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Rumpelstiltskin Solano

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Posts posted by Rumpelstiltskin Solano

  1. Seen a few gooduns in my time around the toon - once bumped into a few of the lads in Tiger Tiger VIP bit - Obafemi Martins, Damien Duff and Guiseppe Rossi - I said to Duff (he'd just signed for us and was a bit of a coup) "I never thought I'd see you up here" and he looked stony-faced and said "No me neither".


    I once walked behind Albert Luque talking to someone (possibly his mam) on the phone in Spanish near the Civic Centre.


    Met Olivier Bernard once outside Grainger Market and again a few years later when he was working as a translator for the club's French contingent.


    Nile Ranger used to hang out with his pals on Northumberland Street a lot always in the same place hassling women and saying "brrrap brrap" a lot - also used to see him in Aspers a fair few times just trying to look cool.


    Not a toon player but best one was when I spotted Andrea Pirlo in Rome airport once and got my picture taken with him and tried to convince him to sign for the toon but he didn't speak English and just said "yes, yes" to all my ramblings. 


    And also had my picture taken with Chris Hughton in Jesmond Tesco when I shamelessly accosted him as he was getting his milk  :lol:


  2. Mark Hughes, c*** simple as.


    Loved how pathetic his post-match interview after we beat them was.  He said you can't blame him for leaving players out against Chelsea cos everyone's done it, Rafa made six changes himself for tonight's game and left out his two main strikers  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



  3. Alan Brazil said that he's been told by someone in the city that there is no chance it will be completed by next season.


    Brazil was probably absolutely paggered at 1pm in a Canary Wharf bar when he had that conversation.


    :lol: my thoughts exactly. Very ambitious project! The Chinese would've had it up in about three weeks though!

  4. "It's a funny stadium here in Swansea, the noise can sometimes reverberate at an awkward frequency and when that goes against you it's hard to come back from.  I thought as well that if the ref had spotted a push on Chadli in the 79th then that changes the whole build up to Bony's goal when really we was best placed to win the game"

  5. I actually thought he was still poor - he was more mobile but he was still very much lacking the aggro factor.  I thought after he had that goal on a plate for him it would give him the confidence boost to turn on beast mode and play his massive socks off but instead he was just over-eagerly chasing lost causes and jumping beyond the man with the ball.


    Joselu if you're reading this mate I need you to be more Alan Shearer and less Alan Carr


    For his goal, he had to make sure his effort didn't hit the two Leicester players on the line plus the one NUFC player standing in front of him. It wasn't a straight forward finish.


    Yeah it was a decent finish but if he'd have missed that it would've been the end!  He won't get too many easier chances and you would expect every striker to bury those, he had plenty of time to see it coming and finished it nicely.  But then for the rest of the match he was more Wayne Sleep than Wayne Rooney

  6. I actually thought he was still poor - he was more mobile but he was still very much lacking the aggro factor.  I thought after he had that goal on a plate for him it would give him the confidence boost to turn on beast mode and play his massive socks off but instead he was just over-eagerly chasing lost causes and jumping beyond the man with the ball.


    Joselu if you're reading this mate I need you to be more Alan Shearer and less Alan Carr

  7. Martin Tyler's arrogance when he says "and it's liiiive!" as if it's the greatest catchphrase on earth, and everything about West Ham - "the West Ham Way", the stupid bubbles, the cringey song, the only plus side is that Karren Brady is a milf 


    Have you seen her daughter  :kasper:


    *Immediately googles*


    Hmmmm not really my type was hoping for more of a saucy Claire Sweeney type  :lol: :lol:

  8. Martin Tyler's arrogance when he says "and it's liiiive!" as if it's the greatest catchphrase on earth, and everything about West Ham - "the West Ham Way", the stupid bubbles, the cringey song, the only plus side is that Karren Brady is a milf 

  9. That's another thing that annoys me tbh penalties are too easy. Smashing the ball from 12 yards with no defenders it just encourages people to dive as soon as they get over the line.  I'd love to see the spot moved back a couple of yards to give the keeper more of a chance, or ideally only give penalties for fouls that denied a clear goalscoring opportunity, otherwise just have a free kick inside the box.  Seems silly to me that if you get tripped on the corner of the box with five men between you and the goal you still get a free shot from 12 yards.

    Actually I’m fairly certain that a penalty is only for denying a goal scoring opportunity. There have been cases where a foul has been given in the box and as the attacking player was moving away from goal, only an indirect free kick was given. The most common cause of free kicks being given in the box is the backpass rule. It just happens to be that most fouls in the box can be deemed as denying a goal scoring opportunity.


    No mate it's just any free kick offence that's in the box is a penalty, I really hope you're not a ref!  :lol: You'll see many penalties given every week that are not clear goalscoring opportunities - eg player handballs a cross. 

  10. That's another thing that annoys me tbh penalties are too easy. Smashing the ball from 12 yards with no defenders it just encourages people to dive as soon as they get over the line.  I'd love to see the spot moved back a couple of yards to give the keeper more of a chance, or ideally only give penalties for fouls that denied a clear goalscoring opportunity, otherwise just have a free kick inside the box.  Seems silly to me that if you get tripped on the corner of the box with five men between you and the goal you still get a free shot from 12 yards.

  11. Players on the defending team assuming penalties are going to be scored. Tom Davies for Everton was f***ing about with his socks as Cleverley took that one for Watford today, some of ours were doing it at Southampton as well. Really unprofessional.


    On this note, a big pethate of mine is fans who assume penalties would have been scored after the match, does my head in.  So if we it's 1-1 and someone says "yeah but it should've been 2-1 cos we should've had a penalty".  No it shouldn't because if that penalty had been given there's no guarantee it would've been scored, and even if it was that then changes the whole game and you could've ended up losing 3-2 or anything so it's a pointless debate. 


    As for Henderson I think he's a decent player but he doesn't have the speed of thought required to be a top player, if anything he sees situations developing slightly too late and often seems to slow it down a bit and not release the ball quick enough. 


    Other football pethates "It was a great cross there was just nobody in the area" ... and "ohhhhh that's so unlucky" when someone misses a shot, it was just inaccurate.

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