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wyn davies

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Posts posted by wyn davies

  1. Rather have Forest up with us than WBA tbh.


    Me too, but I'll worry about that once we are guaranteed promotion. Until then I hope they lose every week.


    correct answer.


    great result for us. now come on Sheff Utd


    Are WBA home or away?


    we've had umpteen chances to pull away hopefully now is the time to stop pretending,Forest could be at the start of their rough spell

  2. I agree Keegan would of danced this league with the players we have, Hughton is just to negative, why do we have to grind out results, if the other teams in this league were any good they would of been out ages ago and that includes Forest,under Keegan today,  we would of been done and dusted by christma played the reserves for the rest of the season and ll gone on holiday.Infact we wouldn't of even been in this league.

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