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They are bad and we live in a world where we all depend unless you live like a fucking monk on some cunts or other. I maintain premier league is fucking embarassment to allow things to have got as mad as they have. But we do not live in that world. No one has to pretend everyone who they may in some way gain some benefit for is wonderful people. That is how it is in a totalitarian state, like eeerm saudi arabia... ;)



Edited by Tiresias

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This is so surreal. Was a whippersnapper at 21 when Ashley took over. 35 now, getting married in 12 days and have a beautiful little girl. My life has changed so much. NUFC was my religion, my everything, it was my entire spare time. It's different now, but Christ, the relief of being able to be proud of my club again. This club under Ashley had made me an angry, miserable and bitter man. That baggage has gone.


I was at the ground at 8am yesterday until 9pm last night (with a brief detour to Jesmond Dene House) as I was doing a little bit of reporting and I must've cried a dozen times. Met @Rich and Hugz and I've never seen Rich so happy, ever. ?


Old faces that I'd usually nod and avoid conversation as it's awkward taking about something as synonymous with misery as Newcastle United, I can now embrace and make plans with. This changes everything. Eveything.

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It just feels like I've been reacquainted with an old mate who I used to have some absolutely mint times with.

He's been off the boil for a while (14 years) so we've only been keeping in touch now and again from a distance but now he's sorted his life right out and the good times are back.

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I mean one reason why nation states should not own football clubs, what happens if something serious kicks off in the middle east in the next 10 years? What if we end up somehow on different sides of a really serious conflict, economic or armed with saudi arabia? It may seem inconceivable while they are so important to the world economy but it's not like the world isn't trying to disentangle itself from being reliant on them. There could be sudden regime change, it's a monachy someone dies and suddenly their whole policy agenda is different. What happens to our club if suddenly PIF do not want to be spending money abroad anymore, or if we are essentially at war with them? (One of the purposes of PIF I guess is to keep the global economy entangled with SA enough that the west would never seriously consider armed conflict with them). Suddenly our club is entitely in the whims of a foreign state. 


It's exactly the same with Chelsea and Man City if the owners suddenly decide to fuck off or something. It's not unique, but it isn't how I would run football. 


Anyway back to being really excited about this :) 

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Guest HTT II

It’s been typical NUFC really over the last few days, fucking utter lunacy and madness, but this time it feels so good and I guarantee the Saudis do not mess about, all this soft talk of slowly rebuilding, taking their time etc. Initially maybe, but once they get a firm grip on the club’s structure or lack of, I expect huge investment and to be one of the top clubs in Europe in 5 or so years. They will throw money at it, they will want to be the number one Arab owned team never mind the number one football team. Exciting times lie ahead. Bring it on. I’ve not been this excited about Newcastle since we signed Joselu…

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2 hours ago, nufcjb said:

Just to ask. How and when was the first indication this was on, on Wednesday apart from that Saudi/beIN settlement? Was it that private jet passenger list on the aviation thread?




Imo its when the Glazers sold their stock of Manchester Red

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1 minute ago, HTT II said:

It’s been typical NUFC really over the last few days, fucking utter lunacy and madness, but this time it feels so good and I guarantee the Saudis do not mess about, all this soft talk of slowly rebuilding, taking their time etc. Initially maybe, but once they get a firm grip on the club’s structure or lack of, I expect huge investment and to be one of the top clubs in Europe in 5 or so years. They will throw money at it, they will want to be the number one Arab owned team never mind the number one football team. Exciting times lie ahead. Bring it on. I’ve not been this excited about Newcastle since we signed Joselu…

Hopefully ‘typical NUFC’ is a thing of the past now. 

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47 minutes ago, gjohnson said:

So what...let them hate.


Give them 14 years of complete misery and see if they're not doing the exact same thing


When I said haters, I was referring to media etc, not just fans from other clubs. The scrutiny around this will be huge, considering it is essentially State wealth.


I look forward to the Panorama/Guardian special.



Edited by Klaus

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Guest HTT II
Just now, AyeDubbleYoo said:

Hopefully ‘typical NUFC’ is a thing of the past now. 

Yes, but the idiosyncrasy that is NUFC since it’s formation has just been encapsulated in the last few days.

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Guest HTT II
Just now, STM said:

How many other clubs in a similar situation would have sparked the scenes like last night?


Very few.

Nothing will ever top hundreds of SAFC fans storming the stadium of light armed with spanners to replace some pink seats, now that is how to celebrate a takeover…

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1 minute ago, HTT II said:

Nothing will ever top hundreds of SAFC fans storming the stadium of light armed with spanners to replace some pink seats, now that is how to celebrate a takeover…

TBF they did get a free boiled Westlers hamburger for their troubles 

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7 minutes ago, STM said:

How many other clubs in a similar situation would have sparked the scenes like last night?


Very few.


Our scenes were questionably larger than Leicester’s the night they won the fucking league :lol: 


Imagine when we actually do win something.

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I'm going to say this and might get some flak. But one unsung 'hero' in getting this takeover over the line is QC Daniel Jowell during the CAT hearing 2 weeks ago. He put down that PL QC Adam Lewis that even Mr.Justice was laughing in agreement. It might not have had a direct impact but I'm pretty convinced, the CAT case would have gone ahead and the PL gave up at this point and compromised. He should always be welcomed on Tyneside.



Edited by nufcjb

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It's fucking mad, man. I've only known Ashley so the blip of his ownership is my entire experience. I've seen footage of the good old days and they've been unrecognizable to me. The idea that the passion at the ground yesterday will make it's way into the stands on matchday and that it's ok to love this club again is impossible to describe. The Spurs game feels like a rebirth.

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