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2 minutes ago, manorpark said:

We have not had an input yet, just the EPL (waffler) and the CAT Chairman.


It will get interesting later.

So who's the bloke who's been doing most of the talking (Lewis) I thought he was the judge but the bloke sitting in front of the badge of arms is the judge right? 

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5 minutes ago, Tisd09 said:

No way he needed another 20 minutes, that was clearly going to last a lot longer :)


I disagree.


In that he has had only one point to make but has made it last ages and I think he was desperate to be told to stop.


I’m sure he could have made it last longer than 20 mins but it would have been more of the same filibustering and nothing new. Seemed like he was floundering to me. 



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Everything the EPL Waffler has said is based on the CAT case being the same as the Arbitration Case and that anyway NUFC have signed up to rules that prevent them using CAT procedures 'outside of' those rules.


It is obvious that while some of the elements of each case cover some of the same ground, the cases are (in objective) very, very different indeed. So, he has lost that one already.


Also, you cannot tie members (the club in this case) to rules they have signed up to, if the people who set up those rules "break them" by stepping outside of them themselves (ie, the EPLs Cartel with the Sexy Six) so they have lost that one too.


Basically, I cannot wait (W A I T) for us to start explaining all of that back to the EPL Waffler. That will be F U N.


I also think that the CAT judge has already made his mind up (as he is sick of being insulted and of being described as irrelevant by the EPL Waffler) and that he will order the CAT case to proceed, and proceed IN PUBLIC.


I stress - these are only my opinions.



Edited by manorpark

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1 minute ago, manorpark said:

Everything the EPL Waffler has said is based on the CAT case being the same as the Arbitration Case and that anyway NUFC have signed up to rules that prevent them using CAT procedures 'outside of' those rules.


It is obvious that while some of the elements of each case cover some of the same ground, the cases are (in objective) very, very different indeed. So, he has lost that one already.


Also, you cannot tie members (the club in this case) to rules they have signed up to, if the people who set up those rules "break them" by stepping outside of them themselves (ie, the EPLs Cartel with the Sexy Six) so they have lost that one too.


Basically, I cannot wait (W A I T) for us to start explaining all of that back to the EPL Waffler. That will be F U N.


I also think that the CAT judge has already made his mind up (as he is sick of being insulted and of being described as irrelevant by the EPL Waffler) and that he will order the CAT case to proceed, and proceed IN PUBLIC.


I stress - these are only my opinions.





My biggest fear is that Manorpark is actually NDM and when he starts to speak we’ll find out he’s a complete crackpot.

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1 minute ago, Fantail Breeze said:


My biggest fear is that Manorpark is actually NDM and when he starts to speak we’ll find out he’s a complete crackpot.


Did you see me on-screen typing this? ooops!


Fortunately, though, both of us are the exact opposite of crackpots, which is why we will W I N.

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I have a good feeling. PL's defence so far doesn't sound convincing.


Even if CAT goes ahead it could be delayed into eternity of course but I don't see how the PL can deny the case altogether on the grounds that the club is binded by their vague rules..

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2 minutes ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:


Slightly harsh when applied to someone whose job it is to speak :lol:

Not even remotely harsh...


Watch some politicians waffle on for three hours to make a point that could have been made in 30 seconds with a single statement. It's not restricted to legal or political either...


I've been in hundreds of meetings which lasted hours but could have been summarised in 10 minutes simply because some need 100 words to state what 10 could do. Those 100 words spark others to need 100 words to spend 2-3 hours going in circles to arrive at the original 10 word conclusion.


Talking for talking sake should be punished with scorn or the arrival of Karl Pilkingtons " Bullshit Man" 



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2 minutes ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:


Slightly harsh when applied to someone whose job it is to speak :lol:


Yeah, but as I've heard, from a QC, one of the main skills of a barrister is to put across complex arguments in a succinct, easy to understand way.


My experience of hearing cases put across by barristers is that they are usually completely convincing, whatever the strength of their case. You hear one side and it seems they have it 100% tied up and then you hear the other side and they completely take that case apart and persuade you of the opposite.

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Based on no legal background whatsoever it seems to me that the PL arguing that the case is being heard in its own arbitration case following its own rules doesn't discount the fact that its own rules and it's liberal use of them in this scenario are in question for being anti-competitive. Also the argument that a legal entity is bound by their rules (horizontally) because another legal entity connected to it is, regardless of the fact the given legal entity is not directly contractually bound sounds frivolous to me, they call it a strawman, I call it an oversight that has the potential to bite them on the ass.

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