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Posts posted by Thumbheed

  1. 1 hour ago, TRon said:


    FFP is a good idea in principle. In reality though, it's just locked in the advantages for those who have already spent their way to the top.

    Don't think anyone's under the illusion as to what FFP is about but I'd much rather be the type of club that conquers it than the type of club that benefits from it.

  2. 40 minutes ago, Kimbo said:

    Having a set hierarchy that isn’t allowed to change is far more unhealthy for the sport IMO.

    The thing is we're exempt from that to some extent. We've got entire nation backing us so we know we'll eventually get there but fuck doing that in 1 year, much rather we take our time with it, and dodge the accusations of buying it.


    Our future is guaranteed, FFP or not. 

  3. Just me who doesn't mind the FFP constraints?


    Worst thing to see in football is watching clubs buy their way to the top in a couple of windows.


    Give me a slow and steady build any day of the week. 

  4. Not sure where this idea that we need a creator comes from, as if to imply we just weren't creative enough last season. 


    Bit of perspective here, we were about 7 goals away from being title challengers last year and missed a fuck ton of chances in almost every game we played.


    We very much need players who are clinical in the final 3rd.


    Barnes is clinical in the final 3rd.


  5. 2 minutes ago, The College Dropout said:

    It feels like my love for Maxi is futile. The chance of him playing RW doesn’t seem high.  And Eddie loves Joelinton at LW too 


    Baffling he doesn't get a run out on the right. I swear I've seen him create so many chance from the few brief moments he's found himself out there. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Jack27 said:

    Why do we care about that fraud


    Always thought he was pretty well versed to be honest, plus he's a Leicester fan so you'd imagine he'd be all over this.


    Still not convinced this is happening.



  7. FWIW I don't buy a thing that shitrag prints but the fact something as significant as this hasn't been picked up and verified by other outlets screams pure noncery to me. 


    EDIT: fml

  8. 4 minutes ago, Toon88 said:

    Exactly. As soon as Barnes bangs a few goals, which he will, then these people defending ASM will quickly forget him. It’s how football works. Fickle.


    Loved ASM for us, but 12 goals in 112 games for his position is an awful return, hence why the club are upgrading on him.


    The irony of this post being Maxi's single handedly saved us from relegation twice and this has been forgotten after one sketchy season.

  9. 3 minutes ago, BeloEmre said:

    Those right backs wouldn’t worry much when ASM is lying on the threatment table though.


    Was more in reference to people saying Barnes is a clear step up to Maxi when he's not. 


    But yes, fitness will always be his major flaw but that's not a reflection on the quality he has as a player.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Shak said:


    I mean, isn't that the point?


    Having two quality players for the LW position to cope with being a high energy pressing team competing in Europe every season.


    Hadn't thought of it that way.


    I guess I like to see a bit more variety in the type of attacking players we have but yeh, fair point:thup:

  11. (Very) loosely speaking choosing Barnes over Maxi is like choosing Lampard over Zidane.


    The games more than just the numbers. 


    Barnes isn't gonna worry the best right backs out there but Maxi will have gameplans made specifically for him - that's the difference.


    Having said that, Barnes will be a good signing should he come.

  12. Not against this signing but I'm not sure what he'd offer that we don't hope Gordon would eventually offer.


    Both seem like players of a very similar profile. 

  13. Samuel Chukwueze is the one who's caught my eye the most. 


    Tall, strong, quick, powerful, excellent dribbler, very good technically and looks to be a very intelligent player too. 

  14. Need more people with composure in the final 3rd. 


    Outside of Wilson and Isak we're painfully short of clinical finishers. 


    Almiron will have another good season imo but outside of him I can't really see another player getting 10+ goals. 

  15. Sure there was talk of us wanting 2 elite players so if Szobloszai, Barella and Tonali are the level we're looking at then I think it's safe to say we haven't been publically linked with our next major target. 

  16. 11 minutes ago, MrRaspberryJam said:


    Mike McGrath also running with it from the Torygraph. 

    Not sure about his credibility tbh but he's just broke a pretty big news story and his first reply to the story is how he's needs a day off without his phone. 


    I smell bullshit. 


    Plus I'm still not sure what he's got right. 

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