

  1. Embrace the pressure! Come play my game, I'll test ya Psychosomatic addict, insane
  2. Definitely, nobody biting on that Gordon bait!
  3. What result do we want here Spurs loss or a draw?
  4. “we are proud to be where we are, but we want more”
  5. Swiftly followed by Gordon to New……………
  6. “Newcastle are again keen and it is suggested they are prepared to go up to £40m for Gordon” by the tea leaves I read in my cup this morning. Get to fuck, they are embarrassing. Clickety click!
  7. So he’s regurgitating the other rags rumours then? Guessing. He knows fuck all
  8. Newcastle United director Amanda Staveley is on the Premier League's new international broadcast and access working group… https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-11664501/Magpies-director-Amanda-Staveley-help-shape-future-Premier-League-media-access-SPORTS-AGENDA.html
  9. According to that article yes, but I don’t know about him tbh.
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