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Sir Toon

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Posts posted by Sir Toon

  1. People don't get the NDA part do they? We're now in to that phase as to where the NDA is important and this is why we are hearing nothing, not a whimper as it's possible any leak of any information could be seen as breaking that agreement.


    It's good its gone quiet, it means it's progressing, if suddenly we start hearing s**** again then it's over and we have an issue if there isn't a concrete bid.


    If this refers to me then history is one area where anything to do with Ashley should be treat with the greatest trepidation.  The list is long to start with before you refer to him being a multi liar in court.  Just hope this does come off because id hate to be one of those that have all their eggs in this basket.

  2. Obviously im wanting rid of Ashley but the negativity that he has created from his tenure makes it almost impossible to comprehend the thought of him ever leaving so a lot of my thoughts are kind of a double bluff to tempt fate but putting on my logic head, I too reckon there's only one real party of interest.  Just dont know how long they've been sniffing and for all we know, they could have set Ashley a deadline themselves.

  3. We dont even know for certain that due diligence is in progress and even then, if it is, we haven't got a starting point to know when the end date could be. So until the denials or news of any potential deal collapsing comes then we're going to get a frustration point eventually.


    There's something like 9 and a half weeks until the window opens which is a big thing in itself as in Plan A (The Ashley led doing just enough to get 17th or above plan) or Plan B (Any takeover funds trying to get the best placing possible).  The frustration will come from January passing and the club still being in Ashley's hands. If it is then there will be no sale in my opinion. That makes a 13 week window for me to get this done.


    One point of interest though is the disappearance of many of the usual Toon journos.  Have they all signed NDA's?  They're usually full of something or other. Been quiet for a while.

  4. If he'd been on from the start we might have been more penetrative, earlier. It was so tight in the middle, we could have done with his ability to get out of there quickly.


    Still perfectly satisfied with Rafa's decision to rest him. But it was close.


    I understand the reasoning why Rafa 'rested' him last week with his new contract to go with him not being at the training ground long enough to work on a game plan for Southampton and the belief that the same starting side could continue where they left off but I reckon he'll be back starting at Burnley next Monday night.

  5. How many people commenting on Merino were actually at the game?    It was plain to see the difference it made when he came on as it not only gave Shelvey the confidence to kick on and improve but it seemed to spur on various others from being static to then deciding to want to move into space.


    He has an aura about him which defies his years. It's reminiscent of Hamann when he was here for a year but on a greater scale.

  6. I also believe that if this takeover has any truth in it then there'll only be one real interested group.  Wouldn't be surprised if that group already thinks the same and we've got months of speculation ahead.


    If I remember rightly, the last time Ashley advertised the club for sale there seemed to be loads of interest before it died a death with the Moat lies.  We know the logic behind the last pretend sale and it worked but if the logic behind this latest one is to try and sweep the lies that Rafa was told under the carpet then there is no escape this time round. The club could then implode with a price collapse.  Christ, im talking my way into believing this could be on now.

  7. First half especially, Zaha was the best player on the pitch and id have him in a heart beat over Townsend


    Don't remember Zaha barely doing anything apart from one bit of play early in the game, Townsend at least managed more than that but not much.


    From where I was in the gallowgate, he looked a danger every time he got or was near the ball in the first half. second half not so much. Dont know how it looked on TV though.

  8. .com have similar views to me in that this could all be nicely staged.  Whoever invented that phrase 'It's the hope that kills you' missed a merchandise trick up here mind.

  9. Some of her answers here give a bit of insight I think as to how she'll work this



    Christ the wife is mesmerising when she speaks like she is hypnotising you.  Wouldn't be surprised if Ashley ends up selling her SD as well by accident.

  10. Meanwhile, somewhere on a pub floor down South, Ashley and his merry men recover from another laughter filled heavy night on the sauce after feeding the media with untruths.    It's odds on with an excuse to feed Rafa when he goes with his cap for a January spend to blame 'The Takeover'


    What's that now?  Is this a sequel or the 4th follow on?  Each one so predictable but blockbusters in their own right.


    *goes off to a room with hands on ears....  THIS WONT HAPPEN. THIS WONT HAPPEN. THIS WONT HAPPEN......  :frantic: :frantic: :frantic: :frantic:



  11. Sounds like Caulkin doesn't know anything extra.


    I'm trying so hard not to get my hopes up.


    But he's confirming the FT story and there are actual figures being bandied about with no one denying them from either PCP or the club. For the first time I am starting to think this could be happening.


    If someone told me that Ashley said tomorrow was Friday, I wouldn't believe it. 

  12. Everyone needs to chill.  I dont even think we're at the Barry Moat stage of this 'deal' yet and that was the biggest red herring so far.  Based on Ashley's lie filled career he's had here it's best to hope for nowt and expect to be let down.


    Anything else is a bonus.





    Now the lack of denials from someone credible is the stumbling block in my negativity but this is Ashley they're dealing with so im expecting It'll end in tears.  :frantic: :frantic:

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