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Posts posted by Joey

  1. I know its not the most reliable of sources but im "mates" with Jonas on facebook, it looks genuine enough, loads of other players are his mates etc (although its probably not and he's the only player I actually have as one) BUT

    " i am really sorry to all the fans, i hope i am giving to chance to help get us back up where this club belongs".



    take it with a pinch of salt though :p

  2. I thought it was a bit cheesy from the off to be fair, especially with him shouting "Tooooooon" etc halfway through it.


    Could of picked somebody so much better to do it who wouldn't of also just abused away fans.

  3. I'd say this coming game with spurs is a must win, if we get nothing it's going to be a lot harder slog, however if we can get the win then it'd give us a little bit more momentum to carry us through to the end.


    However, it's got a draw written all over it for me.

  4. Despite being a bit of a twat as a person we don't really know who he signed or even what he exactly did, he didn't do too bad on negotions to be fair if that was his job.


    It's just somebody vent off at really i'm guessing, i'm not saying I personally liked him here, i'm glad he's gone but I also don't think he's deserving of a lot of the blame about the state of our club.

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