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Posts posted by Chase

  1. Coming to the point where I think Spurs should have to switch each of their "home" fixtures and fulfil the fixture at their opponents ground until their stadium is ready. Delays harken and the odd emergency switch is fine but there should be some kind of punishment or deterrent for want of a better word. Wembley shouldn't be an option for them this season. Your ground isn't ready yet? Tough shit, play away until it is.


    My irritation with it is that clubs in London have this fallback that is often an upgrade when they plan to play games away from their stadium.


    If Newcastle or Sunderland were to take this approach we'd have to drop down to something like a 5k capacity stadium like Kingston Park while clubs in London get an upgrade to an 80k capacity stadium.

  2. To be fair we were on that type of trajectory, in the same way it's enevitable Man City will one day win the CL just as Chelsea did. Then they appointed Gullit... they should have went all out for Sir Bobby after KK as we would have won something I feel and even after Sir Bobby we were well primed but they went for Souness...


    I'm sure he said that we did but he had his contract at Barcelona which he was honouring, shame for them they didn't and very soon replaced him.

  3. I'm not really sure how it wasn't cleared by one of the post markers. We had Colo and Anita within a foot of the ball and neither went for it?

    It looked like both thought that the other one would take it. Hopeless.


    Both weren't covering the post to begin with, they were tracking back after the header, if either was on the post to begin they could have cleared it.

  4. I thought his distribution was alright, some kicks missed their targets but largely landed where they were aimed for.


    There was one throw roughly 10 mins from the which I thought was fantastic, center of the goal throw to the left wing beyond the halfway line and it landed on Wijnaldums chest.

  5. Personally I'm happy with this, I think Mbabu and Streete will benefit, Vuckic and Ferguson I just see as a way of running down their contracts (I'd like Vuckic to make it but he's too fragile/slow).


    My only concern is Bigi, he's better than this, he should be in the English Championship or SPL at worst, not the Scottish Championship.

  6. He would have been better off saying nowt, what a waste of words. This reveals nowt new and is simply waffle.


    Well we now have confirmation Carr is legitimately involved in getting the new man in. That was only speculated up until now. Pretty big deal IMO.


    Carr has constantly delivered with decent players, and he will want to see them utilised well.


    That's a fair point, I see Charnleys role in the new manager being purely financial/HR type role and in reality the choice of the new manager maybe coming down to who Carr thinks will be work with the players he likes to sign.

  7. Why are they all so stupid, man :lol: if they applied themselves even a moderate amount they could have carved a decent career.


    I understand the financial incentive, but putting that aside I couldn't imagine devoting 10-15 years of my life to a career that I have no interest in if what has been said about Spear & Airey not being interested are true.

  8. Don't they also get some huge fine if they get promoted anyway?  Something like £45 million?

    What I read is a £47.7m fine if promoted, transfer embargo if not.


    Either way, not good news for them no matter what happens come the end of the season.

  9. ...tremendously successful career solely as a footballer. It's not like he was a passenger in any of the teams that he played for. He was always an important player.


    Come on fella, you must have not watched him play from 1999 onwards.  Slow, usually out of position, wasteful with set pieces, didn't track back...


    He was good enough to play in the PL, La Ligua etc, but was never good enough to build a team around.


    He didn't say teams were built around him, just said he was important player which he was. Don't understand the whole doesn't track back, he's one of the most harding working players on the pitch generally, even towards the end of his career his fitness was exceptional.


    Thats what I don't get about that idea, he was almost always one of the players you'd find getting stuck in across the whole pitch when out of possession, he was an immensely hard worker

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