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Posts posted by Steggy

  1. I have adebayor down as top scorer for a thing at work so hopefully he keeps this up.


    Will probably get a ban after his antics yesterday though.

    That player who celebrated in front of the fans while they were fighting in that West Ham v Millwall game wasn't punished was he?


    didnt neville get a ban when he did a similar (but not actually as bad) thing against liverpool?




    £5000 fine IIRC.

  2. Lampards probably my favourite footballer. The way he can turn a game on its head with moments of brilliance. He takes so much abuse from nearly evey set of fans he comes up against, but still gets his head down and performs week in week out for Chelsea. When that dickhead off the radio had a pop at him for some sort of personal reason, he rung up and put the prick in his place, he went up in my estimation. Also, like the time he played 5 days or something after his mum died, its shows how good a proffesional he is, some of the despicable s***-heads playing for our club could take a leaf out of Lampards book. Got a f***ing good strike on him aswell. Fucking quality footballer, world class.

  3. Wasn't Xisco called 's****' in the Hull match thread after 45 minutes


    Had we signed Drogba in 2003 he'd have lasted a season at most. The attitudes towards unknown foreigners sicken me, I can't understand it.


    I get sickened by people who think anyone from La Liga is great. Most of us had herd of Colo & told you he was s**** but you wouldn't have any of that either.


    Back in the real world didn't most fans after the West Brom game wanted unknown foreigner in Krul to start in front of local boy Harper.

    Your mint. :lol:





  4. http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/chrischarles/philbrownsing595.jpg


    Is there anyone oh here who can look at this picture without grabbing the nearest weapon, and making for the door, before convincing yourself its a bad idea?   :tickedoff: :duff:

  5. Some lad asked some of their fans opinions on our side, most dangerous/worst players for both sides & where they think we'll finish.



    This though, was very interesting:


    9) What do you think the Future holds for both clubs? - You lot will go thro a Leeds type era,as your owner is a cockney **** and your fans cant see the s*** he is doing to your club....you lot are too thick and over passionate sometimes.


    I think hes trying to say Ashleys been the one messing up our club somehow??  If only we had seen it....  :undecided: :angry:


    Fuck! I was wondering why he's been faffing around with Kinnear and Hughton all this time.  :doh:

  6. That's just big matches in general, not really anything to do with the Premiership. Jose Mourinho's tactics at Porto and Chelsea was to dive for 90 mins and stifle the life out of the game. The bigger the prize the more hysterical and desperate the players and the crowd gets. When the crowd are spending 90 mins screaming frustrations at the ref for a stop start game full of niggly kicks and dives the magic of football goes with it.


    To be honest Newcastle I always thought was one of the worst at this, the way the whole ground tries to influence the ref (especially last season) and instantly start booing when the others teams score.


    It's just makes a bad atmosphere.


    ??? Pretty much every single set of fans will try and 'influence' the ref when decisions aren't going their way.

  7. 2-6 to us.


    They will go 2-0 up with an early goal in the 8th minute. Ryan Taylor will be at fault. Jonathan Greening will be the scorer. Then Saylor will give away a penalty in the 23rd minute, resulting in a red card too. Harper saves the penalty but the rebound is bundled in by Simon Cox. Journalist up in the coporate seats will be wanking themsleves off at the sight of Newcastle United being raped by West Brom. Chris Hughton gives a demon half time pep talk, the kind that makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, you know. Shola is brought on and rampantly rapes the Albion team for 45 minutes straight, scoring all 6 goals. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH SHOLA AMEOBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII" echoes from the away end of the Hawthornes as 2800 geordies attempt to replicate 'the Ameobi'.

  8. http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs143.snc1/5290_125671289812_530524812_3184634_2366127_n.jpg


    Fucking retards. At the end of the day, footballs just a game and to wish anybody death over it is frankly disgraceful.


    MICHAEL Owen has begun his Manchester United career by breaking his wrist in three places while attempting to sign his new contract.

    'He's still not ready for a pen this size' According to the club, Owen passed the medical and then punched the air in delight, slightly spraining his shoulder.


    A club spokesman said: "We hoped he would recover quickly after the medical and could at least take part in the first half of the contact signing, but the fountain pen was just too heavy.


    "His agent was able to move his hand to form a legally binding signature but then, when Sir Alex congratulated him, he just fell to bits and had to be shovelled-up and carried out in a couple of wheelbarrows."


    Owen, currently recuperating in the Louis Saha Memorial Injury Suite, will meet the rest of his team-mates over the next few weeks as they fall apart during pre-season training.


    Former Man United player Stephen Malley, said: "The gaffer feels Michael can supply something different  as none of the lads have experience of wearing ankle casts on the continent. And he can also teach some of the younger strikers his agonised thigh-clutching technique."


    Charlie Reeves, a United fan from Surrey, said: "I remember that goal he scored for England when he was 12. Marvellous. His cheeky little face made him look like one of the sprites from The Magic Flute.


    "And now he is playing for my favourite team unless I start supporting Liverpool or Chelsea, or that one with all the nice Jewish people."


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