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Why does this thread always fucking end up becoming arguments about Bullshit Keith (and now a fucking pigeon account). The only people who know what is going on are legal teams of NUFC and SJH and the legal teams of the Premier League. All other bullshit through twitter is just either clickbait or people on a wind up. Let's just wait for the actual legal decisions to be made and stop posting absolute total shit from the usual suspects. As I said earlier, there has been some decent discussion the last week based on actual legal presentations. 



Edited by et tu brute

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8 minutes ago, Fantail Breeze said:

We’re talking about the same guy who faked a screenshot of the club phoning him, right? :lol: 


Jesus I forgot about that. Didn't it literally say "The Club" on his screen or something? :spit:


What a joke of a human.

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6 hours ago, Whitley mag said:

Stick to talking with dead pigeons Benny lad.







Can I not just ask, is this not a form of doxxing? I mean posting people's personal accounts/details is a no no right? 

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10 hours ago, Colos Short and Curlies said:


Competition law is concerned with legal entities, SJH is the correct vehicle to use as it would be them (as the selling party) who would see losses


Im not bothered pal. If that’s the level that Keith wants to stoop to then I’m not the arsehole in the conversation am I?

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59 minutes ago, Whitley mag said:

Oh dear some really don’t like it back up at them on here do they.



Morning Whitley. Hope you slept well. 


Any update on how you know the club weren’t going down the CAT route and how you know de Marco personally congratulated Keith? 

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1 hour ago, Joey Linton said:

Morning Whitley. Hope you slept well. 


Any update on how you know the club weren’t going down the CAT route and how you know de Marco personally congratulated Keith? 

No update still waiting for Fanny’s screen shot first.

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17 minutes ago, Menace said:

Its incredible you lot haven't got tired of arguing over the same shite, for what 18 months now?


Christ almighty.

?? it's like the 100 years war, just when you think there is a bit of peace it all kicks off again.  


Shame we haven't moved on from the 14/15th century, perhaps because that's when we last won something ?

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DO: feel free to be either optimistic or pessimistic about the potential for new ownership

DO: feel free to express those opinions in an un-provocative and reasonable manner without undue repetition

DO NOT: deliberately antagonise those who do not share the same view as you

DO NOT: 'chomp' / 'take the bait' at any post or poster who you feel is deliberately trying to be unnecessarily provocative


Just a reminder, folks. Let's not let this get totally daft again until January when the next 'thing' happens. 

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It's been kind of odd watching the double turn of Manor Park and Whitley Mag (originally faces) and Fantail Breeze and Joey Linton (originally heels). They've completely swapped places now. 


It's like Survivor Series 88 with Demolition and The Powers of Pain but with shit patter about a WhatsApp group. 


Or for any none wrestling nerds, it's like when piers morgan and jk rowling swapped roles of being disliked and liked for a bit. But with shit patter about a WhatsApp group. 



Edited by Stal

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58 minutes ago, Whitley mag said:

No update still waiting for Fanny’s screen shot first.

For what it’s worth someone did call Keith out on it. When pointed out you could clearly see ‘the club’ was photoshopped. Tbh I wouldn’t know where to start to look for it 

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1 hour ago, gdm said:

For what it’s worth someone did call Keith out on it. When pointed out you could clearly see ‘the club’ was photoshopped. Tbh I wouldn’t know where to start to look for it 


I'll have a look for it but I'm still stuck on this bloody call about "our options" whatever he means by that:



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There such a mess of conflicts of interest with the way the PL operates.


I just can't see how it can be lawful to have what is in effect a market regulator that is collectively owned by and has such a close cosy relationship with some of the businesses in the market it regulates.


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Haven't read the last few pages in this thread because I just get lost when I try to do...


Can anyone fill me in what's happening:


1. Will there be any result of the CAT-case made in public, and if so what's the timescale for that?


2. And what's the next step?


3. What's this all leaning towards, takeover or no takeover?

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2 minutes ago, Toon No9 said:

Haven't read the last few pages in this thread because I just get lost when I try to do...


Can anyone fill me in what's happening:


1. Will there be any result of the CAT-case made in public, and if so what's the timescale for that?


2. And what's the next step?


3. What's this all leaning towards, takeover or no takeover?


1. The hearing results will be made public, timeframe is generally a month or so after the hearing. The club should know imminently.


2. Arbitration in January.


3. No news on that, arbitration will hold the ultimate answer. 

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