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Posts posted by A.C

  1. There was that blip after the Man United game where our only tactic was to reenact that Ba goal from the Krul goal kick everytime we got the ball. But he changed that, got Ben Arfa in the team playing well, and the past five games have been an absolute pleasure. Long may it continue.

  2. For what it's worth, how do you know that we didn't actively pursue a deal for Sturridge?


    I don't, I'm just presuming something would have come out either from us or from Chelsea saying they dont want to loan him out this season.

  3. If Best or Ba get injured we're playing Lovenkrands. How does that in any way not constitute a need for a striker?


    Did I say don't buy a striker? My point was are people really thinking that amount of money for players like Maiga who have horrible scoring records in a completely different league really the correct solution. To which the response from everybody except Mick and Yorkie was yes it appears.

  4. Don't have an issue with Best. Doesn't mean we shouldn't have bought a striker of similar/better quality of Shane Long for a few million. It's called having a squad.


    I wasn't having a pop there. I just think Long is a slogger, I think he's exactly what Best is. Would I pay £7 million for Best? No. I just don't think we need to add shit to the shit we've already got. Let's just agree to disagree, I was just trying to point out that I don't think adding any of our targets to make up the squad would have improved us massively to the point some people think.

  5. I'd have given an arm to have Shane Long in the squad after Wednesday's fiasco. Looks to be a good player.


    I have a friend who every time he sees Leon Best plays, he scores. He doesn't understand why the fans struggle to accept him (Not saying I do accept him). Grass is always greener.

  6. You're basically saying what most other people are saying and that is that we need a new forward, the only difference is that you don't think our targets were very good.


    That's exactly what I was saying Mick, I wasn't trying to incite a debate amongst all these obvious Ligue 1 fanatics here that were sure all these potential targets would fire us to the top half of the table, it just happened.

  7. I really don't get the obsession with those selection of forwards. The one that really gets me is how people really wanted Shane Long, seriously, what the f***. I think some people here just want transfers for the sake of it.


    And in before somebody tries to use Shane Long's stellar start as a reason he's a top class striker.

  8. I highly doubt Gameiro, Maiga, or Erding would have been a significant improvement to our team and as a result I'm glad we didn't sign them. However it's unforgivable we didn't even bid or actively pursue a loan for Sturridge.




    I really believe there's an element of frustration with everybody who just believe anybody would be an improvement on the forwards we have. I don't get the obsession with going for these winger forwards like Maiga, Ba, and Ruiz, I think they'd find it frustrating playing in our team in the Premier League where they don't have the space they do in their respective leagues.


    I've seen better forwards than Gameiro come to the Premier League and do shitter than expected. Maybe in our home games when we had players like Nolan getting forward they might have flourished. But good luck in this team. Sturridge is the only player we were linked with who would have really pushed us forward.

  9. I highly doubt Gameiro, Maiga, or Erding would have been a significant improvement to our team and as a result I'm glad we didn't sign them. However it's unforgivable we didn't even bid or actively pursue a loan for Sturridge.

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