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Felling Mag

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Posts posted by Felling Mag

  1. Gateshead


    So why aren't you called Gateshead Mag?


    Felling is in Gateshead.


    Im from Gateshead by the way.


    My bad.


    I thought Felling was a new area.


    And there is no option for Felling.


    Why arent you called Heron09?



    and; Peter Crouch, Ashley Cole, Darren Bent, Micheal Dawson, Younis Kaboul, Scott Parker, Paul Robinson, Dirk Kuyt.


    He's one of the best left backs in the world ffs.


    Fantastic player.


    Yeah, i just fucking hate him.

  3. I reckon this is one of the main reasons British talent is falling behind other European countries.


    Places like France, Spain, Germany tend to attract more Africans...who in general are more athletic and better at Football. Britain's main migrant population is Asian who dont tend to like football. In theory we should have a great cricket team.


    So it can only be a good thing encouraging different people to watch the game.

  4. 'Newcastle will probably do just about enough to stay up — even if they don’t deserve it.'


    This sort of drivel pisses me off, if you stay up you deserve too. If you go down you deserve to.

  5. Even if everyone in the stadium shouted and balled for the whole game, it would make fuck all difference to the performance due to the fact half the players dont give a shite about the clubs future.

  6. Samba















  7. Toon Ultras don't intend to out sing other parts of the ground, we try to instigate and encourage other fans to sing. I reckon it would of been a great atmosphere yesterday regardless of our location.

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