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PIF and RB Sports & Media - Darren Eales to step down from CEO after being diagnosed with blood cancer.


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2 minutes ago, Nobody said:

The bit about the PL threatened to remove us from the league seems huge. 

Missed that what did they say?


I did hear our side they made no attempt to enforce the holding company to sign tje directors documents etc

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22 minutes ago, Armchair Pundit said:

Lewis really looks like a bloke who is angered at being questioned and is utterly arrogant towards any opposing argument.

(‘Ye just oot to disrail iz’)





Edited by Darth Crooks

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12 minutes ago, TK-421 said:

SJHL QC saying its wrong to say PIF are still at the table, though this could just be part of his argument regarding loss of sale, etc.


But also, confirming even if the PL approved the sale tomorrow, the CAT case may still go forward for costs claim.


@Whitley magTOLD YOU SO




Only joking, ly x

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It’s been quite fascinating although I’ve had to dip in and out of it due to work. I hope someone provides a really good write up of the whole thing.


Although Lee Ryder is probably currently penning a piece on “10 things you didn’t know about Jonjo Shelvey’s great great grandmother.”

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1 minute ago, POOT 2.0 said:


He also said along the lines of: "if the PL decided, after today, to approve the sale, the sale to PIF could still happen on the same terms"


Pretty much covered all bases :lol:


Here's the amount we feel you owe us, it's the difference between the agreed cost and the value of the club now...

However, if you agree to the takeover, there will be no difference between the agreed cost and the value of the club now...


It's a fairly transparent tactic isn't it. I get the feeling the PL would rather just pay up (or "someone" would) though.

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3 minutes ago, Fantail Breeze said:

It’s been quite fascinating although I’ve had to dip in and out of it due to work. I hope someone provides a really good write up of the whole thing.


Although Lee Ryder is probably currently penning a piece on “10 things you didn’t know about Jonjo Shelvey’s great great grandmother.”


This bloke done a good job. 



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Was interesting watching De Marco’s eyes tighten up and his brain go into overdrive when the chair questioned the damages, it knocked Jowell off stride for a few minutes but he’s recovered well and seems to have a solid argument on his counter claims to the PL case, if they weren’t the chair would have interrupted him more.

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