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Why shouldn't Newcastle fans have higher expectations ?

Guest thenorthumbrian

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Guest thenorthumbrian

The press say we have unrealistic expectations with the implication that we are demanding the treble within a year of a new manager taking up their post, this is s****.

I have supported Newcastle for donkeys years and I don't expect us to be Real Madrid nor does any Newcastle fan I know and I know quite a few.

But that doesn't mean we have be docile and accept any old crap.

Just a team which goes out to try and play good football with players who are capable of passing and contolling a football and one or two who can lift you out of your seat with a level of skill you can only dream about.

Whats wrong with wanting to see players like Tony Green, Gazza, Beardsley, Ginola etc in black and white shirts ?

We've had players of that quality before why not again.

The Keegan era was brilliant and an exciting time to be a Newcastle United fan and anyone who rubbishes that period obviously can't remember what  state we were in before he took over. 

But thats the past and we must look towards the future, and that doesn't mean bringing back Wor Kev despite the affection and gratitude some of us will always have for the man.



For 2007/08 see N'Zogbia, Charles.


Charlie is a talented lad, but he has to be allowed to express himself and not be shackled. 

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Why is it that only Newcastle fans who get called fickle and are told we have unrealistic expectations ?

At the recent Chelsea game the Chelsea fans were chanting "you don't know what your doing" to Avram Grant in a game they won !

We get slaughtered for this by the national press for this but nowt is said about them, why ?

I have expectations about what I want from my team why the f*** shouldn't I and other Newcastle fans have high expectations are we the only set of fans who are told we shouldn't demand a bit of success and decent attacking football to watch ?

I don't want my team full of scufflers like Smith and Barton but want to see good players with skill who are worth the price of my season ticket.

Don't get me wrong I don't boo or leave games early but b@llocks to be being told we can't expect a lot better than what we have been served up with this season

We're supposed to know our place.


Personally i think Tottenham and Newcastle generally have attitudes to be admired, both have proper ambition, and that's what sport is about. I hate these people that are happy with mediocrity.


This hits nail on head - I also hate acceptance of mediocrity, disguised as 'support the lads, you fickle ba------s !'

agreed to a point but there also has to be loyalty in the face of adversity


There has to be a time when you decide to stop bashing your head against a brick wall.....




Putting good money after bad..




Tilting at Windmills....

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