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PIF and RB Sports & Media - Darren Eales to step down from CEO after being diagnosed with blood cancer.


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3 minutes ago, Andy said:


Yep, for me I'm not thinking about big money signings, or any of that. All I care about is getting my club back, finally getting my sport back. 


Still expecting the disappointment to follow, as this is Newcastle after all and we can't have nice things. But jesus, if this goes through and Mike Ashley is finally booted out of our club, and Bruce follows, that to me is as good as winning the Champions League. 

Spot on :thup:


I'll need to remind myself in the next few months that even if we play poorly or lose at least there is a purpose again, at least there is a determination to push the club forward even if there are rubbish results every other weekend. It'll be nice just to care again, to actually give a fuck about the match again. Fuck I've missed that :lol: 


Sounds daft but I genuinely don't know how I'll react if we start being good and finishing higher and higher, my eyes naturally sink to the bottom of the table these days, it'll be nice to be able to look at the top half again.  

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2 minutes ago, BlackandWhite said:

I refused to get carried away and excited until the hour they put pen to paper, and the deal is concluded.


So right now I am having a hawkeye ‘don’t give me hope’ moment.


An hour?! It'll take weeks for my body to replenish all the semen I expel 3 mins after the announcement.

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19 minutes ago, joeyt said:


How daft do you have to be


Shite like this makes think fuck it to the whole “just want our club back”, hope we go all out and absolutely take the piss for the next couple years, funded by a dodgy Aramco sponsorship.



Edited by Anderson

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These developments are stuff of dreams. What an amazing moment if we are set to be rid of Ashley, and maybe actually try to compete like a normal club. Hope we get a decent coach/manager in - that's the biggest first move. I'm not expecting stupid spending either, just an initial plug gaps with quality and let's set out a vision to improve it year and year with going after quality we need, as opposed to signing who happens to be in final year of contract stuff. Hopefully investment in making club, facilities etc. what you'd expect in top flight 2021.

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Guest neesy111
1 minute ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:


It's been blank all evening for me.


It has been.


They haven't been on sale for weeks.

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6 minutes ago, midds said:

Spot on :thup:


I'll need to remind myself in the next few months that even if we play poorly or lose at least there is a purpose again, at least there is a determination to push the club forward even if there are rubbish results every other weekend. It'll be nice just to care again, to actually give a fuck about the match again. Fuck I've missed that :lol: 


Sounds daft but I genuinely don't know how I'll react if we start being good and finishing higher and higher, my eyes naturally sink to the bottom of the table these days, it'll be nice to be able to look at the top half again.  

Bruce being gone will be enough for me

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9 minutes ago, Joe_F said:


Holla to all my fellow scabs.


Me dad and I went into the season genuinely believing we’d have a definitive answer on this either way within 12 months so took a one-season punt. Not a chance we’d renew - or will renew - if Ashley was/is still owner in May.


Gallowgate block M. Two cracking seats.




Edited by WarrenBartonCentrePartin

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