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Posts posted by IMTTS

  1. None of us have seen ASM under a non-Bruce manager though, so he "loves" it under Bruce relative to what, exactly? 


    And why the fuck would he worry about being dropped? All he's ever done for us is be a good, productive footballer. Oh but he took an 80 minute flight to France a couple of times. Fucking weirdos. 


    He's an excellent footballer and could be stream-lined into a near-world class one under a good manager. You're a creep if you think there's an "issue" with him. 


  2. 21 hours ago, LV said:

    It’s an Irish word. That’s how it’s spelt. 

    This is incorrect. “craic” is a faux-Gaelicised word invented in the 1950s as part of an advertising campaign in Ireland; “crack” as used in the North East pre-dates it by a century or more.


    Please acknowledge your mistake and perhaps delete the post. Thanks.

  3. 24 minutes ago, Scoot said:


    Could this not be to indirectly put pressure on the judge in the CAT case to not agree to the PL''s request to have the CAT case heard privately?






    Because the idea of a litigant pressuring judges through the press to decide in their favour is absolutely insane and wouldn't be put forward by a single solicitor in the country, let alone a QC. Genuinely mad stuff. 

  4. Jonathan Liew is one of the few people in Britain with more contempt for football fans than 'big six' owners - a repulsive little slug.

    And fans effectively veto-ing the biggest game in English football, and destroying multiple big money broadcasts across the globe along with it, is a funny example of 'fan powerlessness'. If English football fans continue to recognise that they actually have veto power over games then it's a complete game changer. 

  5. You don’t like her do you?


    Not one to toot my own horn but I did call the sham nature of PCP a while back:


    I think (could be wrong) it was just her and PCP

    If thats the case she should be able to afford us now with the Reubens on board too if she still has PCP backing


    PCP doesn't actually exist as a business. It's part of the lie that is her public persona.


    PCP is basically just Staveley. It's not really worth anything in and of itself and owns basically nothing.




  6. So is the argument now that PIF have knowingly facilitated the murder of Khashoggi?


    The point is more that the PIF ultimately operates under the absolute control of MBS. So yes day-to-day operations are managed by his appointments, but ultimately if he wants to commandeer PIF-owned planes to facilitate the murder of a journalist then there's f*** all anyone can do about it. So no one can ever push the "fully independent" line with a straight face.



    When are you going to post on other threads which involve matches, Bruce. Ashley etc. Oh wait you won’t because you’re not a Newcastle fan



    You've rumbled me - I've been running a decade-long deep cover operation pretending to be a Newcastle fan so I can attempt to undermine a future Saudi-takeover attempt. More gems from the N-O brains trust.

  7. So is the argument now that PIF have knowingly facilitated the murder of Khashoggi?


    The point is more that the PIF ultimately operates under the absolute control of MBS. So yes day-to-day operations are managed by his appointments, but ultimately if he wants to commandeer PIF-owned planes to facilitate the murder of a journalist then there's fuck all anyone can do about it. So no one can ever push the "fully independent" line with a straight face.

  8. https://edition.cnn.com/2021/02/24/politics/saudi-top-secret-documents-khashoggi-bin-salman/index.html


    The filing lays out how ownership of Sky Prime Aviation was ordered to be transferred into the country's $400 billion sovereign wealth fund in late 2017. The company's planes were later used in the October 2018 killing of Khashoggi.


    The Kingdom's sovereign wealth fund, known as the Public Investment Fund, is controlled by the Saudi crown and is chaired by the crown prince, who is known as MBS. The documents establishing the link between the planes and the prince were filed by a group of Saudi-state owned companies as part of an embezzlement suit they opened last month in Canada against a former top Saudi intelligence official, Saad Aljabri.


    Planes owned by the Public Investment Fund were used to transport the Khashoggi assassins, on the specific orders of MBS.


    "fully independent"; "irrelevant"; "nothing the PL can do to stop this" etc etc

  9. I really don't think the four posts I've made in this thread in 2021 are deserving of this level of anger. They've all been pretty level-headed - no insults (towards members that is - Wraith and Patterson copped some), no venom, just my honest assessment of the takeover as it currently stands. The rage and calls for bans all seem a bit RAWK-ish, no? The ignore function exists - use it and save yourself the stress!


    Why do you ignore questions? Why do you care about what posters on here feel may or may not happen with this takeover? You don’t post in any other thread so what’s so special about this to make you care so much?


    What else is there to discuss about NUFC? Hendricks' pass completion rate? Bruce's bodyfat %? It's a zombie club - this is the only subject of any interest and, in my opinion, the position held by the majority of fans on it is incorrect, so I'm posting what I believe to be the case.


    In your opinion, do you think PIF will be back in if Ashley wins his case on the basis that the PL incorrectly didn't allow them to pass the test?


    No idea.

  10. I really don't think the four posts I've made in this thread in 2021 are deserving of this level of anger. They've all been pretty level-headed - no insults (towards members that is - Wraith and Patterson copped some), no venom, just my honest assessment of the takeover as it currently stands. The rage and calls for bans all seem a bit RAWK-ish, no? The ignore function exists - use it and save yourself the stress!


    Why do you ignore questions? Why do you care about what posters on here feel may or may not happen with this takeover? You don’t post in any other thread so what’s so special about this to make you care so much?


    What else is there to discuss about NUFC? Hendricks' pass completion rate? Bruce's bodyfat %? It's a zombie club - this is the only subject of any interest and, in my opinion, the position held by the majority of fans on it is incorrect, so I'm posting what I believe to be the case.

  11. I really don't think the four posts I've made in this thread in 2021 are deserving of this level of anger. They've all been pretty level-headed - no insults (towards members that is - Wraith and Patterson copped some), no venom, just my honest assessment of the takeover as it currently stands. The rage and calls for bans all seem a bit RAWK-ish, no? The ignore function exists - use it and save yourself the stress!

  12. Takeover still on track,things going on behind the scenes ,keep the faith.


    Can confirm positive talks have taken place,watch this space


    He won,t get away with it,our day is coming


    Respect to Mimms, we should be positive things are happening in the background just let it play out,I,m confident we are finally going to get positive news soon,just chill lads we,ll get our club back.


    Things are progressing nicely,keep the faith


    For months now Ando has been getting people excited with talk of things being just round the corner. If fuck all happens in January, will his inevitable February one-liners still promote optimism?

  13. Yep, this.


    NCSL received a BEIN headed letter asking what the difference is between him lobbying for the takeover and BEIN lobbing PL clubs to reject it. NCSL didn't know what to make of it, showed it to the lawyer he'd hired and was told one was illegal and one wasn't. That was the passed on to the club to aid them in their case.


    It's little things like this that could really help us win arbitration and lead to the takeover.




    Neither of those things are illegal (obviously).


    Here's what has actually happened, and what will come to light when this sorry saga finally peters out for good: this Keith Patterson bloke and his pal have spunked some money up the wall to pay for a letter from a very expensive QC. The letter had no impact on anything because its argument (that the Premier League not approving a takeover of a club by the biggest pirates of Premier League IP was a violation of competition law) was nonsense. That's where Robert O'Donoghue's involvement began and ended - he knew it was nonsense but someone paid his fees so he had little choice but to put together a nonsense argument (note that the talk of 'letters before action' and legal action being imminent disappeared into the ether...).


    The idea that Patterson is part of a co-ordinated legal attack concocted by some mixture of Ashley, Staveley, the Public Investment Fund of Saudi Arabia and the Reuben brothers is genuinely insane. Recruiting local gobshites to pen appallingly-written letters to MPs is not how billionaires pursue legal strategies. Patterson, like Wraith, is a know-nothing gobshite using the desperation of fans to raise his profile for reasons we can only speculate on.


    The Saudi takeover of NUFC no longer exists as a going concern. Ashley is pursuing damages on the grounds of restraint of trade. No-one should give a shit whether he gets what he wants on that front.

  14. So Kennedy is implying that the letter he has posted tonight is the actual letter that was sent, and contains more than what was published in April.


    That Ben Jacobs saying he had seen the full letter in April and it didn't contain the stuff that Kennedy has made public. (mainly the fact that Bein strongly oppose the takeover)


    So it's pick who you believe really, either Bein leaked that letter in April and decide to hide bits, or Kennedy is risking everything by showing off a letter that had been tampered with.


    Not quite.


    The full letter was published in April:




    That version from April is now identical to the version Kennedy has published today (now that he's been rumbled and removed the line he/whoever is stringing him along added).

  15. "Wuh got wa backsides kicked, we'll hadda roll up wah sleeves, dust ourselves doon and get back to basics."


    What is this? Are you from Newcastle? Very RTG-esque behaviour.

  16. I'd love to know who felt the need to both message Mimms for info and then message Penn with that info. Weird.


    I thought I'd give this place a wide berth for a while because people seemed to be getting genuinely, real-life upset, and it was never my intention to cause such distress and hurt.


    But I haven't posted on here in two weeks and people are still crying about me - that's not healthy guys.


    That Swedish lad can ban me again now but for the record:


    - anyone who ever thought I was actually Luke Edwards is deeply, deeply unwell.

    - no-one ever leaked anything from Mimms to me (if an admin can see PMs they'll be able to verify). Mimms got upset because he realised that someone else had access to his 'source' and he got suitably embarrassed (his source being a notorious ITK gobshite from the Football365 forum, who posts all of Mimms' info a couple of hours before Mimms appears in here).


    Goodbye and god bless. I love you all.

  17. Don’t remember anything negative said to mimms really. Quite the opposite a few people put bets on the back of his info.


    Only poor thing was someone giving info to imtts


    If we wants info from him we need to ban IMTTS. He will come back with new user name he should be banned whenever members found him out.


    Here man you loons, no one has "leaked" any information to me  :lol:


    It just occurred to me that Mimms' source was one I also had access to (and if I elaborate on what that source is in here the usual suspects will end up getting upset and calling for bans again so I'll leave it).


    Genuinely, if you catch the vapours reading my posts just pop me on ignore and save everyone else the hysterics.

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