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Best Football Possible With The Players Available.

Crumpy Gunt

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Is how Sam views his time at the Toon. (in one of the rags this morning)


I don't think he is quite grasping the reason he's been peddled. Considering some of the worst performers where HIS signings.


I'm even more delighted the delusional twat has been peddled.

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"Angry that Redknapp is the some-total of our worldwide managerial search."


I have to agree with you there, it's extremely worrying.


The problem is, As with Souness and Roeder, you can see that if we get Redknapp, we will have a year of crappy football and poor results, then the fans will turn on him, then he will get sacked. It's too predictable. :(


Still, lets not get carried away with all of this paper talk. If Ashley is listening to the supporters, he will know we want someone with style, charisma, tactical knowledge, someone the players will look up to and really try to work for - Mourinho :p (like that would ever happen  ;D ).

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The one difference with Harry is that you know he will be going out to win every game. He'll set up with an attack minded team and go for the win whether at home of away.


Although it would be a hugely underwhelming choice, at least we wouldn't have to put up with Owen getting no service, N'Zogbia played at left back and the slowest most stagnant central midfield pairing in the league.


Trying to take the positives out of another bad situation.

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