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Posts posted by cambb

  1. One thing is for sure, the majority of Newcastle fans are totally behind him.


    The response he got from the crowd was brilliant. Both before the game and after the incident.


    The people who actually pay money and watch Barton respect what he brings to the team. The rest hide behind forums and listen too much to the media.



  2. A player dive, Barton picks him up and gets slapped and he's the bad guy. Common wise up. He was the driving force today and without him who lead the team Colo?

  3. Why not bring in Keane and Alfie Haaland. He finished his career, wasn't pissed and was caught and watched by millions.


    All Barton has done is get pissed and smacked some kid, which btw he got/served 6 months for. Not drink driving then killing somebody, snapping somebodies leg etc.


    Life moves on.

  4. The issue is now clubs don't need to sell players to make ends meet.


    We are also screwed because we are in the North East and another factor is we have a team of players with very little resale value bar Zog.


    Who would buy Michael Owen for say £5 million and then have to fork out £20 million in wages over 4 years?

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