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wyn davies

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Posts posted by wyn davies

  1. 4 minutes ago, buzz said:


    Once Sky Sports started uploading match highlights within hours of the games finishing I thought MOTD's days were numbered. People interested in tactical analysis are probably watching dedicated YouTube/TikTok channels too, not the kind of generic stuff you get from Shearer and co. I'd be interested in seeing a demographic breakdown. Ironically I'd assume most MOTD viewers are older (i.e. the kind most likely to hate Lineker :lol: )

    Yep we are and do on both accounts, will be interesting as you say to see the breakdown

  2. 15 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:

     Both of those things, unsurprisingly, aren't actually true, but that's by-the-by, this is a question of free speech. Presumably you'd have a problem with this happening to someone who's said what you just have, who you don't think is a tosser. On that basis alone it's a problem for all of us, regardless of what the actual opinion is.

    Don't have a problem with Free Speech have a problem with individuals ( not yourself btw) such as wokes determining how people voice there opinions , example England colonising Northern Ireland is one prime example , where clearly they don't have a clue about history , just like Liniker

  3. 33 minutes ago, TheBrownBottle said:

    First - where’s your source re ‘the majority’ of them being Albanian?


    Also - it’s not a good idea to mix up economic migrants who’ve entered without a visa with people seeking refuge.


    The changes to the law effectively block any asylum seekers arriving in the UK.  It’s a breach of international law - there’s no two ways about it.  Per gbandit’s comment, there’s no requirement at all to ‘seek asylum in the first country you arrive in’.  Might be best not to get your news from racist groups on facebook

    BBC figures upto Dec 2022

  4. 2 hours ago, TheBrownBottle said:

    They don’t talk about politics on the show - why would they need to do that?


    Breaking international law and treating people seeking asylum like vermin is beyond politics.  It’s humanitarian position - the BBC does Comic and Sports Relief and no-one moans on that they are political.   

    This may or may not be the case re international law, but the question being is that the present majority of those crossing the water at the moment are Albanians to work for criminal gangs , and all these other people that do cross the water are supposed to seek refuge in there first port of call , whichever EU country they land in, so why come through all of those to get here is the real question, nah Liniker is a tosser

  5. 5 hours ago, wormy said:


    Does anyone know much about the 'world feed comentary' he's referring to? Do known names do it or is it lower budget?

    The world feed is used on various foreign channels such as BEIN sports, USA , Canada and DAZN etc to provide English speaking commentary for Expats etc, in reality the BBC can run MOTD perfectly adequately without pundits etc or anyBBC commentators .

  6. Regards Lineker, ultimately once the story / pundits become bigger than the show then decisions are made and taken, Lineker always been a nob and deserves everything he gets, as for Shearer and the rest of the self rightous little twats they can FRO as well , sick of them getting paid large sums for what? presenting a TV programme , none of them are god's , bout time Lineker got f*ckef off, he'll be okay though, can carry on with his La Liga show on Spanish telly !

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