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wyn davies

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Posts posted by wyn davies

  1. thought R Taylor played well enough for Debut, thought S Taylor was sh*te and caught a few times out of position allowing Baggies in on the left as for Lover thought  he was a greyhound, as for Duff played well against a poor team shame he can't always do it.


    Ameobi god wot a plonker  should have played Xisco from the start with Lovers brought Viduka on midway second half to give Xisco /Lovers a break due to lack of match practice.

  2. He hasn't played many games over the last 2 years and he has only just got back from injury and was not fit in the Sunderland game.  This could contribute to why he hasn't played so well.


    That's me being nice to him.  :aww:


    I know he's being picked because he can rough up the opposition a bit, but he has been very poor on the ball.  I felt he was quite good at holding up the ball and laying it on in the first half against West Brom SOME of the time, but he rapidly got worse and the second half he was terrible.  I recall at one point it being 2 vs 2 and he had an easy diagonal through ball to play and he f***ed it up. 


    We've got him for another 3 years, I can't see him being sold under Kinnear.  I just hope he only gets played as cover as he shouldn't get 90 minutes on the pitch, we have other players who can do a better job than him and contribute more.




    he is a plodding carthorse and nothing but a bone idle muppet, whereby  the biggest and fattest kid always gets bashed up and in the last couple of games he has certainly been bashed up, how can a 5stone weakling take the ball from him and he bounces off like he did yesterday, he appears to bel ost on the pitch doesn't where to go or what to do .

  3. I think you'll find Enrique lobbed on the bench and Ryan taylor taking the left back position, shame really cause Enrique has improved vastly and I think he's doing well.

  4. Absolute legend.


    I'd f***ing love it if, just as a one-off, for that Masters 5-a-side they could recreate the Newcastle team from 1995-1997












    Canny 5-a-side squad that





    so how many of the present first team squad would be good enough to get in that team? would suggest none of 'em

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