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Posts posted by furney89

  1. Wait a minute ... let me get this straight. So Milner actually has the nerve to ask for more money? Isn't he less than a year into a brand new contract? What the hell has he achieved in the last year?


    I find this to be quite shocking and bordering on the absurd, in fact it is very absurd. Bog standard, average joe of a player. In all honesty he is quite rubbish. Get rid of him immediately.



    Are you that naive to believe any article written by an article with no quotes.


    i think its outrageous you belived it, on what clearly is a slow news day, as it is everyday with newcastle at the moment because there simply isnt anything happening on the transfer front



  2. im sorry but if he left arsenal, why would he consider coming back to england, a place he did not enjoy living in and come to the north east?


    if he was homesick in london, which was probebly the best place for him to settle at first, he is not going to do much better in the north east



    no goals last year? sounds like some of our midfielders


    we need midfielder(s) that can score at least 10 a season in order to improve our squad


    reyes is a BIG NO NO for me


    plus hes likely to command a big wage

  3. I think SWP would provide the pace weve missed over the past couple of years from midfield


    geremi, barton and butt has to be one of the slowest midfields weve fielded in past years


    i think he would suit keegans style of football and would provide legs for some of the older midfielders we currently have


    butt has performed well in the past year, but hes getting old, however if we got some pace, on the wings, or through the middle with the right person playing alongside him, you could keep someone like butt in the starting line up and get away with it, despite him being slow


    although i think pace isnt everything, a good mix of pace, class and expierence in midfield is the key, look at the top clubs


  4. i watched beckford at brunton park the year before, and he was truly awful, looked like he had come straight out of non league


    he has however had a good season this year goal wise, hes obviously improved since ive seen him, but in terms of quality for the premiership? youve got to be joking?



    its a simple and easy story for the press to make up


    dennis wise - ex leeds manager - our DOF tries to sign a explayer whos had a good season - theve just linked two things together


    its such a easy story to create

  5. got several festivals lined up, going away to europe for a few days, play football


    probebly watch ssn to see if theres any EXCLUSIVE BREAKING NEWS everyso often

  6. what big name signings would want to coem here otehr than the money?


    the clubs been on a spiral down for years, we had some optermism under sam at the start, but weve sunkto new lows this year even after souness and roeder etc


    so tell me, which big name players want to come play up inthe north for us when were not in europe or anywhere near the top of the league...closer to the bottom tbh


    big name signings is not what we need, everton, aston villa, never built there team on big name players

  7. another week another humliation


    i dont care what people say, why cant we ever go for a proven manager,thats not just done "well" in the past like kk, and sam


    but someone whos won cups and have proven themselves,like ramos with seville, and sven with his past record


    im not saying we should of got them, but someone proven pedigree would be welcomed after so many mediocore managers who have come close to doing well inthere past


    im fully behind kk, i support the club through anything, but it gets tiring loosing liek this each week


    and i cant seewhere wer going to win our next game


    sad deflated newcastle fan :(

  8. ffs, why do people defend martins and give some bullshit excuse for a player with no football intelligence,


    all this "give him a manager who plays X way" or whatever doesnt wash with me


    end of the day, just because he isnt playing slightly higher up the pitch and is a couple of feet to the left or right DOESNT excuse him from sloppy play, no effot, awful first touch, no awarness, poor passing, he cant even stay onside sometimes when he played right up at the top




    he needs 3 or 4 good chances a game to score, its not good enough for a main striker


    i just laugh at all these people saying its allardyce, or when they say hes a "world class player" when hes no where close to players like henry etc



  9. martins is such a un-intelligent player, hes useless, all hes good for is running ,and the total unpredictability he brings to the team


    he has no knowledge, and some of his runs, are miles offside, when strikers should go to attack the nearpost, martins sits and waits back post, with about 3 defenders between him and the crosser


    frustrates me so much


    then he will score a goal, and the fans will think hes done enough and sing his name


    martins is not long term, and if the oppertunity arrives id move him on, not now, but if we get the chance, id rather have ashton or, if im very lucky anelka, who knows how to play football, finish and is clever


    martins just doenst give anything to the team when hes not in the game, and he hasnt this season at all really done much


    i appreciate he has raw pace, but his positioning and passing are so poor


    anyway rant over haha

  10. the whole wearing a toon top and wearing smith was a great PR stunt


    theres nothing better getting the majority of people behind you....than joining in with the crowd and being just like them by wearing the colours


    plus it shows his commitment to the club...which was questionble with all these rumours about takeovers....so it was fantastic to see him come out and show hes commiited



    hes had a huge impact in straightening the club out...and even though its early days ive got to salute him

  11. beye is far supirior to taylor at right back...no question about it



    i hope we keep a similar team, 


    im still suspect about gerami playing wide right, much prefer milner and natural winger getting up and down the wings



  12. Given 5 - poor

    Beye 5 - out of position quite a lot, struggled once johnson came on, seems quite soft for such a tall player, poor game overall

    Enrique 6 - promising. showed a bit of strength, went forward well, not the fastest and struggles to get back into position after forays upfield

    Cacapa 6 - decent, willl have to see the game again to make a proper analysis

    Faye 7 - won everything in the air, ref was needlessly harsh on him imo

    Milner 3 - did nothing, on the one occasion he actually beat a player he shouldve put an early cross into the box instead, messed up attacking positions every time he got the ball

    Geremi - 6 fought well, won most in the air, got to second balls very well, especially from the forward, covered the back line, doubled up on everton wingers, restricted arteta's influence

    Butt - 7 as good as Geremi in general play but well taken goal and pushed up better than usual, not much in the way of creativity tho

    N'Zogbia - 5 did fairly little tho out of position, cut inside to good effect on a few occasions

    Martins - 6.5 our most dangerous and creative player for most the match, unusually full of intelligent runs and good control, most our good opportunities fashioned between him and Smith bringing others into play, bad miss within 5 mins, worried lescott in the first half, disappeared in the 2nd

    Smith - 6 probably his best match for us in his "natural" position, some excellent link play with martins, but never looked like scoring in a million years, didn't get into dangerous positions at all, looks like a player without a proper role, perhaps shouldve been subbed rather than martins


    owen - 8 good goal, intelligent play, kept the ball well, good little understanding with emre

    emre - 9 his impact speaks for itself, has to put an end to the geremi-butt mediocrity.



    couldnt agreee less..... i like martins, but he becomes lazy especially in the second half


    i like him, but whats with the whole show of smooching around after a miss and trot pass the fans arms on hips


    hes not intelligent at all, passing is poor (although has improved this year) his greatest threat is pace and hes got good control once the balls down and some skill......


    his own pace creates his own chances...shame hes awfull at finishing...he should of had two today.. and against arsenal



    dont get me wrong i like him, but he needs to finish more often.... if he did he'd score 20+ easily


    intelligence comes the more he plays and hes slowly getting better

  13. apprently , just been listening to skysports news, they said gudjohnson was spotted at teeside airport (this was from a middlesbrough fan saying he was going on loan to them) but the ssn reporter at riverside said hes not been seen there at all today...............so he could be somewhere else in the north

  14. sort of a catch 22, unless you want him to only start cup matches.


    aye thats what i was implying. He can come on in the second half until he manages to score some goals, or at least show the potential to do that.


    didnt he kind of do that against barnsley? he scored, plus looked threatening

  15. the only reason owen would start is cause he was a proven goalscorer at the top level, something shola isnt,


    if he never starts, how will he get the chance to be a proven goalscorer again? surly he wont get in form or on the goal trails coming off the bench every week


    *its like saying "i wouldnt start luque till hes shown us he can score goals".......... he cant score goals on the bench



    *ps i know hes now left, but it was just a example

  16. i think sam will stick with shola (or viduka) and owen, simply because owens ready to start now, and viduka and shola have good pysical presence which is what we need


    they played well together, and owen and martins are not pysical enough for my likeing against bramble, bramble would knock them both over hes strong..even if the timing of his challenge aint so great




    milner,geremi,butt(or smith somewhere in the midfield),zog

    shola(or viduka), owen


    442 at home, two natural wide players, two strong center halfs, seems a good setup


    of course sam could pick a differnt formation and the team would be alot different from what i think


    aslong as given is fit, he will play.... and if cacapa is ready to start again, i cant see a reason he'd pick taylor over him... i dont think taylor will play RB, its not FM guys where u can stick players whereever, i know he used to play RB to get expierence in desperate times, but wont happen again

  17. I must admit i laughed for several minutes when i heard the news last night. I thought about all the times this prick was a total c*** towards the club and how little he actually valued his career as a footballer or his ability to be a role model for children.


    Today i'm not laughing, just my sense of relief he's gone and is not our problem anymore has been reinforced to a point where this is probably the best sale of a player this club has seen in a long time.


    However i do not wish him a speedy recovery, that is reserved for people who deserve it, for those bothered about the football, for those who are decent people, which Dyer certainly isn't and never will be no matter how many times he gets to try and change peoples opinions of him, he fails everytime.



    ffs u speak about him as if hes a murderer ,"he doesnt deserve a quick recovery", the guys broke his leg in two places,get a grip no need to be bitter, i hope he recovers, ok im not too fond of him as a footballer, and your point about him being a **** etc is correct, but bit harsh to be like "i hope he deoest recover quick blah la la" is just a bit much,


    dyer was lucky to land a job which payed alot of money, hes not a murderer,pysco, rapist, hes is a decent guy (not the best football or attitude) however there is probebly many people who watch football that arnt decent people, who are alot worse than dyer


    who cares, he aint our player anymore

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