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Posts posted by ShakaHislop

  1. 46 minutes ago, IsaksGhost said:

    Noted, let me ask the question like this instead.

    Is it fucked up hard getting tickets or will i manage somewhat "easily". Take Barcelona as an example, the arena takes 100K ish and they have like 90K sold season tickets which leaves 10K who are usually sold to sponsors etc etc = FUCKED
    Or do you guys at least have lets say 20% tickets sold each game that are not "locked" to season holders and what not.

    Sorry for off topic :)

    Yes, you are pretty much fucked. ?Demand is off the chart and the sales are with short notice for non hospitality tickets. 

    if you sign up for a membership you can enter a ballot and hope for luck. See the thread ”memberships” for more info about that procedure and also the frustration about the current ticketing. 

  2. 41 minutes ago, IsaksGhost said:

    Isak will stay guys, he has many years left on his contracts as many of your already pointed out.
    On top of that, i know, he is a loyal kid.. He wont go for first best offer, he will be sold once the club wants him to. Maybe, MAYBE, depending on how good of a season/seasons he has, Madrid will knock on the door.. but i doubt it at the moment.

    I still think a lot of clubs are sleeping on him, everyone is per auto comparing him to Haland which are making people blind as they only look at the goals.

    Either way, i know this doesnt belong here.. but i havent seen Isak play live since he left AIK... and i need my Isak-fix hehe :D
    How is the ticket situation at St James Park for someone coming from another country to watch a game.. Do i have to plan and book ahead (game tickets i mean) or is it possible to buy at the stadium before each game. Im guessing the first option..?
    Also, do you have other derby-teams other than Sunderland or is that it (i love derbys...)?

    Your best bet as a seldom goer is to fork out for hospitality, The Barracks are the cheapest.  

  3. 6 minutes ago, Ghandis Flip-Flop said:

    Did he not say in an interview a while back that he asked SBR to bring him to Newcastle when Bobby took over, but said he already had Gary Speed. Could just be because we are SBR's team in the same way Jose has always spoken well of the support, if not the team.

    Aye, in the Sir Bobby documentary Pep says he asked SBR to bring him to NUFC because he dreamt of playing in England. Sir Bobby replied to him with a very personal and beautifully written letter explaining why it wasn’t possible at the moment. Pep almost welled up talking about it. 

  4. 9 hours ago, The College Dropout said:

    Saved us with that penalty save.  

    Thoufht he could’ve done better on the 1st though. 

    Agreed, watched it back and it seems his first instinct was that he could catch it and then he just sort of changed his mind a moment too late and palmed it straight out instead of pushing it out to the side. 
    Massive save on the penalty though. 

  5. It’s just so random, Schär getting kicked in the face, VAR doesn’t even react, Isak today, they spend 3 minutes looking at the replay from every angle they can find. It’s too inconsistent. 

  6. Isak in the post match interview on swedish coverage saying the team spirit and togetherness is unlike anything he’s ever experienced at this level. 

    Reporter; ”where will this end?”

    isak; ”Well, you all know what we are fighting for, and that’s Champions league. This was a huge win and step in that direction”


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