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2 minutes ago, Wolfcastle said:

What kind of playground defence is 'there's no loss at the moment because the deal is still on the table'

if the deal is stalled forever thats a 350million loss, SJH has 350m less right this very instant

Aye. What a fucking weak closing statement that was which was in a way laughed at by the Chair Justice.



Edited by nufcjb

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1 minute ago, mighty__mag said:

That goes without saying in the now. But the decision time frame. 


Regardless,its going beyond next year right....?

Think if the case gets the go-ahead, unless the PL wabt even more dirty skeletons coming out of the closet, they should try get an agreement done before 3rd January 2022 or even before the actual CAT case. I might be wrong. Sorry.

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Well, we can all hope, it sounded like many positives for us and the PL made themselves out to be pantomine baddies. But in the grand scheme of things there will always be that horrible feeling of doubt we'll all probably feel, the potential doom brought about by something being rigged in the background, etc, the experience that many of us have of day to day injustices that are never punished or set straight for whatever reason. To me it sounded like we have a tremendous case with many reasonable points, fingers and everything else crossed something comes of it sooner rather than later.

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Think it was telling that the Justice stepped in when PL said no loss had occurred and stepped in to query SJHL regarding the amount they were claiming as a loss. You could infer that he has already decided that standing exists and that it’s more than likely the case goes ahead

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QC Adam Lewis spent all morning whinging his tits off that the case is virtually the same as arbitration and then at the very end saying they hasnt got time to do 2 separate cases. Either they are the same or not. Smug twat should have been called out on his body language when our boy Jowell was talking. Rude and obnoxious.


My view is that we came out of it having won the argument. Also found the judge to be leaning on our side. There will always be the nagging doubt some technicality will stop it running though so just got to wait couple of weeks. 



Edited by Pokerprince2004

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Written judgments are running about a month plus. Probably looking at seeing something November-ish, unless they speed it up due to public interest. 


If SJHL wins outright, then the PL will have to file a response to SJHL's claim and there should be an administrative hearing to set a schedule. Looking at next year sometime before anything substantive would happen. (I mean, barring a settlement, of course).

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2 minutes ago, POOT 2.0 said:

It was apparent, to me, that this is a case that's purely about compensation. I don't think there is a "we" in this, and it's a "him" kind of thing (Ashley). In order to win his case his legal team will be extensively talking about the ins and outs of the takeover saga, but it's not for the club's benefit, as in "we". It's all about Mike. 


I think any PL inside revelations, that come from the hearing, would be as a consequence of the loss of earnings case, and not as a purpose of it. It's about money and Mike. 


May be wrong :dontknow:


You'll really upset people with that comment ?

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10 minutes ago, B-more Mag said:

Written judgments are running about a month plus. Probably looking at seeing something November-ish, unless they speed it up due to public interest. 


If SJHL wins outright, then the PL will have to file a response to SJHL's claim and there should be an administrative hearing to set a schedule. Looking at next year sometime before anything substantive would happen. (I mean, barring a settlement, of course).


I assume the parties find out the decision well before the written judgement goes on the website?

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You’d have to think they’ve done enough there to let this continue, whether or not it’s going to be delayed we don’t know. The bigger the delay the more the damages will be.


Jowell said, that we fear the arbitration may not even start in January which was what got Lewis animated, I think it was a subtle dig which he quickly apologised for, all designed to put pressure on the PL to stick to their word. It’s obviously an issue that’s rumbling away in the background.


The CAT won’t start in earnest until after the 3rd January anyway but that’s not the point, if the court rule that this goes ahead, the PL won’t allow all that evidence to even be summarised in public.


I think they instruct the arbitration to make a deal, then the CAT case goes away.


Either way, it will be mid January at the very earliest before a takeover can happen if they stick to arbitration as the vessel to settle.

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