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Posts posted by Tom_NUFC

  1. Shame. If Shepherd were to bail them out then fair play to him but if I were in his shoes I wouldn't bother.

    i personally think there is definitly a market out there for a decent non-league outfit in newcastle. and kingston park is a good ground aswell.

    There's still Benfield. But this is a crying shame to see one of area's well known non league sides go under.

  2. Firstly, I apologise for reverting back to the thing I always do, and that's the Toon Ultras...


    Secondly, I think it's vital for any form of new supporters group to be genuine and open minded in their approach, especially if they want to grow (which pretty much every group will want to do). I personally believe that Toon Ultras as a group, when it started out, was very ignorant and stubborn in its approach (probably due to its overwhleming amount of young members). However, we as agroup have became far more open-minded and taken on board various opinions and have managed to grow even if it is only by a little bit. I also believe that despite it only growing slightly it has now been accepted by the majority of Newcastle Fans who know of its existence.


    On the other hand, you have NUSC - who are equally as ignorant and stubborn in their approach. This is something I don't mind, as like I say the group I get involved with most was in a similar position. The difference being, like mentioned in previous posts, we were and are a bunch of inexperienced young lads, looking to do something positive, and our goal has never really moved or changed - we still intend to Bring Back The Noise. The NUSC is a bunch of experienced, respectable older blokes, who are far more knowledgeable and wiser than alot of our members and they are aiming for something which is arguably far more negative.


    Now this isn't the problem, but rather the name of their group is (haven't we heard this old debate before)..the Toon Ultras actually can claim to putting a non-hooliganesque spin on the name, as an Ultra is just someone who claims to be fanatical about something. Newcastle United Supporters Club is a bit more rigid and will always be interpreted as the main group listening to the vast majority of supporters and claiming to represent the majority....even though it currently isn't.


    If it were to grow it would need to take a less stubborn approach, and it would also need to stop asking members to pay to join. What the f*** do they actually do with the money? Make Anti-Ashley banners? Why the f*** can they not make some pro-Newcastle ones too if this is the case? If not where does this money go?


    I don't have anything against anyone who is anti-ashley, I don't really have any complaints in fans voicing their views to the club, it's all about timing though. Now is not the time and to answer someones question earlier in the thread - no, Mike Ashley is definately not the main issue at this club at present, staying the Premiership is. Anyone, in my opinion, who can't see this is a bit of a mongoloid....I think some people (not all) would rather we went down and got rid of Ashley than we stayed up and he stayed.


    I can understand Dave and more people need to turn up and voice opposing views or pose questions about there other aims and goals. However, in the mean time I think it's down to the NUSC to promote a more democratic outlook, which would be more appealing to potential members. Until they speak to the supporters, they will be limited.


    Finally, I just want to re-ittirate my annoyance about how these as a group have managed to come under far less scrutiny than the Toon Ultras, and I feel rather annoyed by the constant portrayal that us Newcastle Fans are all Ashley hating savages who are on one mission and that's to get rid of Big Mike. We are passionate about our club, and what is best for it. What is best for it is staying up. Anti-Ashley rallys certaintly aren't best for it, backing the boys on the pitch is something that could significantly help.



    best thing the toon ultras can do is to join the NUSC, get the best of both worlds,  the extra clout and influence that NUSC can only be good in spreading the message that the toon ultras are trying to portray.  Heza don't believe most of this thread as its based on blinkered opinions and not showing a true reflection on the NUSC from the 3 meetings i have been to. 


    Aye, I agree, I am just uncertain as to whether they would be open to this idea and I wonder how it would work...


    I have a sneaking suspicion that they would see it as them doing us a massive favour rather than it being reciprocal, but that's just an assumption. It would be best for a few lads from Toon Ultras to go to the next meeting though....


    We have tried to invite people from the Toon Ultras along to have a chat with the committee on several occassions. I know that Malcolm has tried phoning or e-mailing Ultras people but has had no response. Several of us have posted on the Ultras forum, but unfortunately the responses have been insulting and negative.


    There's no hidden agenda about it, no thought about NUSC doing the Ultras a favour, or vice versa. In fact we'd be doing each other a favour, because both groups want what's best for the club.


    Believe me, we are VERY much open to the idea.

  3. I just want to clarify a few things.


    There IS definitely a Rally at the Mounment on sunday starting at around 2.30pm.

    Unfortunately the website is having an overhaul at the minute. But there will be further publicity in the next few days.


    There is NO march to the ground organised by NUSC.


    It is NOT an 'Ashley Out!' rally. It is focussing on the need for Change. For the club to be run properly and for those in ownership and the running of the club to respect the club, it's place in the community, the fans, city and players.


    It has been organised before the game so that people can then go to the game and support the team 100%. For the same reason this is why we opted for a protest away from the ground.


    NUSC has always been 100% behind the team out on the pitch, and part of the rally on Sunday will reflect this.


    On NUSC itself.


    We always quite happy to listen to people's questions and concerns about us, and have held open meetings so that people can do exactly that.


    We appreciate that not everyone has been able to attend, but we are now in the process of arranging outreach meetings where a few of us will actually go out and meet people across the region. Possible outreach meetings in the near future may well be taking place in Prudhoe, Blakelaw, Heaton, Forest Hall and Monkseaton. This is out of dialogue with both NUSC members and people interested in hearing what we have to say (some of whom are sceptical). If you feel you could get enough interest near you, by all means contact us via the e-mail address on our website and we'll get in touch (or at least those who looking at the outreach meetings will) and try an organise something. So we are trying to give people the chance to communicate with us.


    You can contact us by e-mail to ask stuff as well - again in the same way.


    If you really want, you can PM me. I may not know the answer, and it might mean going off and having to speak with someone else on the committee who might have better info on certain subjects, but I will find out and get back to you, even if it's just to say I/we don't know.

  4. Just a few things to point out regarding NUSC.


    Firstly neither the Chronicle or Journal article came about through us. I think the interviews came about because there is a general frustration amongst NUFC fans about the lack of communication, which is something NUSC has been saying, but plenty other people have as well.


    Having said that Luke Edwards from the Journal was at the meeting last Wednesday and did ask for questions which he would put to Llambias.


    Llambias says that there is dialogue with us and that we have monthly meetings.

    To date, the only dialogue NUSC has had with anyone at NUFC was when we went up to the supporters panel meeting about 3 weeks ago. We talked about the stewarding issues and NUFC's representative was Simon Esland. It was agreed that 2 or 3 NUFC committee members would go along to supporters panel meetings from now on. But there has been no contact with Llambias, Ashley or Wise, let alone monthly meetings, If they want to talk on a monthly basis we'd be happy.


    I find it strange that he finds it strange that our members pay subs. It's pretty much the norm amongst the majority of supporters clubs, and the FSF itself, and plenty of clubs and societies outside of football.


    Considering we have around 800 members and are processing 6,000 enquiries when we've only been going since mid September, I don't think that's bad going.


    Whether we get more credence than we deserve is for others to decide. No doubt some people will believe that's the case, and others won't. All I can say to that is that those of us who've set NUSC up are just regular NUFC supporters who have given up our spare time, and are concerned about how the club is being run and the direction in which it is being taken. It breaks our hearts to watch this happen, and we set NUSC up and have been doing what we've been doing because we love the club. There's no ulterior motives or wanting to get ourselves known on TV and radio. We want there to be a good relationship between the club and its fans.

  5. Great article. Can I just remind everyone that the meeting he mentions is at the Irish Club tomorrow night. 7 for 7.30, everyone welcome. I think its very important that we get some sort of action going and tomorrow gives us the opportunity to do that. Even if you're critical of NUSC, please come along and voice your opinions. It's not the time for us as Newcastle fans to be divided. It's time to stand together and make ourselves heard.


  6. I always find it stupid when people do stuff like that. 'We're sh*t now, so that's me... turrah!"


    If you had a close relative who was ill with cancer you would go "No, sorry, you're ill, I can't deal with that, I'm off"?


    Yes it's tough and depressing and the club is in an absolute shambles, but I'm not going to f*ck off, because I can't.

  7. Michael Teasdale, of the Newcastle United Supporters Club, said: All we want if for the owners to communicate with us. If they came to us and said money is tight, I think the vast majority of fans would get behind team and support the club.


    Fair comment.


    'us' meaning the fans in general, not NUSC in particular

  8. Part of the reason for having this meeting is so if you've got a problem with some of the statements NUSC has come out with, you can tell us that. We want to iron things out, explain our position, reasons and we really do want to hear what people have to say, because I'm sure we all want a well run, successful club, but sadly we are a million miles away from that.


    It's a desperate time for the club, and a time for us as fans to be pulling together rather than bickering or swiping at each other. I'm not saying we haven't got a few things wrong since setting up NUSC, but in someways it's inevitable that we will make mistakes because we've set this thing up from scratch and it has been a big learning curve for a lot of us.


    We're not neccesarily saying 'join us now', more come and hear what we have to say, tell us what you think and let us hear what you have to say. This isn't so much about NUSC as about NUFC and where we all as fans go from here, because we can't just sit back and watch this happen. This is about getting a consensus of opinion from NUFC fans across the spectrum.

  9. They're fucking bipolar, this lot!


    "We think that Ashley is an utter cunt and we hate him and everything he's ever done, we wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire! Please Mr Ashley, talk to us, oh why won't you talk to us, we really want to talk to you, pretty please?"


    Well I don't know about you, but I certainly go out of my way to talk to people who think I'm a cunt, it's one of my favourite activities.







    Hmm, I wonder just how ironic that last sentence really is? :lol:


    Look, we've said all along that we want to talk, and that the fact that he won't tell us (and by that I mean all NUFC supporters, rather than just NUSC) a thing. He says he has a plan, but he won't say what.


    The club is an absolute shambles at the moment, so no, we're far from happy with the situation, or with him, no doubt you feel the same.


    We have had communications with the club, and discussed certain matters with them. For example, just on Monday night we took a raft of e-mails we'd received about the stewarding in the NW corner, and brought the matter to the club's attention. Obviously, that doesn't solve the running of the club, and it's not direct communication with the people at the top, but I think it is a positive sign that we have made direct contact with the club and can address some issues.

  10. Is there anyway we culd get someone senior from the club to go and make it not a witch hunt but a meeting that would be beneficial, it just seems like a massive mis communication problem at basis.


    I very much doubt it.


    We have had contact with the club via the official supporters' panel, which several committee members went to. I think we're a little way off speaking to anyone high up, but we've made contact, and talked mainly about the stewarding.


    You may know that we'd been asking for people to contact us about what they had experienced and/or witnessed from the new stewarding regime - particularly in the singing corner. We took up a load of e-mails, read some of them out and left the club with copies.


    So hopefully they'll keep their word and look into it.


    I'm not really sure how our dialogue with the club will progress, but we have at least made some contact.

  11. Just to let you all know that NUSC are arranging another meeting, open to everyone on Wednesday February 4, 7.30pm at the Irish Centre on Gallowgate.


    You all know the situation at the club is getting progressively worse/desperate/depressing, and we want to get supporters together to discuss what we -as fans generally, rather than just NUSC should do about it.


    We're aware that we have our critics, and we'd like people to come along and tell us (NUSC) what you think - where we're going right, where we're going wrong. It's a desperate time for the club, and a time in which we as fans should be pulling together, because ultimately we all want the same thing from that club.


    We're still arranging some of the details, but at this stage we're looking at possibly having a few speakers, and once we finalise what's happening in the meeting, I'll update you again.


    Just letting you know it will be taking place, as a couple of these have been organised and announced at quite short notice for a lot of people in the past.


    Download the meeting here: http://rapidshare.com/files/194022632/NUSC.mp3

  12. I was concerned -even frightened about our situation before the game yesterday. I'm still concerned - even frightened.

    The game itself was average, but that's all. The defence were poor ( marvel at how they stood still and watch West Ham score their second), and we're crying out for a central midfielder who can get the ball forward and create chances and options for the strikers. We're handicapped when we put Geremi or Butt in because they have no pace and stifle the momentum of the whole midfield - dare I say it, the whole team.And yet, we're stuck for options of who we can put in there.


    The Liverpool game showed what happens to the defence if we lose one or two players to injuries/suspension. In other words, it goes from passable to shit. As for the forwards well, they don't get the service due to midfield problems (better service would do wonders for Owen and Martins, we all know that). We also have a problem with injuries. Martins - injured, Viduka - injured (yet again), Ameobi - injured (and shite), and we all know Owen can get injured easily, which leaves us with Andy Carroll, who is inexperienced.


    So, we pretty much need to urgently strengthen in all areas apart from Goalkeepers (but if Given goes....?).


    Basically, we're NOT going to do that. As things stand, I can't see us bringing in any player(s) that we really need. I wouldn't be suprised if we didn't bring anyone in at all. After all, how many players are going to look at NUFC at the minute, at how it's being run, at all the chaos and turmoil and think 'hmm, yes, I really want to play there!'? If we do get players in, I think that they will be in the cheap/desperate/sub-standard/not really that good mould, that will not improve the team, and will probably end up bieng virtually invisible - ala Xisco/Nacho Gonzalez.


    As has already been said, we're currently 11th - purely because we've played more games than other people, and not because we're improving, but because other teams have f*cked up worse than us. The fact is we're not playing well, and could quite easily start being the one who f*cks up worse than others and going into freefall.

  13. The Sir Bobby Day although a very good gesture, welcome and the kind of thing NUSC should be all about, needed a big push months in advance and not weeks to happen in the way we'd all have liked it to have happened. Still the message at least was made and I'm sure Sir Bobby appreciated it and I know I appreciated saying thanks to him before kick-off, which wouldn't have happened had it not been for NUSC so they should be applauded I feel.


    It's certainly a fair point, regarding the length of time involved, and we did consider looking at doing it at sometime in February to mark his birthday (I think the Everton game would be the closest to his birthday), which would have given us extra time to plan. But we also had to consider the fact that he is ill and we don't know what the situation is going to be by then. So rather than do nothing at all we decided to do something around Christmas and though that Spurs was a bit too soon in terms of organising, so we went with the Liverpool game.


    As for the comments that Michael said about Ashley's announcement ruining the SBR day. I can understand the sentiment. It's annoying that it happened yesterday. Maybe Ashley did do it deliberately (there was plenty of coverage about it, and we had been speaking to the club re the collections and the banner), but then again, maybe it wasn't intentional.


    We (NUSC) have said that we wanted Ashley to come out and tell the supporters what the situtaion is. Now it's taken him ages to do it, and maybe it wasn't the best timing, but he has at least now done that.

    Personally, what I think needs to happen now is that he needs to make sure that the club gets the money and players that we need during the transfer window, which is something NUSC has been saying for a while. If we don't bring the right/enough players in during January, we really could be in deep trouble, because other teams down there WILL spend and bring players in. If he does that, then it's not all is forgiven, but he's at least moving in the right direction to sorting things out.


    I still think NUSC should be cautious of him, but what I don't want us to be is stuck in 'Ashley Out!' mode, regardless of everything. Because we've never (depsite what some may continue to think) been a single-issue group.


    It might all come to nothing, but if his comments are the first step of him admitting mistakes, resolving them, running the club properly, listening to the fans etc then we at NUSC have to allow for détente.




    Jesus, get your head out of your paranoid arse. It was the last home game before the transfer window opens -- an obvious landmark re Ashley's decision to commit or not commit for the medium term. It's a perfectly natural time for him to make his announcement. And why the fuck would he deliberately want to disrupt your little flag day?


    Which is why I also said the part which I have now put in bold italics. Obviously you missed that part.

  14. The Sir Bobby Day although a very good gesture, welcome and the kind of thing NUSC should be all about, needed a big push months in advance and not weeks to happen in the way we'd all have liked it to have happened. Still the message at least was made and I'm sure Sir Bobby appreciated it and I know I appreciated saying thanks to him before kick-off, which wouldn't have happened had it not been for NUSC so they should be applauded I feel.


    It's certainly a fair point, regarding the length of time involved, and we did consider looking at doing it at sometime in February to mark his birthday (I think the Everton game would be the closest to his birthday), which would have given us extra time to plan. But we also had to consider the fact that he is ill and we don't know what the situation is going to be by then. So rather than do nothing at all we decided to do something around Christmas and though that Spurs was a bit too soon in terms of organising, so we went with the Liverpool game.


    As for the comments that Michael said about Ashley's announcement ruining the SBR day. I can understand the sentiment. It's annoying that it happened yesterday. Maybe Ashley did do it deliberately (there was plenty of coverage about it, and we had been speaking to the club re the collections and the banner), but then again, maybe it wasn't intentional.


    We (NUSC) have said that we wanted Ashley to come out and tell the supporters what the situtaion is. Now it's taken him ages to do it, and maybe it wasn't the best timing, but he has at least now done that.

    Personally, what I think needs to happen now is that he needs to make sure that the club gets the money and players that we need during the transfer window, which is something NUSC has been saying for a while. If we don't bring the right/enough players in during January, we really could be in deep trouble, because other teams down there WILL spend and bring players in. If he does that, then it's not all is forgiven, but he's at least moving in the right direction to sorting things out.


    I still think NUSC should be cautious of him, but what I don't want us to be is stuck in 'Ashley Out!' mode, regardless of everything. Because we've never (depsite what some may continue to think) been a single-issue group.


    It might all come to nothing, but if his comments are the first step of him admitting mistakes, resolving them, running the club properly, listening to the fans etc then we at NUSC have to allow for détente.




    I think yesterday's statement is going to make it very hard for you to get rid of that now.


    Out of interest, can I ask whether it was a statement that had been constructed by committee members, or just the opinion of the lad who said it.  I'm only asking as it doesn't sound anything like the reaction which was posted on the NUSC website.


    As far as I'm aware, SSN just rang Michael up yesterday morning. It wasn't an official statement by us, just Michael's own thoughts.

  15. The Sir Bobby Day although a very good gesture, welcome and the kind of thing NUSC should be all about, needed a big push months in advance and not weeks to happen in the way we'd all have liked it to have happened. Still the message at least was made and I'm sure Sir Bobby appreciated it and I know I appreciated saying thanks to him before kick-off, which wouldn't have happened had it not been for NUSC so they should be applauded I feel.


    It's certainly a fair point, regarding the length of time involved, and we did consider looking at doing it at sometime in February to mark his birthday (I think the Everton game would be the closest to his birthday), which would have given us extra time to plan. But we also had to consider the fact that he is ill and we don't know what the situation is going to be by then. So rather than do nothing at all we decided to do something around Christmas and though that Spurs was a bit too soon in terms of organising, so we went with the Liverpool game.


    As for the comments that Michael said about Ashley's announcement ruining the SBR day. I can understand the sentiment. It's annoying that it happened yesterday. Maybe Ashley did do it deliberately (there was plenty of coverage about it, and we had been speaking to the club re the collections and the banner), but then again, maybe it wasn't intentional.


    We (NUSC) have said that we wanted Ashley to come out and tell the supporters what the situtaion is. Now it's taken him ages to do it, and maybe it wasn't the best timing, but he has at least now done that.

    Personally, what I think needs to happen now is that he needs to make sure that the club gets the money and players that we need during the transfer window, which is something NUSC has been saying for a while. If we don't bring the right/enough players in during January, we really could be in deep trouble, because other teams down there WILL spend and bring players in. If he does that, then it's not all is forgiven, but he's at least moving in the right direction to sorting things out.


    I still think NUSC should be cautious of him, but what I don't want us to be is stuck in 'Ashley Out!' mode, regardless of everything. Because we've never (depsite what some may continue to think) been a single-issue group.


    It might all come to nothing, but if his comments are the first step of him admitting mistakes, resolving them, running the club properly, listening to the fans etc then we at NUSC have to allow for détente.



  16. Personally, I too was a bit disappointed with the lack of SBR mentions inside the ground. What I do know is that we did have an SBR banner (which was outside the Gallowgate for a bit while we were collecting). We had been in contact with the safety officer Dave Pattinson about carrying the banner around the ground, and I believe that permission had been granted. I didn't have much to do with that side of things myself, so I can only assume/guess that there was some last minute problem.


    On the collection side of things, I'd like to say thanks to everyone who donated. A few of us counted out the money after the game, and we've raised £2,626. So thanks very much!


    At the risk of sounding like Arsene Wenger, I didn't see SSN this morning (I was up and out early helping to set up the collections), so I've only heard bits and pieces second hand on what was said.

  17. Tom, I see where you're coming from about the countdown and christmas poem highlighting 'something serious', but you have to realise that the most important thing in communications/PR is not just getting the message across, but how you get the message across.


    You must realise that a billionaire businessman is supremely unlikely to engage in discussion with a group that resorts to such measures.


    It seems we've reached the point where nothing more can be said, if Ashley selling is the objective you want, so NUSC should use this opportunity to show themselves as balanced, reasoned and pursuing some other issues.


    Speaking with an NUSC hat on, I can say that when we contacted Mike Ashley, when we're asking to speak to him, we don't realistically think that he is going to be in touch with us. However, the offer is there. The ball is in his court so to speak.


    Personally, I agree with you on the points you raise. As I said yesterday, we are currently working on things away from the Mike Ashley issue. Again, personally, as much as it was the catalyst, and as much as it is an important issue, I want NUSC to be more much more than that, and I know plenty others in NUSC feel the same.


    In setting up NUSC, not everything has gone to plan, and yes, mistakes have probably been made, but I think in setting something like this up, that's going to be inevitable. Sometimes we are going to have to look over things we've done or said and revise our judgements or decisions. The thing is we don't mind criticism from members or potential members. If people are saying "I'm not joining NUSC because or x or y reason", then that allows us to look at the reason(s) and discuss the matter. That's something that IS happening.


    The other speaker was Peter Lee - he of the 'fans bid'. Basically, there was a lot he said he couldn't say due to disclosures etc. He says that the 300,000 NUFC fans sticking in a grand each isn't neccesarily the case. According to him, there are 'substantial funds' already in place to buy the club and for transfers. Some of those involved are NUFC fans, but some aren't. The group includes business people, football fans, football/sports experts and celebrities, all of whom want to be a part of making NUFC a club for the fans and the wider community with strong fan representation. According to him, they would hope to fully take over the club by the end of the season, with a partial takeover taking place sooner. He also says that something major is going to happen this week that will make 'world headlines' and be 'bigger than Keegan'. (we've heard stuff like this before haven't we?)



    Anything more been said about this?


    Absolutely nothing. That was pretty much the last we (NUSC) heard from Peter Lee. In fact I think that was the last anyone heard from him.


    Just a quick comment regarding the e-mails some of you may have got. Basically we sent that out to help us gague people's feelings. So thank you for responding, and please let us know your reasons, whether they're good or bad. We'll be looking at people's reasons and that will help us to maybe address/justify issues people may have.


    We've also been discussing a few things aside from the Ashley issue - more on the social side of things, because contrary to what some people think (and to be fair its an issue that has dominated us so far) we're not solely an anti-Ashley movement, or an anti-Southern movement etc (as my mother and grandparents are from London the latter would be a bit hypocritical of me if that was the case).


    As for the 'Christmas Carol' poem and the countdown. They both highlight something serious.


    Basically that the January transfer window is rapidly closing, and that we need to both make new signings to bolster the squad and also make sure that we keep a hold of our better players. We're in a relegation battle and our season could hinge on what happens during the next month.

  19. Fair point. I personally would be sceptical. But if he (or someone else at the club on his behalf) came out and said well this is the situation, and then it turned out not to be the case it would weaken his credibility further and make him look even more stupid.


    I don't think it would be any worse than having this complete blackout that is taking place now, where no one knows what the hell is happening.

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