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Posts posted by Cunning_Linguist

  1. The problem with Colback is his performance keep on getting worse and worse.  I still remember he played very well during his debut, making sensible runs and cover spaces and able to pass neatly and quickly to teammates.  That's what a CM should do.


    But he has regressed to the point that he can do nothing positives on the pitch, and ultimately he only has himself to blame.


    Because players always do well on the pitch when they have got 50,000 haters watching them...

  2. That John Richardson who is allegedly is close to Rafa is saying he's at breaking point.  Something has clearly changed between the talk in and now


    Shouldn't he be concentrating on 8 out of 10 cats does countdown?

  3. I'm just observant, you charming little tyke you; and I'm not easily fooled by a quick pair of heels and a tub of brylcreem (that Hughie Gallacher got away with murder btw ...). Yedlin made loads of unforced errors.


    In the first first five mins he played one pass straight out of play, one pass to an opponent

    One cross hit an opponent two yards in front of him (promising position). He made two passes which whilst not quite hospital balls, needlessly put his own player under pressure. Lower highlights and low lights (I've ignored ten yard back and sideways passing):

    11:13 pass to opponent

    13:36 put Hayden under with a pass that got twatted

    Rafa then gave 'Slick' a good talking to

    16:21 header to oppo not under pressure

    16:52 throw in to oppo

    18:18 good pass to Ritchie (first meaningful positive contribution)

    20:00 overly hard pass to Shelvey who  miscontrolled nearly gave it away in a dangerous area.

    24:00 'decent'  pass to Diame (who fluffed chance), but since I'm being critical CoolCat actually just popped out it up at a dodgy height with it left foot, when he may have been able to put it on a plate.

    27:50 good cross (Cracking pass by Hayden) to opposition for Own Goal (don't tell me, you knew it would come-off in the end?)

    32:00 jinking run and decent pass to Dummet for shot

    37:00 first interception (block in box).Still yet to make a tackle.


    Sooo, 10 passes which one way and another put us (unnecessary) in difficulty. Yes, I think he was a liability and my gear remained 'undone'.



    Do you have a shrine for him in your house? (Maybe hidden behind a wall)

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