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PIF and RB Sports & Media - Darren Eales to step down from CEO after being diagnosed with blood cancer.


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3 minutes ago, Armchair Pundit said:

And all this is before any precedence is shown in relation to actions towards other clubs, the League are so blatantly inconstant and biased towards their own needs and that of those they are in cahoots with, how can this even be questioned?


Perfectly put

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2 minutes ago, Armchair Pundit said:

How contemptable is Lewis with his huffing and eye-rolling, it simply doesn't happen in usual court, I'm not sure why the judge is allowing it to happen now (unless he's completely unaware).

An example of the PL’s arrogance and how they think they are beyond reproach.

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1 minute ago, Armchair Pundit said:

Lewis really looks like a bloke who is angered at being questioned and is utterly arrogant towards any opposing argument.

He's fucking awful. He may be good at his job, but just comes across as an obnoxious wanker.

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SJHL QC saying its wrong to say PIF are still at the table, though this could just be part of his argument regarding loss of sale, etc.


But also, confirming even if the PL approved the sale tomorrow, the CAT case may still go forward for costs claim.

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