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Everything posted by Amir_9

  1. You're insane mate. No honestly, hes done absolutely nothing wrong, and his long passes that usually end up with fuck all, are accurate today.
  2. Call me insane, but Nicky Butt had a splendid half. Where was Enrique for their first goal.
  3. We dont need him for cover, weve got cover, and Id rather not throw Guthrie away for an untested 35 year old, Guthries been our most creative player this season with the most assists as well. Nobby was a class player who did well for us back in the day, leave it at that.
  4. I haven't spoiled any and only corrupted 1 for a couple of minutes before changing it back. Vandals anonomous. It'll have been Geremi himself man, the lying old f***er. Clearly been trolling
  5. I would rather see Guthrie in the middle and I still think Solano could do a better job than anybody we have on the right. He isn't as fast as he was and had lost his legs before going to West Ham but he could still deliver a ball. Guthrie has done it once or twice but we've got no balance to our team and we're poorer because of it. I think Nolan gives nothing when he's not scoring and I'd rather have somebody in the middle who can create for others. Guthrie can cut it in the prem, either on the right or the centre, hes been our most creative player this season and he created both goals against Boro as well, so its not a matter of once or twice, Solano on the other hand Id be glad to have him as backup or as a coach, but that wont happen, we could have got Laurent Robert as well hes free isnt he? we had the same discussion on the forums weeks ago.
  6. West Ham let him go as much for his wage as anything else. Who do you want to be replaced to make place for him anyway?
  7. So he automatically went from being good enough for the Premiership to not being good for the Championship? Im not saying he was awful at West Ham, as far as I heard he was hit and miss and scored a fair few goals think it was four or five, but he was released by West Ham which tells you alot, if he was indeed good enough for the CCC, some CCC club would have taken him instead of him signing for some Greek side, and then eventually going back home to Peru.
  8. Amir_9

    Ryan Taylor

    Raylor cannot track back at all, not a defender in my opinion, a CCC right midfielder at best, he didnt cut it as RM against Bolton at the Reebook last year, but we'll see about next season, I dont expect us to be as crap as we were last time out in the prem.
  9. If he was good enough for the championship, someone would have taken him instead of going to Greece then to Peru eventually.
  10. Who I think is getting promoted: Us, Forest, WBA Who I want to get promoted: Us, Forest, Blackpool(just to make sure one relegation spot is taken care of next season)
  11. It's hardly unfair, that's what he's being paid to do :S I'm sure he'd love to be given the opportunity but as a fan I wouldn't want to be depending on him scoring...or Carroll for that matter. If we cant depend on a striker to score, then what do we expect him to do? Like I said earlier, at the current climate I expect Harewood to score more than him, if they had both started.
  12. Dont think we can go ahead with this one in January, but would love us to go for Roger Johnson of Birmingham in January, one of the main reasons of their tight defence this season.
  13. So what if they were 6 yards infront of goal? Ranger's one and only goal this season was a tap in, im not biased towards anyone, but in my opinion on a good day Harewood is capable of more than Ranger. Ranger actually has intelligence on the pitch and work rate. He can take on defenders and run with the ball, the only thing lacking has been goals but with every game he is getting in better positions and creating chances for others. The only thing Harewood did, was tap the ball into the net, otherwise he was non-exist. Zero ball retention with him in the side. Think this discussion has gone on and on for the last few pages in the thread, some folks are really overrating ranger as I mentioned in my original post, hes a lad with lots of potential and lots of talent, but I would rather start Harewood ahead of him because hes more likely to get a goal. As far as ball retention, Ranger or no Ranger, take a look at the stats of most of our games, the other team always have more possession we basically played the long ball throughout most of the season, and we did it against Boro as well and it worked for us, were unattractive to watch but effective.
  14. So what if they were 6 yards infront of goal? Ranger's one and only goal this season was a tap in, im not biased towards anyone, but in my opinion on a good day Harewood is capable of more than Ranger.
  15. Amir_9

    Players in public

    Craig Gordon was on the same flight as me from Dubai straight to Newcastle with his bird, looked like a straight cocky wank. Whats funny was the shirt he was wearing "The only number 1"
  16. I cant understand whats the hype about Ranger about, yes hes a promising lad, yes he has loads of talent and is a very talented CF who can hold the ball well, but hes not better than Harewood overall, how can anyone compare him with a accomplished striker is beyond me. Im happy for Ranger to come off the bench for the last 15-20 minutes and thats it really, or start in case of injuries or cup games. Harewood got loads of stick for his terrible game at Forest but all players have their offdays, definitely extend his loan until the end of the season, injuries throughout the season will occur where Ranger will have his chance. And I think we should send Ranger out on a season long loan next season if we get to the prem to a decent championship side so he can get proper game time.
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