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Posts posted by Thumbheed

  1. I'm as desperate as anyone for this takeover to be happening but all evidence right now points to it be as dead as gary glitter's singing career.


    Yep! GC saying he would like to hear from the club reads as he's waiting for the club to confirm that this is officially now over and we are to move on.


    I'm sure I read that the business is conducted via the club and the PL so it would stand to reason that it's down to the club to confirm the end of the matter.


  2. If there’s piracy don’t they have a right to ask for there to be a issue though?


    It’s a conversation to be had between the PL and the consortium - for sure, but that should be on the PL’s terms and not demanded by a broadcaster/country with an ulterior motive.


    It also fails to explain the significant and unnecessary delays in the process, by the PL’s own reckoning.


    Not only that, but if Piracy is an issue, which is legitimately is, then reject it on that basis. Most fans are demanding clarity, not that it is categorically accepted.


    It's been a pisstake from start to finish.

  3. As I have said quite a few times, we will hear when this is finally resolved, as either a "full stop" or as a "Takeover", and we will hear absolutely NOTHING - from anyone that matters, Staveley, Reubens, PIF, Ashley, - up until that final point.


    Everything else we see reported or commented on is just BS.


    All we need to do is 'forget it' (kind of) and just W A I T.


    :lol: Why do you keep ignoring we have heard from PIF already? They're out. They were funding 80% of it. Of all the parties involved that's a pretty f***ing big one to get that statement from. And if everything else reported or commented on is BS, that means we ignore all the s**** being spouted about how it's now being handled 'behind closed doors'.. right?


    Because even AS and the Reuben Brother's ignored it?


    Manopark is getting some totally uneccassary grief here. Just an optimistic bloke who is excitable and wants the best for the club, so what if he's slightly annoying with it?


    Some serious projecting going on in here you bunch of incels.



    Yes indeed, all I am saying is because we have not been told anything about the final outcome, we should just wait (instead of 'jumping in to say it is dead, etc !!).


    No one knows what the outcome will be, so lets just do the obvious "waiting" thing, yeah?


    The hope of this takeover is the only thing that connects me to the club. Once I'm satisfied that this is dead I don't think I'll be following the club with any real seriousness.


    If there's even a 0.1% chance of this happening then we should be fighting for it till the very end because we already know what the alternative is, so why the f*** would you accept that?


    The irony in all this is that the same ones who are slating you for being "optmistic" (realistic imo) have given up and accepted that, much like the fans who go to games who they also slate for that very same reason.


  4. As I have said quite a few times, we will hear when this is finally resolved, as either a "full stop" or as a "Takeover", and we will hear absolutely NOTHING - from anyone that matters, Staveley, Reubens, PIF, Ashley, - up until that final point.


    Everything else we see reported or commented on is just BS.


    All we need to do is 'forget it' (kind of) and just W A I T.


    :lol: Why do you keep ignoring we have heard from PIF already? They're out. They were funding 80% of it. Of all the parties involved that's a pretty f***ing big one to get that statement from. And if everything else reported or commented on is BS, that means we ignore all the s**** being spouted about how it's now being handled 'behind closed doors'.. right?


    Because even AS and the Reuben Brother's ignored it?


    Manopark is getting some totally uneccassary grief here. Just an optimistic bloke who is excitable and wants the best for the club, so what if he's slightly annoying with it?


    Some serious projecting going on in here you bunch of incels.


    I thought it was common knowledge that this was dead and buried?


    This is Ashley saying hurry up. This leak makes absolutely no sense if all parties have already moved on after the Saudi withdrawal.


    Think it's also interesting that it's come from the PA and not one of the National rags that Ashley usually leaks to.


    I sometimes wonder how people here feel Ashley is evil and the Saudis angel. This people pull out cause they disrespect them by not automatically approved them. They dont give a s*** if Ashely say hurry up or whatever. Learn about the MBS before commenting idiotic Ashley said hurry up. No one can tell anyone to MBS.


    The point being, why leak/release something like that if it was dead as is the wide held belief?


    Doesn't make sense.


    The rest of what you put is probably accurate but not the point I'm making, I'm not even sure why you're making that point tbh.


    Depends if he has released/leaked it or it's just made up paper talk.


    All made up based on inf.ormation he instruct Lee to plan for a season ahead.


    Why though?! He could just do thst without going through all the effort to sneak a leak out.


    I thought it was common knowledge that this was dead and buried?


    This is Ashley saying hurry up. This leak makes absolutely no sense if all parties have already moved on after the Saudi withdrawal.


    Think it's also interesting that it's come from the PA and not one of the National rags that Ashley usually leaks to.


    I sometimes wonder how people here feel Ashley is evil and the Saudis angel. This people pull out cause they disrespect them by not automatically approved them. They dont give a s*** if Ashely say hurry up or whatever. Learn about the MBS before commenting idiotic Ashley said hurry up. No one can tell anyone to MBS.


    The point being, why leak/release something like that if it was dead as is the wide held belief?


    Doesn't make sense.


    The rest of what you put is probably accurate but not the point I'm making, I'm not even sure why you're making that point tbh.


    Depends if he has released/leaked it or it's just made up paper talk.


    From the PA? But more pertinently, what's the point if it's dead? If it's to sell papers then the rags would be running with all sorts, they know they have a blank cheque with this as it is.



    I thought it was common knowledge that this was dead and buried?


    This is Ashley saying hurry up. This leak makes absolutely no sense if all parties have already moved on after the Saudi withdrawal.


    Think it's also interesting that it's come from the PA and not one of the National rags that Ashley usually leaks to.


    I sometimes wonder how people here feel Ashley is evil and the Saudis angel. This people pull out cause they disrespect them by not automatically approved them. They dont give a s*** if Ashely say hurry up or whatever. Learn about the MBS before commenting idiotic Ashley said hurry up. No one can tell anyone to MBS.


    The point being, why leak/release something like that if it was dead as is the wide held belief?


    Doesn't make sense.


    The rest of what you put is probably accurate but not the point I'm making, I'm not even sure why you're making that point tbh.

  8. I fully understand why a number of people on here are saying (things like) "It's dead, finished, we have been 'f***ed', move on for your own sanity" etc, etc, etc. AND that some of those saying that actually do believe that, though some of those saying it are obviously only 'saying it' for their own sanity.


    I understand all that.


    However, it is obviously not dead. Until such time as Staveley and / or Ashley say that it is categorically dead . . . it is very much ALIVE.



    Problem is, wether it’s dead or alive there’s f*** all staveley or Ashley can do about it. It’s down to the PL who won’t budge and PIF who want supply the PL with what they want. It’s dead


    Agree with that except for the part about PIF. Even if PIF give the them what they want, i.e., MBS named as the owner, the PL will then use that to reject the bid outright.

    I suppose it's naive of me to assume anything in regards to this takeover, but humiliating one of the most powerful men in the world doesn't seem like the way this would go.



  9. Liam Kennedy and Miles Starforth’s latest take, most journalists seem to agree on one thing Ashley wants out.

    All quiet on the takeover front, is that a good or a bad thing?

    LK: “Quiet makes a real change, doesn’t it? If it was dead, we’d know. People must take comfort from that. But things are going on in the background, and on the ‘hush, hush’, which really is no bad thing. This is how it should have been from the start. Will these behind-closed-doors talks be enough? I can’t say. Good things come to the those who wait. Ashley wants out and he will be gone whether it is in weeks or months – we’re in the Ashley endgame, I’m sure of that.”

    MS: “Everything has gone very quiet, and if there was no chance of the takeover being resurrected, I think we’d know by now. So the complete silence from the buying side – and owner Mike Ashley – can be taken as a sign that there’s still a chance of a positive resolution to this long-running saga. United’s fans have done their bit by voicing their support for the would-be buyers – and pressuring the Premier League – and now they must wait.”

    Totally agree with the 'Ashley want out' line. That is some small thread of hope to hang on to.

    However, the 'all's quiet' being a good thing is just wishful thinking.

    There's always one who wants to be the person that lets everyone else know they are ITK. There's no way a deal to buy to NUFC goes through without someone somewhere, blabbing. The gossip would be just too juicy for someone to resist.


    I disagree with this. No party has come out of this looking good with it being played out in public and so I can totally envisage a scenario where all parties agree to a total blackout of information.

    More telling though is the notable silence from Stavely who has never been shy about engaging the media and clarifying her version of events but for me the most telling silence is from BeIN/Keys, who have not only said nothing, but have also been actively deleted things that were said in the past which hint at leaks. If this takeoever were truly dead, Qatar would be shouting about it from the rooftops.


    Absolutely agree that no one has come out of this looking good. I hope that if Staveley is going to come back again at some point, she learns the lesson not to use Caulkin as an outlet.

    Ashley never says anything anyway so he's probably good for silence.

    I think I just don't trust the PL to not leak something.


    Yep, I think the silence suits Ashley because it's  a distraction from the shambles we're in at this moment. Barely a whimper about our business and situation so far.


    Agree with the second point too, which is why it's very strange we've not heard anything via Qatar...

  10. Liam Kennedy and Miles Starforth’s latest take, most journalists seem to agree on one thing Ashley wants out.

    All quiet on the takeover front, is that a good or a bad thing?

    LK: “Quiet makes a real change, doesn’t it? If it was dead, we’d know. People must take comfort from that. But things are going on in the background, and on the ‘hush, hush’, which really is no bad thing. This is how it should have been from the start. Will these behind-closed-doors talks be enough? I can’t say. Good things come to the those who wait. Ashley wants out and he will be gone whether it is in weeks or months – we’re in the Ashley endgame, I’m sure of that.”

    MS: “Everything has gone very quiet, and if there was no chance of the takeover being resurrected, I think we’d know by now. So the complete silence from the buying side – and owner Mike Ashley – can be taken as a sign that there’s still a chance of a positive resolution to this long-running saga. United’s fans have done their bit by voicing their support for the would-be buyers – and pressuring the Premier League – and now they must wait.”

    Totally agree with the 'Ashley want out' line. That is some small thread of hope to hang on to.

    However, the 'all's quiet' being a good thing is just wishful thinking.

    There's always one who wants to be the person that lets everyone else know they are ITK. There's no way a deal to buy to NUFC goes through without someone somewhere, blabbing. The gossip would be just too juicy for someone to resist.


    I disagree with this. No party has come out of this looking good with it being played out in public and so I can totally envisage a scenario where all parties agree to a total blackout of information.


    More telling though is the notable silence from Stavely who has never been shy about engaging the media and clarifying her version of events but for me the most telling silence is from BeIN/Keys, who have not only said nothing, but have also been actively deleted things that were said in the past which hint at leaks. If this takeoever were truly dead, Qatar would be shouting about it from the rooftops.

  11. Messi pays for Messi, the club he goes to will see a small % boost as he’ll have his image rights sewn up tight. Blame beckham for starting that s****.




    What about shirt sales? Increases in attendance?


    Messi will clean up on shirt sales with his name on it as he does now. Attendances aren’t going to increase at the big clubs as they are already packed, that’s if people can go see him due to COVID. It’s a complete myth the extra attention will pay for him, that extra money, 80% if not more goes to him.


    He could clear £100m a year off the back of a move imo.


    Dunno if i agree with this. Not exactly an expert in football finance but looking at direct sales is a bit if a false economy when it comes to financial impact of signing Messi.


    Man City themselves would become even more marketable with Messi in their line up.

  12. https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11678/12051917/newcastle-takeover-premier-league-chief-richard-masters-to-face-fan-questions


    Interesting that according to Masters, the dispute was about who would effectively be controlling NUFC. I think you have to be very naïve to believe the consortiums claim that they would have zero influence over the running of the club.


    "Masters says the Premier League asked for "additional information, which would have been used to consider" any potential disqualification, but the consortium disagreed with their assessment and withdrew their bid."


    So is this what it's about? The consortium didn't agree that Saudi Arabia would effectively own NUFC, and thus didn't give the PL the information they asked for.


    Think the PL's objections are definitely plausible, but the issue for me is not the merits of their objections but how they dealt with it. 17 weeks to get to that point is ridiculous and the proposed solution to the matter is even worse.


    If PIF weren't giving accurate information, then there's grounds to reject the deal, so reject it.

  13. Who would get the better deal if Messi went to Man City in exchange for Mahrez, Bernardo Silva and Jesus?


    Barcelona. Now and in the future.

    Definitely not now. Mahrez and Silva basically play the same position as Messi just far worse and Jesus is good but isn't a top striker


    Mahrez and Silva could play anywhere behind the striker. Barcelona are in desperate need of players now. That would be 3 absolute quality players in return for one. It is better for Barcelona.

    and even with their combined wages would still probably cost them less than Messi does now


    Easily. Probably cost them half of Messi's wage.

    Aye but Messi pays for himself commercially so the finance argument is moot.


    This is a no brianer for any team. He is literally creator, finisher and playmaker all in one. He's irreplaceable.

  14. Why wouldn't someone like AS just come out and say it was off if it was off? She's been pretty open with it in the past. Won't read much into Ahsley saying fuck all cos I think the confusion distracts from the utter shitshow at the club at the mo but Stavely, can't think of a single logical reason for why she's kept quiet.


    Also think its telling that there was pretty much blanket coverage of "things going silent" which has proved to be the case, that feels like a deliberate message from the parties as if to say we will no longer be playing this out in public and rightly so.


    I think this is still ongoing but I'm not confident at all of it going through at all.

  15. I havent had chance to read through it all, but did they go into detail as to why they didn't reject the takeover on the basis that they clearly feel the consortium were providing inaccurate information? I still don't understand how there couldnt be a decision. I also don't understand the difference between this structure and Man City's.


    I’ve read most of what’s been released and it looks to be like the consortium have given them the opportunity to play it like this by pulling out. They mentioned again offering arbitration on that singular issue and reading between the lines that says to me it would have been rejected on that basis unless they could offer a different solution.


    I can’t understand why the consortium didn’t stay and force them to make a decision. Hopefully we hear from them on the back of this.


    I’m not getting the impression any side of it is that interested in re-entering and finding a common ground though.


    But that doesn't explain why they didnt give a decision, which was what I was hoping to see as an outcome from this. They offered PIF arbritation, PIF rejected. My reading is that PL were willing to wait it out at the expense of the club they claim to be protecting. 17 weeks to get to that point. I'm still none the wiser on anything.

  16. I havent had chance to read through it all, but did they go into detail as to why they didn't reject the takeover on the basis that they clearly feel the consortium were providing inaccurate information? I still don't understand how there couldnt be a decision. I also don't understand the difference between this structure and Man City's.

  17. -Mike Ashley and Consortium agree deal

    -PL question company structure

    -PIF provide assurances from the highest level of government that there would be no state interference

    - PL dismiss this and want it to go through a lengthy arbritation process and offer this option after the SPA agreement has expired.

    - PIF reject that option and withdraw from deal


    I can't understand how there wouldnt be a legal challenge.


    The expectations from the PL was that the PIF be forced to go through a lengthy arbritation process for essentially the right to buy an asset they've already agreed to buy. An asset which may be a totally different proposition to the one they'd agreed to buy in the first place.


    Selling party is forced to financially support the club (or not) during this phase to protect the value of the asset he's already agreed to sell or find another buyer and risk going through this all  over again and further risking the value of the very asset he's already agreed to sell. 


    Meanwhile the fans and the community are kept in total darkness about whether they'll get to be beneficiaries of the mooted investment, an investment which has the potential to changes 100s of thousands of lives.


    Surely the PL haven't got a leg to stand on?


  18. Feel like the PL have overstretched here. They have every right to pull on the piracy thread, but their legal remit would have  been to make it stop and that's what they had achieved, KSA terminating the licencing agreement certainly complicates that matter but had PlF/KSA not tried to buy NUFC, then the PL achieving what they had done upto that point would have been seen as being a very healthy victory for them.


    Instead, the PL have tried to capitilise and have pushed way past their legal reach if there's any truth in them asking the KSA to be named as director, then if there's been assurances from the "very highest levels" that the PIF are a separate legal entity, then I imagine those assurances are from a sound legal basis and should make that requirement from the PL null and void.


    The interference from other clubs also treads them very close, if not past the point of violation of the Competitions Act and the fact that the allegations have not been vehemently denied by them or the clubs involved within the first few hours of them being made shows there's truth in all these matters as well, again, that will come out in the wash, they won't be able to cover that up, even though its clear to see from Twitter that Keys et al may be trying to...


    I think this is on, but inspite of what I've said, I think this is well in the balance, the Broadcasting termination may prove to be the biggest stumbling block here.


  19. He didn't say anything of the sort. He was interviewing Roberto Azevêdo from the WTO who said there would be a ruling, but wouldn't be drawn on when or if it had already been made, and said it would be between the two countries to come to a resolution.


    This is what I saw too. I actually think there's a lot to be optimistic about. KSA cant just ignore this report and its findings and will need to seek a resolution with Qatar. Qatar too will want reparations and so surely it stands to reason that once that has been resolved the takeover will be free to be pushed through.


    It would explain why the PL.havent rejected it yet, it seems to me that they're waiting for the report to be released so that that can be resolved which would leave them free to ok the takeover without repercussions from both sides.

  20. Delaney is a WUM who knew what he was doing and knew he was pushing people too far.

    He did it because he knew he was getting bites and found it funny.

    It’s like teasing a dog, you think it’s ok to wind it up when it’s sitting there barking at you, you sharp cry when you go too far and it bites.

    So some people have grassed him up for some comments he made on Facebook. He can’t complain because they came back at him in a different manner than what he expected or desired.


    For what it’s worth, I don’t think what he has been reported for would be listened too by his employers, and their response pretty much states this.

    I think his boss will just ask him to be more careful in future. Do your winding up and jokes in articles instead of on twitter, and make your Facebook page private. How he never had it private in anyway is beyond anyone.


    What? So he can’t complain that weirdo fans have stalked his Facebook, and contacted his employers? He’s entitled to write whatever he likes on the matter that doesn’t give fans carte Blanche to go through his Facebook

    He’s deliberately went to win up the Newcastle fans after making his initial articles.

    He’s tried to do it to catch out some fans who bite back a bit much, I’m pretty sure a few have been banned from Twitter or at least temporarily.

    People have pointed out how the world isn’t black and white and he’s been saying it is. They have pointed out how he’s worked for and uses companies with Saudi connections. Plenty and most of the people have been respectable and he’s still came back with his WUM antics and still claimed the world is black and white and right is right and wrong is wrong.

    He’s called people out and now he’s been called out himself.

    I don’t see what the big problem is.

    He made those comments, he admitted he has, are they are joke, yes, but people only pointed them out to make a point that the world isn’t straight forward.

    You can’t say it is then get a bit huffy when people point out it isn’t and use yourself as a reference point.

    He’s said people are either right or wrong, he’s tried to protray Newcastle fans as being wrong, and now he’s been caught out that by that same logic, he is also wrong and should be called out.

    I don’t see what is wrong with that.


    Because you think he is a wum doesn’t mean he is. Just because he writes stuff you disagree with doesn’t make him a wum. Also going through his personal Facebook, taking stuff said between friends, as “fair enough” to grass to someone’s employer. Grassing full stop is pathetic but have you actually seen the posts? It’s him going to amsterdam and saying “here for the drugs and the sad tourism”. Tell me how that’s worthy of contacting his employer, or even anything at all, and has anything to do with what he written in the press?

    Not that I wanna get involved in this bucket of s*** debate, but isnt it pretty standard for employers to trawl through potential employers social media accounts for exactly this reason?


    I imagine its doubly important for a Newspaper outlets who stakes their reputation on the credibility of their employers.


    Not that I'm condoning doi g what that little div has done but still...

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