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PIF and RB Sports & Media - Darren Eales to step down from CEO after being diagnosed with blood cancer.


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2 hours ago, HTT II said:

The North has always voted Tory, it’s not some massive Labour strong hold, it’s mainly favoured Labour is all. Putin and Russia have never been an ally, they are deemed as the bad guys of Europe and always have been, even in WW2 we fought Germany, but favoured them over the Red Army. Saudi Arabia are our allies in the ME, they invest hundreds of billions here in our economy, PIF have shares in lots of our companies and globally from Uber to Disney to our very own football club, how do you sanction a legitimate business? We supply arms to them, are in a coalition with them against deemed enemies of the ME and with it the West. Honestly, it would take something unimaginable for our nation to sanction theirs, for the likes of PIF to be barred from trading/doing business in the U.K. and owning a football club. The Ukraine situation is something our nation and others will happily allow to play out and pretend to care about what’s happening, because really, they want a weakened Russia and sanctioning the likes of Abramovic is easier than hauling Putin over the coals and it also serves the self interests of others who are too weak or just can’t go after the real bad guys because they themselves are also the bad guys.

This is what I’ve been saying. If we’re in a situation where PIF are being told they can’t have an 80% in NUFC anymore by the UK government we’ll have much bigger things to worry about than football.

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11 hours ago, NWMag said:

Is anybody else worried that changes come into effect and our owners are forced to sell? 


Nope. If they sell, they sell. If they don't, they don't. As long as Mike Ashley doesn't Dark Souls roll his way back into the picture, I really don't care one way or the other. 

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Guest HTT II
9 minutes ago, Dr Venkman said:

This is what I’ve been saying. If we’re in a situation where PIF are being told they can’t have an 80% in NUFC anymore by the UK government we’ll have much bigger things to worry about than football.

Yes, it will mean a total break down of things in the ME for a start.

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Guest HTT II

As for SA links with Chelsea Abramovic has had Chelsea effectively up for sale for a few years, if they wanted Chelsea or Man Utd or whoever they could wipe the floor with anyone to buy said clubs, they effectively paid over 1.3bn for us by settling the piracy  issues with Bein. As much as the mackems would love them to pull out/they get sanctioned or the PL have a morality change if heart, it ain’t and never is happening.



Edited by HTT II

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Guest HTT II
24 minutes ago, Dr Venkman said:

This is what I’ve been saying. If we’re in a situation where PIF are being told they can’t have an 80% in NUFC anymore by the UK government we’ll have much bigger things to worry about than football.

Our own government effectively lobbied the FA/PL to allow the sale to go through and had a hand in twisting SA’s arm to settle the piracy issues, that’s how tight knit relations are between the two…

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We're their any photos of the Saudi Flag in our end on Sunday? My mum is convinced they just mistook Brazilian flags because there's lots of reports about it but very little in the way of photographic evidence. 

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I cant see the Saudis being asked or being removed from football.


As said above, if they were, youve then got to question the behaviour/relationships of every other owner - and not just in the premier league.


Also if they did, what about saudi involvement in the wider world of sport and industry?


As we very kindly gave the Russians time to move their assets out of the UK, if saudi money were to leave as well, what would this mean to the economy as a whole?

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Without getting too much into the politics of it but since their inception the Saudi's have been an ally of this country (in fact the British Empire helped create the new state with violence might I add)


That arrangement suits the house of Saud and it very much suits Britain and the west, that relationship isn't changing. Russia hasn't been an ally so that comparison doesn't work.


Also, the fact that the hijackers of the planes were all Saudis yet it's Afghanistan that got bombed to smithereens whilst Saudi was untouched should tell you all you need to know about their relationship with the west 

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They're trying to shame you into condemning your own team, and the singular opportunity that lies before us.


In the words of the great Michael Corleone; "Don’t ever take sides with anyone against the family again. Ever."


We need to close ranks & remain steadfast in our support for our club.


Our government, as well as successive governments in the western world, have done trade and maintained diplomatic relations with KSA for over half a century - Our government in particular has supplied arms and military equipment to KSA for decades.


This, goes by unnoticed or barely spoken of in the mainstream press, until...


We are taken over.


Now they're at DEFCON-1.


Everything the Saudi's & their ancestors have been doing for over a thousand years - Beheadings, public executions for social and moral infractions, corporal punishment, a radically different social policy regarding women - These things are suddenly presented to us as though we were born yesterday, our innocent eyes and ears besmirched with the previously unknown horrors of the House of Saud - And we're meant to gawp, weep and present ourselves, aghast, at these unbelievable revelations...


What we are not meant to do is question the timing of the highly coincidental, outward social displays of moral repugnance and condemnation of KSA with their takeover of our club - Especially in relation to our own government supplying them with war-grade weaponry longer than many of us will have been alive.


You're not meant to question, 'why now'? or 'what about (insert morally questionable / dictatorial tyrant owner / country here)?' - Because their questions are rhetorical, and because they don't have an answer for their own hypocrisy.


It's the media's job to whip up enough hysteria to frighten those with low amounts of intelligence into social conformity - The purpose, quite obviously, is to try and destabilize our football club, in the midst of it finding it's feet for the first time in nearly two decades.


A lot of you are going to have decide how you are going to deal with this, because this is only going to intensify in the future as we go from relegation candidates to silverware challengers. The attempts to destroy the harmony and togetherness of our fanbase will only increase in number and severity, and it's not because these people are following some Benedictine moral code that keeps them up at night - They're paid (more often than not) agent provocateurs, whose job it is to whip up media hysteria, sow discord & create headlines for the purposes of self-enrichment and bourgeois social standing.


Our club will be the whetstone they use to sharpen the blade that they intend to sacrifice us with.


I say to you all, with facetious intent - Don't lose your head.


The realities of the horror they throw at us are authentic, their intent is not.


This is a game to them - The rules are simple - Destabilize & destroy NUFC and it's fans - And win - Fail - And lose.


Eddie has set the example.


Being a football fan doesn't necessitate having to have a opinion on geopolitics & current affairs, or, that you're required to share your opinion. 


But should we feel compelled to say something, then it's simply this - That our love for our club is neither a wish to see it cut off from the backing it is desperately in need of, nor an endorsement of foreign power who our own government is already in bed with.


Don't let them get away with the false dichotomy of 'either / or'.


We're fans of our football club and wish to see it succeed.


If they want to accuse you of being a stooge or an unwitting puppet of foreign regimes, or any other of the double-barreled op-ed Guardian cliché's - Then it works both ways - Brutal middle-eastern adventurist wars, millions of dead for neo-con lies, a government supplying enough military hardware to propel war for a decade, the sanctioning of takeovers to other foreign, morally-questionable characters and companies, a world cup they will undoubtedly promote & report on in a country using modern day slave labor, bought through corruption at the highest echelons of FIFA, and on, and on, and on.


But do not let them get to you by acting hysterically, getting emotionally charged or doing something stupid or rash that will give them more fuel for their narrative.


We close ranks, we support each other, we support the team & the manager, and where we can - The board, and our collective aspirations to see our team do well.


If the vigor and vehemence with which they have went at us in the last few days has shocked you, then strap yourself in, because this ride has no breaks - We're going to have to learn to deal with the highs and lows of the rollercoaster ride we're on with equal parts, amusement, restraint & jubilation - A paradoxical concoction of emotions for sure, but a one that will likely mirror the twists and turns yet to come.


Keep the faith.


NUFC Forever.


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I mean that’s well put together and very erudite but it opens with a quote from a fictional mafia boss who tries to escape the trappings of the life he’s in but can’t and likewise what does not acting hysterically mean practically? Dafties flying Saudi flags etc discounted. For the most part I think fans have a good dialogue on this and not many are abandoning nufc nor promoting the geopolitical rhetoric of PIF.

If pulling together means not discussing it openly and being self aware then it’s a line that shouldn’t be crossed. I don’t disagree with a lot there as many attempts by media are no doubt disingenuous and with thinly veiled agenda but forming ranks because NUFC caused bother under Ashley and will do here too.

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Guest HTT II
12 hours ago, Hank Marvin said:

They're trying to shame you into condemning your own team, and the singular opportunity that lies before us.


In the words of the great Michael Corleone; "Don’t ever take sides with anyone against the family again. Ever."


We need to close ranks & remain steadfast in our support for our club.


Our government, as well as successive governments in the western world, have done trade and maintained diplomatic relations with KSA for over half a century - Our government in particular has supplied arms and military equipment to KSA for decades.


This, goes by unnoticed or barely spoken of in the mainstream press, until...


We are taken over.


Now they're at DEFCON-1.


Everything the Saudi's & their ancestors have been doing for over a thousand years - Beheadings, public executions for social and moral infractions, corporal punishment, a radically different social policy regarding women - These things are suddenly presented to us as though we were born yesterday, our innocent eyes and ears besmirched with the previously unknown horrors of the House of Saud - And we're meant to gawp, weep and present ourselves, aghast, at these unbelievable revelations...


What we are not meant to do is question the timing of the highly coincidental, outward social displays of moral repugnance and condemnation of KSA with their takeover of our club - Especially in relation to our own government supplying them with war-grade weaponry longer than many of us will have been alive.


You're not meant to question, 'why now'? or 'what about (insert morally questionable / dictatorial tyrant owner / country here)?' - Because their questions are rhetorical, and because they don't have an answer for their own hypocrisy.


It's the media's job to whip up enough hysteria to frighten those with low amounts of intelligence into social conformity - The purpose, quite obviously, is to try and destabilize our football club, in the midst of it finding it's feet for the first time in nearly two decades.


A lot of you are going to have decide how you are going to deal with this, because this is only going to intensify in the future as we go from relegation candidates to silverware challengers. The attempts to destroy the harmony and togetherness of our fanbase will only increase in number and severity, and it's not because these people are following some Benedictine moral code that keeps them up at night - They're paid (more often than not) agent provocateurs, whose job it is to whip up media hysteria, sow discord & create headlines for the purposes of self-enrichment and bourgeois social standing.


Our club will be the whetstone they use to sharpen the blade that they intend to sacrifice us with.


I say to you all, with facetious intent - Don't lose your head.


The realities of the horror they throw at us are authentic, their intent is not.


This is a game to them - The rules are simple - Destabilize & destroy NUFC and it's fans - And win - Fail - And lose.


Eddie has set the example.


Being a football fan doesn't necessitate having to have a opinion on geopolitics & current affairs, or, that you're required to share your opinion. 


But should we feel compelled to say something, then it's simply this - That our love for our club is neither a wish to see it cut off from the backing it is desperately in need of, nor an endorsement of foreign power who our own government is already in bed with.


Don't let them get away with the false dichotomy of 'either / or'.


We're fans of our football club and wish to see it succeed.


If they want to accuse you of being a stooge or an unwitting puppet of foreign regimes, or any other of the double-barreled op-ed Guardian cliché's - Then it works both ways - Brutal middle-eastern adventurist wars, millions of dead for neo-con lies, a government supplying enough military hardware to propel war for a decade, the sanctioning of takeovers to other foreign, morally-questionable characters and companies, a world cup they will undoubtedly promote & report on in a country using modern day slave labor, bought through corruption at the highest echelons of FIFA, and on, and on, and on.


But do not let them get to you by acting hysterically, getting emotionally charged or doing something stupid or rash that will give them more fuel for their narrative.


We close ranks, we support each other, we support the team & the manager, and where we can - The board, and our collective aspirations to see our team do well.


If the vigor and vehemence with which they have went at us in the last few days has shocked you, then strap yourself in, because this ride has no breaks - We're going to have to learn to deal with the highs and lows of the rollercoaster ride we're on with equal parts, amusement, restraint & jubilation - A paradoxical concoction of emotions for sure, but a one that will likely mirror the twists and turns yet to come.


Keep the faith.


NUFC Forever.


You could have cropped out the SD like…

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There wouldn't be nowhere near this much fewm against us if the following had not happened


1) Chelsea sanctioned.

2) Our resurgence in form coupled with putting in a strong performance (with a weakened team) at the weekend against one of their beloved top six.

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26 minutes ago, Sima said:

There wouldn't be nowhere near this much fewm against us if the following had not happened


1) Chelsea sanctioned.

2) Our resurgence in form coupled with putting in a strong performance (with a weakened team) at the weekend against one of their beloved top six.

No one wants us to be successful at all, like :lol:

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12 minutes ago, Robster said:

No one wants us to be successful at all, like :lol:


Not sure I do considering the backlash like[emoji38]


I'll take just being competitive ala wolves/Leicester/Southampton right now please haha

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Guest reefatoon
13 minutes ago, NE27 said:


Not sure I do considering the backlash like[emoji38]


I'll take just being competitive ala wolves/Leicester/Southampton right now please haha

Wew, we don’t want to be like Chinese owned Wolves or Thai owned Leicester, not with capital punishment rife in their countries, especially China where it leads the way by a country mile, and all those questions the managers get asked about it constantly……They do don’t they? ;)

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On 04/03/2022 at 18:01, The Prophet said:


You're right it's not on us as football fans, I'm not saying that at all. What I'm saying is a show of support for Ukraine, while Yemen is blockaded, is bad optics at best.

There is barely any coverage on Yemen, though, so ignorance is only to be expected. When the media coverage of Yemen matches that of Ukraine, it's fair to point the finger at the uninformed. 

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2 hours ago, Sima said:

There wouldn't be nowhere near this much fewm against us if the following had not happened


1) Chelsea sanctioned.

2) Our resurgence in form coupled with putting in a strong performance (with a weakened team) at the weekend against one of their beloved top six.

I do wonder if we had not had the uptick in form and we're still in the bottom three we would be getting the same level of flack

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2 hours ago, Sima said:

There wouldn't be nowhere near this much fewm against us if the following had not happened


1) Chelsea sanctioned.

2) Our resurgence in form coupled with putting in a strong performance (with a weakened team) at the weekend against one of their beloved top six.


It is weird like. I can understand on Sunday there was going to be a backlash because of the executions in SA, but it still felt like that was more to take the focus off Chelsea. Tuchel has had a very sympathetic press, and deservedly so, but I don't think it's fair to deride Howe for not speaking up more against our owners. For a start they are still his employers whereas Tuchel's boss has been kicked out. That does make it a lot easier for him to be more expressive.


At the end of the day, NUFC ownership is not involved with the invasion of another country. If anything, we as a nation, seem to have really close ties to Saudi Arabia.

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18 minutes ago, TRon said:


It is weird like. I can understand on Sunday there was going to be a backlash because of the executions in SA, but it still felt like that was more to take the focus off Chelsea. Tuchel has had a very sympathetic press, and deservedly so, but I don't think it's fair to deride Howe for not speaking up more against our owners. For a start they are still his employers whereas Tuchel's boss has been kicked out. That does make it a lot easier for him to be more expressive.


At the end of the day, NUFC ownership is not involved with the invasion of another country. If anything, we as a nation, seem to have really close ties to Saudi Arabia.


Abramovich still owns Chelsea, he hasn't been kicked out, he probably has no option but to agree to the club being sold but he is still the owner for now.

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1 hour ago, reefatoon said:

Wew, we don’t want to be like Chinese owned Wolves or Thai owned Leicester, not with capital punishment rife in their countries, especially China where it leads the way by a country mile, and all those questions the managers get asked about it constantly……They do don’t they? ;)

Surely this is a pisstake at this stage? There's a difference between the government and private individuals from a particular country

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