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Posts posted by SSFC

  1. I know Chelsea rumors are about Depay but they would need an outgoing forward. Only one with rumors in England in the last 24 hours is Pulisic that Ive seen(although Downie said it so yeah).  He wants a loan but they told him he is needed. If they got Depay then surely that make him surplus. 

  2. On 15/08/2022 at 02:29, The College Dropout said:

    Always injured.


    Really liked him a few seasons ago. Got into a great groove. Not got close to that since.

    Hasnt been given a chance. He is still Chelsea's most efficient player in attack by a country mile. Tuchel just doesnt rate him all that much.  His injury worries are muscle related and he hasnt had a muscle injury since he came back to soon from the 2021 FA Cup final against Arsenal. He did  have an injury last year at the beginning from a ugly challenge in a US-Honduras qualifier. 


    Lets compare this to Gordon for a second. By the same age Pulisic had played in numerous Champions league contests including a dominant performance in the Bernabeu where he was MOTM at 18. His first year in the Prem (at age 20 to 21) he had 9 goals and 4 assists while his crucial restart form saved Chelsea's champions league qualification by 2 points. Without his run in they dont qualify to the Champions league that they won and he played a big role in. Tuchel just sees him as a sub in a system that doesnt use wingers.


    He plays both wings and can even play underneath a striker (hell he started at striker for Chelsea against Juve in a big win). 


    My perfect scenario is you buy Gallagher now and get Pulisic in on a loan/buy option so that can go on to next year.  Pulisic just needs playing time. He played a fraction of the minutes Kai Havertz played for Chelsea last year and had like one less goal in under 1k minutes  as an attacker (he played wingback a few times). I think that double move would be a massive boon for this club and with Gallagher at 22 years old and Pulisic at 23 years old a real statement of intent, once again. 

  3. If you actually were to look at Pulisic and Mane at the same age they are near identical in terms of goals, assists, and minutes played in the Premier league. More interesting stat line than anything cause of stylistic differences. Also he has a .45 goals per shot on target rate for his tenure at Chelsea. Tuchel calls Pulisic chaos which is why they dont get along I think. Tuchel is very pragmatic and Pulisic, isnt. A bit like ASM.  


    That said, I doubt Pulisic would be short of options elsewhere. I know Juventus and Liverpool were named early on the summer I dont comment much anymore but as an American I decided to chime in. 


    Personally, I think he is a massive upgrade over Almiron in terms of output. Now that work rate defensively...not so much. One thing to think about is Pulisic has never been in a team where he is a bigger fish. At Dortmund and Chelsea he was always more of a depth guy outside of his first season at Chelsea where he did play a bigger role . Im guessing he would have a chip on his shoulder as well and a pissed off Pulisic is the best Pulisic at least when it comes to international level. 


    One additional reason he may be on the move is he has 2 years left on his deal now, so now is the time they should sell. A loan/purchase option would be the best outcome. 


    Interesting quote from Joao Cancelo 


    "I usually chat with my teammates about it. It may sound strange but for me, the most difficult winger I have faced in the Premier League is Pulisic from Chelsea." 


    What about a loan for Tomori? 5th choice at Chelsea....?


    If he isnt involved in the Edourad Mendy to Chelsea (he would be a loan to Rennes in this case) then yeah I think that he would be a good shout. He looked pretty good for Chelsea and he can definitely cover space as well.

  5. His actions after Joelinton's miss in the 1st half were terrible. Acting that way when one of your few strikers, especially the kind of striker you need to play like this, is gonna do nothing to help him. This club is sitting where it is in the table because of the mentality Rafa installed into the players, especially the back line. Lots of effort and half the time Bruce acts with petulance. These guys are pouring everything they got into the games and Bruce is kicking water bottles and shaking his head.


    I understand being disappointed in the goal output of the attackers but at the same time, try lifting them up and urging them forward rather than complete scenes of frustration. Just my take I guess. I just think a manager should have more professionalism than what a fan would have if he had some water bottles in front of him watching the attack squander opportunities.

  6. I still think he can become something. Just has no confidence and would be nice to give him a break for a bit to work hard in training. Hope he has a sports psychologist.

  7. :lol: :lol: :lol: performance. I think it was like 450 passes to 150 passes at about mid way thru the 2nd half against Brighton at home. Hopefully ASM is ready to start soon and maybe see what ASM-Joelinton-Almiron can get going. Not that I have much hope for it either way but at least they will look fast on the outside. I just dont see how this is sustainable and not look up and see 25 points with 6 to go or so on the season. Literally hoping the other team isnt clinical with a tall hope and prayer at the end with Carroll.
  8. Though Krafth grew into the game today after a shaky start.


    He's got decent size for that full back/wing back position and is more competitive defensively than Yedlin and Manquillo I think.


    Haven't really had a chance to see what he can contribute going forward as of yet, as we had to defend a ton today.


    I wasnt all that impressed. A couple times he looked lost defensively not that its much different from whats been going on over the last couple seasons. I think with any of the 3 its about the same and recency bias wins the day on peoples' thoughts about the individual. Stick any 3 of them in and its whatever.

  9. Almiron running the full length of the field in the 90th minute and then running the full length back was impressive. Everyone put in a shift but that play alone stood out to me. Anyways everyone in the world thought Spurs were gonna walk this one especially the Spurs players. Now time for the over bearing Bruce love by the media. To be fair NBC was talking about how Dummett laid into everyone for not showing up against Norwich and giving no effort...so  you go manager Dummett.


    Speaks English, good height and very good player. Nice little break down by Bruce :lol:


    Fucks sake he has never heard of him has he


    Lets be honest here....nobody has. Guy is a dime a dozen and only worth 5 million cause its the Premier League. 25 years old so is what he is. Sideways move. Better off just keeping Manquillo and using Yedlin as cover or whatever Bruce wants to do with those 2. Maybe if Krafth was 20 and a prospect I can find any sort of optimism

  11. Even if ASM and Joelinton are as good as Perez and Rondon - which seems unlikely - we still haven't strengthened the squad in any material respect.  You could argue that Willems gives us a more natural left wing back, but Krafth doesn't seem any better than Yedlin or Manquillo.


    Fucking ridiculous.  We should be looking to improve every position possible, whether it's getting a better central midfielder than Shelvey or Ki or getting a better back up striker than Gayle or Muto.


    Thats where Im at and its really worrisome that all these new guys..have zero experience in the league. That is a huge dice roll IMO. Especially considering Joelinton was never asked to the guy before and ASM is honestly an Adama Traore in my estimation till proven otherwise.

  12. Ugh. People saying this means Manquillo is leaving. We would do that just as he's playing well.


    Maybe Krafth and Manquillo are a bit redundant and atleast the one thing yedlin has is that mad pace which differentiates between them. Only thing I can think of. I guess maybe Manquillo would want out...or maybe they feel they can get the best value for Manquillo now instead of Yedlin who would  likely have to be selling low on.

  13. Manquillo was there training too, you can see him walking out with the others.


    Thanks. I must have missed him. I'll be honest I work nights here in the states and literally had just woken up watching the vid. Gotta figure there will be some interest for Yedlin atleast in the Championship and I know a couple american reporters said teams in Germany, Spain, and France were looking in on him but have no idea to the validity cause I usually dont trust rumors to begin with until they multiply and atleast give the name of a team  :lol:


  14. Apparently we were working on 2 deals yesterday, but now Douglas is saying he thinks it's unlikely we'll get a CM or a striker in, so looks like Krafth will be last one in. Another terrible window where we haven't even replaced the outgoings, let alone strengthen a weak squad. Mint.


    Yeah Im finding it hard to get excited with signing a bunch of players that have never played in the Premier League. Meaning its likely a half season adjustment will be needed to even see if they can hack it

  15. Any rumors of an outgoing RB? I figured Yedlin but I saw him in that media day video but not sure I spotted Manquillo and someone mentioned a loan rumor out for Manquillo but based off recency bias...that doesnt make much sense.

  16. We'll see. Seems like a move to make a move for the sake of it and call it an upgrade. Maybe he was 20 or something I would think differently. Hopefully he is an upgrade.



  17. Seems an odd signing unless Yedelin is proper crocked


    Interesting thought cause you never know. I do know that he had some issue that he played thru for a long while. Dont know if it was what the surgery was for or not. So in my mind Ive attributed that dip in form in he 2nd half likely to that but Rafa felt good enough about him until things were buttoned up with the season.


    I know that there were a few rumors here stateside about teams in Germany, Spain, and France looking at him. So maybe some kind of loan could be in the works (or sale) cause I assume with the way Manquillo has played and if a new RB comes in...that leaves him odd man out. Im also guessing a few Championship sides would take him in a heartbeat if not those teams from other leagues.

  18. Don't know much about him, but anything that sees Dummett further away from the starting 11 is good news.




    He's an awful footballer. Contributes absolutely nothing other than being a stopper.  If he wasn't a local lad he'd get way more criticism. 


    If we can improve on him we absolutely should.


    The premise of your argument is sound. No doubt we should look to improve. My issue, and Im not sure if there was extenuating circumstances as to why it happened, but Timmy Chandler (RB) was getting time above Willems at LB. Considering Chandler couldnt get a look in, while in his prime, over Yedlin going back over the last few years for USA. That is why I am reluctant to think this is an upgrade at all.


    Kind of like the link to Krafth. I dont see any reason to think he is superior to either of the RB's we have. Just seems sideways moves to make sideways moves in the guise of actual improvement upon the guys we already have.

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