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Posts posted by jarralad

  1. Fuck Keegan he should never set foot in st james park again,our downfall started when he left the first time and he left again leaving us further in the shit.


    If he loved the club as much as he makes out he could have atleast stayed until the next transfer window so we would of had some points and maybe avoided relegation.

  2. Peter Lee one of the supposed blokes behind this has just been on the legends and was basically laughed off,they havent got a chance.


    The legends is the North East Talkshite ran by 3 muppets and listened to by muppets.


    And anyone who thinks this savenewcastle thing will ever work are even bigger muppets.

  3. Some interested buyers may think he has no choice and might be able to force a better deal out of him but I think he will be happy to own us put no money in and see us go to the dogs.



    If he does that tho he's just losing more of his investment and the price he can expect from selling us will go lower and lower.

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