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Rupert Murdoch interview on Sky One soon


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Guest Invicta_Toon

TV has killed football but not for the obvious reasons


competitions are falling flat because there are now too many games to try and milk as much money as possible from the business

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Sky has had a massive effect on the game and play the role of good and evil. No-one can deny the good they have done, yet it has come at a heavy price for the ordinary fan and not everything associated with Sky has benefited the game and fans in general. I never tasted football pre-Sky tbh so can only guess but if someone asked me whether I liked football today my answer would be no - it's crap. And it is. Outside of my own club I become less and less interested in football with every dull, overhyped uncompetitive game played out by average teams with average players being paid millions at the cost of £30-£50 pop a ticket just to watch it.


Pre-Sky there was no opportunity to have any real interest in any club but your own. Pre-Sky games weren't as overhyped but they were still dull. Watching Liverpool win 1-0 with Hansen and Lawrenson passing the ball back to Brucie was the definition of tedius. As for the level of players, they were distinctly poorer 20 years ago, but that may just be better training and athleticism, not really a SKy outcome.

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Sky has had a massive effect on the game and play the role of good and evil. No-one can deny the good they have done, yet it has come at a heavy price for the ordinary fan and not everything associated with Sky has benefited the game and fans in general. I never tasted football pre-Sky tbh so can only guess but if someone asked me whether I liked football today my answer would be no - it's crap. And it is. Outside of my own club I become less and less interested in football with every dull, overhyped uncompetitive game played out by average teams with average players being paid millions at the cost of £30-£50 pop a ticket just to watch it.


Pre-Sky there was no opportunity to have any real interest in any club but your own. Pre-Sky games weren't as overhyped but they were still dull. Watching Liverpool win 1-0 with Hansen and Lawrenson passing the ball back to Brucie was the definition of tedius. As for the level of players, they were distinctly poorer 20 years ago, but that may just be better training and athleticism, not really a SKy outcome.

The influx of cash linked to the Bosman ruling changed a lot. Obviously diet and training have improved too.  Back then our league more or less picked the best from over here (and include the republic which for some reason counted as not being foreign!) Now its the best players from here plus the rest of the world. The money wasnt around to get the best foreigners back then. It is now but still not as easy to get South Americans over due to our own restrictions. Anyway, the European games tended to be more interesting back then as it really was English teams with British players against e.g. Italian teams with mainly Italian players in (although Boniek and Platini helped).


Nb: Liverpool could be very very good to watch back then and Lawrenson and Hansen didnt really need to pass the ball back to Brucie. Both were outstanding footballers. They scored a shit load of goals too so not sure how many 1-0 wins you saw. They didnt conced many, I'll give you that. Still hated the fuckers then but I'm a bit more gracious now.


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