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KK's have a go football.

Guest Brazilianbob

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Guest Brazilianbob

KK may not win us anything, and it is still conceivable we may even get relegated (due mainly to fat sam's tenure) but by god the fans will have fun and a roller-coaster of a ride in the process and thats the way football was intended to be played in my view.


If KK had beaten Manu to the title in 95/96 then every football team in the country would have adopted our attacking brand of football as their own, and footie fans right across the board would have been able to experience the fun that goes with KK football, instead of the dour defensive football that has become pretty much dominant in the modern game, due to the mindset of coaches, that teams must avoid defeat first and foremost.


Why does the game have to be dour.  If both teams have a go then the game is fun and exciting, if one shuts up shop then the fans get frustrated and angry at the negativity.


Imagine fans seeing games like the 4-3 Liverpool games at practically every ground in the country on a saturday ( or sunday) afternoon.  That must be the message that NUFC puts out every week, play our way and have fun, win, lose or draw.


As KK's disciples (aka the toon army), we must proclaim and advocate attacking football at every opportunity.  Go forth and spread the good word my children!

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KK may not win us anything, and it is still conceivable we may even get relegated (due mainly to fat sam's tenure) but by god the fans will have fun and a roller-coaster of a ride in the process and thats the way football was intended to be played in my view.


If KK had beaten Manu to the title in 95/96 then every football team in the country would have adopted our attacking brand of football as their own, and footie fans right across the board would have been able to experience the fun that goes with KK football, instead of the dour defensive football that has become pretty much dominant in the modern game, due to the mindset of coaches, that teams must avoid defeat first and foremost.


Why does the game have to be dour.  If both teams have a go then the game is fun and exciting, if one shuts up shop then the fans get frustrated and angry at the negativity.


Imagine fans seeing games like the 4-3 Liverpool games at practically every ground in the country on a saturday ( or sunday) afternoon.  That must be the message that NUFC puts out every week, play our way and have fun, win, lose or draw.


As KK's disciples (aka the toon army), we must proclaim and advocate attacking football at every opportunity.  Go forth and spread the good word my children!


Just won't happen - too much money at stake now and relegation would NOT be taken in such a matter-of-fact way by those running the club ; Ashley wants to enjoy his money, not see it used in trying to get the club back into the PL...We CANNOT afford to be relegated, but yes, it is still a possibility and unless we win the next 2 home games, a strong possibility.

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Guest nufc_geordie

IF we beat Bolton we go 9 points clear of them, and if we beat Boro we will increase the gap between us and them. Even with the 6 point gap between us and the relegation zone we can afford to lose against Liverpool, Man U and Arsenal and we would still be just clear of the relegation zone providing we wine those games. That six point gap is bigger than it looks when you have 8 teams below us who are taking points off each other!


I do understand the gravity of the situation though, but providing we aren't in the relegation zone by the end of Feb we should be OK.

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Guest sharath

KK may not win us anything, and it is still conceivable we may even get relegated (due mainly to fat sam's tenure) but by god the fans will have fun and a roller-coaster of a ride in the process and thats the way football was intended to be played in my view.


If KK had beaten Manu to the title in 95/96 then every football team in the country would have adopted our attacking brand of football as their own, and footie fans right across the board would have been able to experience the fun that goes with KK football, instead of the dour defensive football that has become pretty much dominant in the modern game, due to the mindset of coaches, that teams must avoid defeat first and foremost.


Why does the game have to be dour.  If both teams have a go then the game is fun and exciting, if one shuts up shop then the fans get frustrated and angry at the negativity.


Imagine fans seeing games like the 4-3 Liverpool games at practically every ground in the country on a saturday ( or sunday) afternoon.  That must be the message that NUFC puts out every week, play our way and have fun, win, lose or draw.


As KK's disciples (aka the toon army), we must proclaim and advocate attacking football at every opportunity.  Go forth and spread the good word my children!

I take it you haven't played football yourself.


when it is 5 minutes to time and you are leading the opposition. At that time, nothing matters. its about winning not entertaining other people.


football and for that any sport has been, is and will be about winning. not entertaining.


If you are thinking otherwise, then you need help mate. Or may be this is about getting already an excuse ready if KK fails.

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Guest kingkevisback

Well - i know what I want. End to End Entertainment, showtime all the way man. With us you have to play with an element of risk, it's the only way. Free flowing football in place of dour, sour displays from Fat Samuel. Wingers playing in their correct positions, players motivated to take on players and chances on goal in abundance for Owen, Vids & Martins. Go Forward King Kev !! 

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from what I saw on wed night and if they play with the same style they will cause problems for bolton. the passing was crisp and duff, milner and nzog were all over them.


Push them back, grab the first goal and let our football do the talking.


I can see the players being well up for this. They proved the other day that they have the ability to pass and move and create chances as well. I think they were so low on confidence and this has lifted them. And we will lift the roof tonight.


Walking in a keegan wonderland.



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Guest kingkevisback

KING KEV will get the best out of a player like Milner- untap his vast potential. He brought Sean Wright-Philipps through at City and will inspire him here. Duff & N'Zogbia are also his cup of brown ale. Watch us fly !!!

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