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Felling Mag

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Posts posted by Felling Mag

  1. Steyvun Fletcha out for up to 6 weeks.  Graham up top by himself in the derby?


    Good news but I was confident of a result regardless of him playing or not.

  2. A lad called @FTM_BOB sent me this on twitter.


    #WeMeantWhatWeSaid. About taylor u dirty little tramper, SMB sucks mackem balls...#safcfamily #ftm



    What a lovely, educated bunch they are.


    This would be him i think, he just posted something similar on a mates FB






    His about section......


    'Just bought our 5 year old Grandson his first pair of Doc Martins! Happy Days FTM'


    Odd man

  3. Anyone else think that maybe this injury is a smoke screen for him to return to Argentina to sort out his problems?


    Which problems, namely that he wants to leave to go back to Argentina? :lol:


    So he's decided that within a year of signing a new contract? I may not be Hercule Poirot but something drastic must of happened for him to have such a change of heart.




    "I detest racialism, because I regard it as a barbaric thing, whether it comes from a black man or a white man."

    Nelson Mandela




    Good thing he was just doing the chicken dance, as per when the opposition score ;)





  5. I seriously can't wait another day to see him back in action. Up until now, watching him has been a little bit like watching a shark in an aquarium. He's still dominating the water and the one people come to watch, but he never fullfills his potential. Considering what magic we've seen him doing from an aquarium, imagine what he might be able to acomplish swimming in an ocean.



  6. I agree that Jonas has struggled massively this season and also agree his days are numbered. Would still like to keep until the end of the season though, hopefully just as cover. I don't want our young players to be chucked into the deep end anymore this season. They're aren't ready and would prefer Jonas to get stick than them.

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