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Posts posted by Pantu


    Do any of our American lads on here know which channels this will be on in America? I'm in Santa Barbara and would like to come back to the hotel drunk at 3am and watch this (providing I haven't somehow got lucky with the insanely hot women who populate this place).


    It's on NBC Sports at 5am west coast time. The Manchester derby is on the same channel at 8am your time.


    Thank you to you and Thomas, I'd worked it out all wrong, I thought the clocks going back in England would mean 3am! Fuck's sake. We have an NBC channel in this room but I don't think it's a sports channel, we have an ABC sports channel and 2 ESPNs, hopefully we'll get lucky if we aren't out of our minds by then. I thought there'd be somewhere to watch it in town, California seems to shut down completely at 2am though!

  2. What's your favourite Mike Williamson memory? I can't decide if mine's the time he needlessly pulled down Micheal Turner after being effortlessly outwitted in the box to give away a penalty against Sunderland, or watching him and Coloccini just abandon the idea of even attempting to challenge Davies and Elmander in the air after about 5 minutes in the 5-1 humping at the reebok, allowing them to run riot by chesting down 70 yard passes in acres of space and pass them off under no pressure at all. Great days.

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