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Posts posted by mickthemagpie

  1. 2 hours ago, Stifler said:

    It’s pretty damning that the known whingers on Twatter who have season tickets, and hold non-season ticket holders with control are all against this.

    Aye class, so it’s great for you to say to fans of other clubs that your club has a 52k stadium, and 35k waiting to get in, but you just don’t want to let any of those 35k in and keep skating them over things like the ballot etc which doesn’t even effect you.


    Honestly though, as a former season ticket holders (over 2 different periods) and as a member, I want my email, and to have my say.

    Not fair that they are asking people who already have a season ticket, but not asking their potential new season tickets holders who they would be increasing the capacity for.




    I'm only a member and i got one. Other 2 in the house are season ticket holders and both got the survey so 3 out of 3 here. All filled in. Definitely loaded towards a new stadium.

  2. Where do people usually drink in Leeds? Merrion Street is decent.


    Aye it's canny. I drink all over. Love The Angel. Cheap as fuck. I drink a lot in Headingley. Absolutely loads of sexy student birds in Headingley. Still think the Toon is slightly better for bars and pubs but it's close.

    I don't live directly in Leeds so I usually get the train there and just go call lane end/merrion.


    Yeah I've been to that Angel place a few times. It's in a weird place.


    Which places do you recommend in Headingley?


    The Box is really good. Perfect for Sports, and very lively at night. Head of Steam is class for a quieter drink, lovely venue.


    The Original Oak is amazing on a hot summer day - massive beer garden. There's like 7 pubs/bars in central Headingley, and 3 others a little further up the road in Far Headingley.


    When there is a big T20 cricket match on, or big test match on, or even a Leeds Rhino's game on, just packed everywhere.


    Headingley is kinda similar to Jesmond, except Jesmond doesn't have a 20K cricket and 20K rugby stadium back to back.  :lol:


    All my Leeds mates love the Toon when we've went up on the piss.

    Yeah I've been in The Box and Head Of Steam. I went in the new HOS near Trinity it's good.


    I actually went to The Box for the first time about 10 months ago, it was quite late and I was drunk.


    Funny story I went to the toilet and got the guy selling stuff to give me some aftershave. I went to give him some money but I didn't have any change. Luckily for him I was very drunk and felt bad for him so I got him to give me his sort code and account number and I sent him £2 via online banking :lol:


    Might try Headingley way more next time I'm out.


    Class  :lol:


    It's not the way i thought that story was going to go!

  3. Fuck Leeds.  Shit club, shit fans, shit city.


    I don't mind the city.  I just remember being down there for a friendly around 10(?... Fraser Foster howler) year ago, stayed after the game, missed our train home as we met a few 'decent' fans and had drinks, ended up getting set about by the same cunts as the night went on and more of them appeared.


    Understand we all have this type of fan, but it left a bitter taste, therefore, cunts the lot of them :lol:


    Before that I didnt give a shit about them.

    That was a regular thing in Leeds . Don't know if it still holds but in the 80s/90s/00s they had an above average number of compmete knacker fans and a particular dislike for us that even spread away from the football.


    Also we have a depot there and nowt to do with football,they are known throughout the country in our trade as being arseholes.


    We once stopped in Leeds for a night out after an away hammering at Man U in the 80s and the same thing happened, opposite the train station. Ended up with an image of a coin embedded on the side of my nose from some twats ring. Fucking arseholes the lot of them.

  4. Yeah, the Chief Executive of PL is a fool because he sided with one of their biggest broadcasting partners over a country that is blocking it's population from watching the same league. Cool cool cool...


    Doesn't the Bein deal only last for one more season? Hardly something to hang your hat on especially if it pisses off the richest potential bidder for the next round due to start in the not to distant future.

  5. Love Sir Ricky


    Sir Ricky Sbragia said:

    It’s very possible that as one of the elite of the English game we will be promoted to the Championship or PL next season.


    My cousin’s step dad is lawyer in London and says that they are expecting around 14 clubs to follow Wigan - many in the top two leagues.


    The FA will have the chance to forge a new league, based on passion and history rather than Magedia bias and Sky baubles. With our army of supporters and history of unparalleled class and dignity English football needs us more than we need them


    Got to be a mag on the wind up :lol: :lol:


    Aye, the last sentence pretty much nails his black and white credentials to the wall.

  6. See the chronicle have given Angus McNeil license to spout more shit today. His key comment is below, which I think we can safely say confirms that he has been talking to Qatar before wto report was published.


    This t#%t has clearly took a backhander from bein to lobby on their behalf.


    ‘I've not spoken to beIN since the ruling but will be raising the matter on trade theft with the Secretary of State for International Trade next week’.



    And he'll tell you to fuck off. Always thought he was the most annoying twat in the Commons and he's got some stiff competition!




    That was a canny witless thing to do like [emoji38]  Might get thrown out for prejudice now


    Anything visible in a screenshot is unlikely to prejudice the case.  First of all it's not a jury situation and secondly there is no real details visible (i.e. you can't see anything more than the people involved and the room they are in).  The journalist may be slapped with a contempt charge.


    No, the prejudice argument would arise from either party arguing that Roan has an agenda and is potentially denying a fair trial with his intervention. I have no idea what he tweeted like, I'm at work :)


    He tweeted some screen captures of the court room Internet stream.


    Either party may argue that it would prejudice their case but I doubt the judge would rule in their favour (given it's not a jury case and the screen shots were of limited consequence).  Hence, I think the judge may charge the journalist with contempt but not permit the tweet to have any other consequence for the case being heard.


    If I was the journalist's lawyer I would argue to the court that because the screenshots were from a publicly available source that all content that he tweeted was already a matter of public record.  That, at its worst, it was a breach of the law in technicality only and not a breach of the law in spirit (that is to say that, his tweet did not violate the privacy or confidentiality of the court, or publish any materials capable of compromising judicial integrity).


    I was just about to post that.

  8. Couldn't the police just break up any gatherings outside the stadiums? There's a huge number of police there usually anyway. Also put out a warning beforehand about on the spot fines and that'll cut it down a bit as well.


    Just hire the Minneapolis police force for games, that'll sort the bastards out.

  9. I honestly think we're at the point of locking this thread until we get actual real info and keep posts about it to the Not Worthy of a Thread and Twitter Bollocks threads. :lol:

    We have been having threads locked left right and centre.

    How about people simply stop positing well known bullshit, stop trying to wind people up, stop being so negative with every click bait article, and stop calling people nonces and such?


    It’s not an unreasonable request.


    Same effect as locking the thread surely!

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