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Posts posted by toonpete1892

  1. In the NWL4 corner we could hear the 'He's tragic you know, no one wants Sissoko' chant from the Gallowgate but nothing else. We heard a few things from the corner and a little bit from above but generally quiet overall. It's a big stadium to get going and momentum will help it build (positive results will help) so we'll wait and see.

  2. I really dislike the version of the Blaydon Races. It's tried to bring together involvement but it achieves anything but due to it being too slow and bitty.


    Flags and surfers looked good but how come they were mainly concentrated in just one corner of the Gallowgate (not the SE or SW corners)? It looked a bit Palace. I'd love for the legend flags to be evenly distributed around the Lv2 walkway, or at least as far as they can starting from the Gallowgate, to increase involvement. I know it's 'Gallowgate Flags' but people are contributing to help the crowd atmosphere. Also, where was the Rafa flag?

  3. Does anyone know if the JDs in town or the Metro Centre have the home shirts? They don't have them online and I live in Manchester so can't check before the weekend.


    It's a nice kit and even more so with staff discount.

  4. He dropped off in the second half (the Hayden change) but his involvement in the first half was key to a lot of our attacks. His hold up play was refreshing and although pace isn't on his side, he is important. Think of Shearer when he knew his legs had gone. Have a pacey forward playing alongside/infringement will only strengthen his contributions but that's not Rafa's system.


    As for the lack of effort, there were two times in the first half when he contributed to an attack but then chased their winger back all the way back towards he SE corner due to a missing Ritchie. He also made some key defensive headers....but he didn't score so must be shit.

  5. Winning aside, the best part of yesterday was our reaction to their number 4 when we scored the first. He'd just been involved in a free kick incident, decided to be a dick and square up to two of players, continued to play the victim but within a few moments had to endure the abuse of Shelvey, Lascelles and Clark (probably others) as they ran passed him to celebrate the goal.


    He somehow got MOTM.

  6. We've been saying it for a few years. I'm the youngest lad of 4 in my family so going to the games with my brothers and my dad has always been the norm. Fans have always been self governed, be that family or friends, but these little shits play off each other. If I stepped out of line I'd get told to shut up, be given a dead leg or simply not allowed to be at the next game (at 28 the first two still happen). Gone are the days of the middle aged fan squaring up to problem fans just to send the shit up them. Do that now and you never see a game again.


    We all enjoy a drink and we all get passionate but there's being a cock and then there's being a cunt. Far too many of these kids have been shipped out for the day and have no guidance on how to act. It's all just one big laugh. Most aren't old enough to drink in bars so come off the buses pissed and high when most others are soaking up the pre match atmosphere with like the rest of us.


    I've been a regular at away games for well over a decade and know the faces of many of the regulars but I can't remember ever getting so pissed off with any of that lot. It's got to the point where games and trips are becoming frustrating, irritating and tarnished.

  7. Although a lot fewer it still looked good yesterday (from the Leazes). Was it intentional to split the larger flags across sections/the lower walkway rather than concentrating them in the corner? It missed hundreds of smaller flags bridging the gaps but it still looked good.


    We only got in 10 mins before kick off but it seemed a lot quieter as we walked up passed the Strawberry. Had the pre match music been swapped/turned off as the combination of the two was great against Huddersfield?

  8. I thought he was abysmal in the first half.  Far too many soft/wafted 10yrd passes that forced the receiving player to take a controlling touch, jump in to protect the ball or simply not get there in the first place. When caught out he repeatedly did a frustrated jump that wasted vital seconds in chasing back. His ability to float aimlessly on the edge of the box allowed players to cut inside and create space, their first being a perfect example. Then there was his constant finger pointing and shouting, most of which was identifying his own inabilities. There was one decent ball out to the wing but he was happy just to pick the simple ball without looking up for further options.


    He improved in the second half but was so far off the pace. If he's been working on fitness, speed and stamina over the summer then he must have been in a really bad place last year. I can now see what the Swansea warned us about.

  9. Can't see another striker coming in, we're bursting with them. We might benefit from someone more experienced but I almost think it's better to see if the likes of Mitro sink or swim. We're not going to get a better chance to really get him an extended run in games we should be dominating.

    Ayoze Perez, Emmanuel Riviere, Adam Armstrong, Ivan Toney, Aleksandar Mitrovic, Dwight Gayle and young players like Callum Roberts, Alex Gilliead and Tom Heardman are the forwards in the squad. Of them Ivan Toney, Callum Roberts, Alex Gilliead and Tom Heardman will either be loaned out or play in the under 21s. There's been talk of possibly loaning out Adam Armstrong too. That leaves us with Ayoze Perez, Emmanuel Riviere, Aleksandar Mitrovic and Dwight Gayle. I'm sure NUFC will be looking to offload Riviere. We could do with another experienced striker. We've got a lot of games to play and we simply must get promoted. I can't see Rafa being happy to see in Mitro sinks or swims. If he 'sinks' we'd mainly be relying on Gayle.


    Siem de Jong?

  10. Not had a chance to rematch the highlights yet but these were my feelings at the game;


    Critical chances weren't taken and we therefore didn't deserve to win,

    The game stopped being a game of football as soon as the rain came, it was purely luck for a large chunk,

    Colback gets in the right positions but generally a second or two after he needs to. Fearing further bookings he avoids getting tight and that generally results in us defending 15-20yrds further back,

    Until the Perez sub Anita's position was 15-20yrds higher up the pitch and it suited him and us a lot better,

    We badly lost our shape when De Jong went off. He was our anchorman and dictator on the pitch. A horrible miss but when he holds the ball he allows Cisse/Mitro, Sissoko, Gini and increasingly Anita to move around him in some form of attacking arrowhead,

    Mitro and Perez offer a brilliant game but the conditions were never going to allow them to play quick flicks, knock downs and dribbles. Perez was poor,

    The inconsistency of Sissoko and Gini (more often than not during the same games) is really hurting us. We can't afford to carry both of them during the same game,

    I was a little confused by the Thauvin sub be he created chances from an albeit soaked and very sticky left wing. Still annoyed .com wrote him off as 'pathetic' so early,

    Elliott was our motm again. Some vital stops in some horrible keeping conditions,

    McClaren caved into the popular crowd pleasing subs when, imo, they weren't required,

    I still hate Villa.


  11. How about...


    Give the ball to Mitro, he's our 45

    When he skins another player, he's our 45

    Bangs it in the Leazes, he's our 45

    Going mental with the Geordies, he's our 45


    Everyone needs a nutter on the field, everyone needs a nutter

    Everyone needs a nutter on the field, everyone needs a nutter

    Mitro's wearing 45

  12. Not sure why anyone (and I've been too lazy to make some lyrics up) hasn't used Brimful of Asha for Mitrovic. Its short enough, could go on for ages, can be sped up like every other song we sing and has a obvious link to the 45.


    We could have gone with 'everyone needs a nutter on the field' but he seems to have cooled off a little. I'll have a think on the way home today.

  13. And so we move into another season. Last season never really recovered from the horrible campaign before and the club were seemingly happy to gamble on our status until January then May. Players were flat, stale and unsuccessful tactics weren't being changed and my club was in real danger of not being recognised as my club. Previously enjoyable match days became gatherings for anger, blots on the calendar only broken by our 17th minute unity. Loud support remained but it was mixed in with the highlighting of failings and constant misdirection. Leaving early and even staying outside suddenly felt like the right thing to do long term. Quite simply the club was broken from top to bottom and infighting was frequent.


    Today marks the beginning of a new season. A fresh chapter. A much needed reboot. Correcting the wrongs is going to take time and things will go wrong, after all, it wouldn't be Newcastle United otherwise. In amongst the mess of last season the glimmer of pride, the sense of Unitedness, was clearly still alive and evident on the last day. Damaged and beaten, battles were fought to regain control and restore hope. Status was guaranteed, fingers were stuck up at problems and unknowns wildly celebrated together. Nothing or no one encapsulated this moment more than Jonas. It was magical, a fairytale ending to a reoccurring nightmare.


    We support for varying reasons and judge 'success' differently but no one would disagree that being a Newcastle United fan on the good days, and I'm not just talking when we win, is indescribable. It's why we keep going back. It's time to return. It's time to be United. Howay the lads!

  14. The creases in Carver's face are deeper during that interview after the match, he must have given them a right bollocking at the end, worthless though


    He seemed genuinely hurt when asked about Krul (despite not seeing the incident). That being said he had two weeks to build up the team but yet we still got that first half performance. The guy is no coach, he is a lad amongst lads. Getting in at 0-0 was part of our gameplan and has been for a season. The sooner we wipe our arse of Pardew's skid mark the better.

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