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Posts posted by Steggy

  1. like the line up. best we could've gone for i reckon. hope the boys are pumped and give these french cunts something to be scared of cus otherwise they're gunna play us off the park. ashley young is the key, if he has a shit game, we'll have a shit game. COME ON ENGLAND

  2. http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/181012_322514761157633_1973386700_n.jpg


    The England team visiting Oscar Schindler's factory...


    :lol: at first glance i was like sheeeeeeet JT going downnn

  3. It's a great course to do. but it is a big jump.


    You have to 'log' in 12 hours of coaching and the sessions have to be level 2 sessions.


    This is basically broken down into a Technical, Skill then a game session.


    That's the very basics of it.


    It's around  50% pass rate


    i see, how long is it over?


    thanks for the info anyway

  4. I'm furious with David, I bet on Ukraine without any knowledge of the game, I was relying on his German efficiency.


    worst thing you can do is listen to the cock suckers in this thread. i was lead to beleive by someone that samoa would fuck up tahiti. turns out tahiti are absolutely class. they won me a lil bit of money today and i will be looking out for them in future fixtures to back again.

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