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Posts posted by Dogmatix

  1. 18,000 home fans watching that :lol:


    Fair play to all of them for turning up.



    Look North reckoned that sunderland had given away 20,000 tickets. Did I hear Dawn right ?

  2. Sensation as BBC Newcastle primarily reports on Newcastle.  Staggering, I know...


    The Newcastle Evening Chronicle does exactly the same thing. I think it is just inconsiderate.

  3. By the way I'm 65


    Pretty weird that your name is the twitter handle of an obscure rock band formed in 2010 by the mackem in YCNI:M and The Automatic...

    Zero Worship is freaking amazing


      Yep, your average 65 year old uses phrases like ''Zero Worship is freaking amazing'' all the time. You sad little child.

  4. Shame. Although he shafted us, he was one hell of a player and leader off and on the pitch for Liverpool and man city.


      Is this the same guy who told us, that his wife was so very homesick, that he would have to go back to Germany. Then signed for Liverpool ?

    I usually file this sort under ''Lying Twat ''


  5. In a strange way it makes me appreciate Rudd Gullit. He held his hands up  resigned and walked. All without aggitating for compensation.

    Even though his reign was hardly any good for us. He, unlike others had a modicum of integrity.

  6. Quick question that popped into my head...


    If Johnson told Sunderland the full truth when it came out, then why has Fletcher turned his back on Johnson after the guilty verdict and refused to come to court?

    Surely, Johnson/Sunderland would not have lied to all of the playing staff - if they have, imagine knowing your employer lied to you for 11 months and allowed a nonce to work alongside you.


      If you are summoned to court, you HAVE to go. I'm just summising here, but, perhaps the prosecution think they have enough without his evidence. possibly the defense would rather not have him on the stand. For whatever reason.  BTW are Fletcher and Johnson good mates ?


    He wasn't a prosecution witness, he was a defence witness.


    Johnson told the court that Fletcher refused to come to court after his guilty pleas, which begs the question as to why Johnson was "so honest" with SAFC and his girlfriend - but failed to tell one of his good mates.


    I have no idea why he wasn't summoned to court, especially as he was a witness for Johnson.


    I tried to cover all points without being too obvious. Perhaps the defence did not want Mr J and Mr M singing from seperate hymn sheets.

  7. Quick question that popped into my head...


    If Johnson told Sunderland the full truth when it came out, then why has Fletcher turned his back on Johnson after the guilty verdict and refused to come to court?

    Surely, Johnson/Sunderland would not have lied to all of the playing staff - if they have, imagine knowing your employer lied to you for 11 months and allowed a nonce to work alongside you.


      If you are summoned to court, you HAVE to go. I'm just summising here, but, perhaps the prosecution think they have enough without his evidence. possibly the defense would rather not have him on the stand. For whatever reason.  BTW are Fletcher and Johnson good mates ?


  8. If Sunderland had sacked him before the trial started, they would have prejudiced his case.

    i.e., ''his club sacked him therefore he is guilty''. He would then have been in a position to claim that he could not get an unbiased jury. As the case would have been seen to have been pre-judged, and MAY have been able to walk away from it all

    Everyone is entitled to a fair trial, and you are supposed to be innocent until proved otherwise. That applies to everyone, even if you are scum and lower than a snakes belly.

    Sunderland would have had legal advice on how to conduct themselves. As soon as he pleaded guilty to two counts, Sunderland could then sack him.

    You can rightly sack someone, provided you have genuine belief (in this case, an admission) that they have committed a serious offence and it impacts the company (serious damage to reputation).


    Any two-bit lawyer knows this, and the club would have been informed of this fact.


    The fact that the let him play, let alone sack him, shows that they would rather play a known child sex offender than risk relegation.


    This is absolutely wrong, and the club should be heavily fined.


    When other fans (rightly) lay into the mackems with paedo chants, they will not have a leg to stand on. By continuing to support the club, the are supporting an organisation that has knowingly harboured a paedophile.


    They really are a disgusting club.

    Not to mention a sizeable minority of their fans chanting things that attempted to made a joke of the situation. Good on some of their fans who stood up and said it was disgraceful.


      What they have done is morally reprehensible, but not illegal. I'm sure  football fans across the country will let them know what they think.

  9. If Sunderland had sacked him before the trial started, they would have prejudiced his case.

    i.e., ''his club sacked him therefore he is guilty''. He would then have been in a position to claim that he could not get an unbiased jury. As the case would have been seen to have been pre-judged, and MAY have been able to walk away from it all

    Everyone is entitled to a fair trial, and you are supposed to be innocent until proved otherwise. That applies to everyone, even if you are scum and lower than a snakes belly.

    Sunderland would have had legal advice on how to conduct themselves. As soon as he pleaded guilty to two counts, Sunderland could then sack him.



    Hang on. Looks like there's been an update in the Evening Standard. He now wants to go to Watford. He's like me every time I get a Chinese.


    Who gans to Watford for a Chinese, like?

    Me and Andros

    Just go on Justeat, they deliver.


    Nah the don't, just chicken, pork or beef.


  11. Easy to look at the ridiculous refereeing decisions like, but this carries on for as long as Ashley's here really. All the little reasons during matches are just insignificant sidenotes to the fact that the identity of our club and the idea of any club, but in this case our's, has been completely gutted from the inside out to the extent that the quagmire has engulfed our own fanbase and our identity as fans is supporting something because it bears a name and nothing more.


    There's no real desire to compete from owner to chairman, to staff, players and fans. Players that do are touted to bigger clubs by the media and our own club alike, fans that do are told they're deluded by the media, other fans and our own fans - such has Ashley stamped his identity upon NUFC.


    Other fans seem to wear failure as a badge of honour, as if to only prove their endurance for being relentlessly lied to, sold to, mocked and then asked for help in the form of not protesting, so that it doesn't 'affect the players' who by in quality and quantity alone are just one byproduct of why the atmosphere is so shit in the first place. People now go into derbies just not wanting to be embarrassed. That alone is fucking embarrassing and it's only something that goes unnoticed because it's gradual. That outlook in 2008 would have been laughed at and it should be now.


    Our identity as a club has almost entirely gone like. This is the one we have now, I don't see the one we had anywhere at any level.



    did you watch the game? this seems like an emo note to failure from someone who didn't watch what unfolded

    Yeah, I watched it until 2-0. The referee was terrible yes, but I think looking at the referee is just a sidenote. Pre-Pardew/Ashley Newcastle teams 1-0 down and a man down would have fought back to a 1-1 against a team as pitiful as that, shit ref or not.


    looking at the referee is a sidenote?


    you've all lost it, totally lost it like

    You'd have a point if we'd lost 1-0. It is a sidenote, as I've said, pre Pardew/Ashley teams would have fought back for a draw in that situation against a team as shit as that. Do you disagree with that point?


    I thought we did try to fight back, should have equalised but then ended up conceding more goals while chasing the game. Pretty hard to fight back when you are behind and down to 10 men. If the score was 0-0 then that's a different matter, we could just took a striker off and defended.


    Totally agree.

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