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Posts posted by Dunedin

  1. Why we extended his contract was unnecessary as Rafa never fancied him. Presumably they did it so they could sell at a profit. Now all they have done is given him away as Brighton or anyone else can sign him for free next year. Yet another fine mess from the geniuses in charge of this club.

  2. On train going home after match. Haven't read all the previous stuff so apologies if already said. Why do we play two scared midgets as strikers ?Neither ever gel. At Su was good today but Shellvey has reached his sell by date. Is there a more stupid Premier player ? Lascelles should not be near the first team and Mbemba did ok when he came on.


    It is obvious to everyone we need two strikers and a new playmaker. Having said that I did like the look of Merino when he came on.


    Dreading the Huddersfield game if that is the attack we have next week

  3. One thing Benitez won't tolerate is players who he doesn't think he can trust. Mitrovic has barely featured since his stupid red card v Spurs and I think Colback will go the same way after yesterday.

    add Perez as another who should be added to list who Rafa can't trust
  4. Need to move on from this poor,poor excuse of a coach/ manager. Sad sad Schteve Blunder can't see what everyone else can. Blame him totally for our relegation. But hey we have a proper real manager now so as I said time to move on

  5. We are the only club in the relegation mire who have not changed their manager. Yesterday Swansea won thus getting the effect of new manager syndrome. We need to follow suit. Schteve is now clearly going to take us down even with new players. His ineptitude is reaching new heights, tactical unawareness staggering, inability to use substitutes effectively, incredible playing of players out of position and week in week out fielding an unbalanced team. Where is any threat from our left flank? It used to be funny listening to his post match comments but now they are stupid and unbelievable. What is it he can't see that 50,000 other people see every time they play? The frustration is reaching unheard of levels.


  6. Schteve asked us to judge him after 12 games. Meh. Then to judge him on the cups. Meh then after Christmas well I have come to a conclusion..... He is f**king useless. If he remains we are going to be relegated if he goes it might already be too late.. The only chance is to sign at least 3 players ready to hit the ground running. Need 2 defenders and a striker who can score as opposed to the ones we have who can't.

  7. Blimey Schteve same team again as it really worked a treat against Everton.  What can't you see that 50,000 others see ? Welcome to the championship everyone if this idiot is still the manager on 1st January as he is clueless to get us out of this mess.

  8. McLaren should be sacked NOW. Bring in another manager and he has two or three games to assess the squad and have input as to who to buy in Jan. It may already be too late but if we don't act quickly it most definitely will be. I feel sorry for McLaren but his back room team are his choices and they are awful. Smith is a joke at motivating but what did we expect as he was at QPR last season and their motivation got them relegated. McLaren has either lost the dressing room, never actually ever had the dressing room or is ostrich like with his head buried not in sand but up his ar*e.


    How have we come to such a low dreadful and appalling state ?

  9. Announced this morning in Edinburgh that Hearts have dropped Wonga as their shirt sponsor. The contract had several years to run but Hearts have agreed with Wonga to terminate. The club did not wish to be associated with companies like Wonga anymore with the new ownership. If only our club would act this way. I hate seeing their signs around the ground and on our shirts.

  10. Just how low have we sunk. Pardew has to go as another year of torpid, no tactics approach, clueless dead ball scenarios and his staggering ability in turning great players into useless ineffectual ones has reached record breaking levels.

  11. I am happy that window has shut and we still have Cabaye. Despite not signing any one other than Remy, at least until 21 November and maybe longer. The main thing is the real signing we need is a new manager so at least we should have money for the next window and the new manager. Pardew cannot last much longer when you look at our games through November. Thank s that a manager can be acquired outside transfer windows.

  12. Thank f**k I gave my season tickets away today. Getting down from Edinburgh and watching an under coached team week in week out is really getting to me. The thought of making the effort to come to the Fulham game is already leaving me uninspired. When will we next score a goal. The need for at least two new strikers is blazingly obvious. We need one that hold up the ball and one with real pace. I have expressed my feelings on our hopelessly incompetent manager has been said many times in this site since last November. Until he goes do not expect anything but more of the same.


    Words cannot describe the behaviour of Cabaye. As others have said Rooney, Fellaini and Baines are still putting in an effort for their teams. But then, those teams do not have Pardew as their manager.

  13. The  problem is the clear disconnect throughout the team and how they play. eg the defence find it difficult to play out due to the midfield not making themselves available for a pass by running into space, result hoofball. However this is nothing compared to the disconnect between the isolated forwards and midfield where Cisse is totally on his own.The whole mess is compounded by players being played out of position. Whose fault is it...... without the incompetent manager we have. With the squad we have a good manager would have them playing to a system. Training would improve free kick opportunities, even our throw ins are at times diabolical. And please can someone show them how to take a corner.


    Rant over but what use is it in signing more players when Pardew will misuse them over and over again.

  14. I do not know if this has been said already but can't be ars*d to trawl back through all the pages, but in my view with the quality of squad we have a decent manager would have us racing up the table. Pardew is simply not good enough and the same pattern will continue if he is not replaced. Yes, I know all about the stabilty issue and we can't keep changing managers but a good manager would get far more out of this squad then he does. His substitiutions are questionable both as to who and their timing. His man management is just getting passmarks but his tactical awareness is deperately lacking and he is out-thought more times than he isn't. Our persistent failure at set pieces should have been attended to and what can I say about our defensive lapses.


    Look at what Roberto Martinez achieves with no money. Look at David Moyes track record and what he has spent. At the end of the day the most important appointment any club makes is their manager. Pardew's record is failure wherever he has been.


    Anyway rant over as it is plain disappointing that we cannot kick on again and in my opinion that will only happen with a change of manager.


    By the way I voted that I never had any faith in him anyway.

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